I don't want to be a goat farmer but I do find people that work hard to make management richer are insufferable.
""" A man is walking into the office when he sees his boss pull into the parking lot in a brand new sports car. "Wow! Nice car! How'd you afford that?" he says.
The boss smiles at him and says, "Listen. If you work hard, hit all your numbers this quarter, put in some overtime, then I can buy another one next quarter." """
yeah... fuck LinkedIn, Xing and all those social media made for career pigs.
UUuh look how successful I am working 80 hours per week for this prestige company.
No you idiot, you are a wage slave nothing more!
wage slave
I think a lot of the people working that much make more money than they actually want to spend. The few that I know do. (They invest most of it.) They still want to have even more, but in the way that an athlete wants to set a new record.
I want to have enough to retire and not have to move to goat country, because I don't actually want to raise goats, I just want to work on my own engineering projects.
Goat farming is probably harder than most jobs on LinkedIn. Except you won't end as a
psychicalmental wreck.I don't know about that. Farming involves a lot of physical labor. Also, goats have horns.
My wife's best friend grew up on a goat farm. She does not recommend it. She has stories.
I can't tell if 'psychical' is a mispelling of physical or if some people feel the word psychological needs to be shortened into a new word.
Psyche is the mind. Psychology is the study of the mind.
Psychical is of or pertaining to the mind. Psychological is of or pertaining to the study of the mind.
What about checking out a dictionary ?
Personally, I'd prefer cows to goats. They're like giant dogs 😃
I have 13 goats. They are all like dogs. It's hard to feed them in the mornings without tripping over them.
I can agree. Cows are much cooler than goats(also goats are quite some assholes who will exploit every hole in the fence).
I want to do my job that I like. Even make money for the shareholders. Nobody seems to be interested though so fuck it goat farming it is.
Speaking from someone who spent high school living on a goat farm, you don't want to have a goat farm.
Goats are absolute assholes. This fuckers will find even the smallest hole in the fence and break out of it. Sheep are already bad, but goats are the worst.
I'm a farmer but fuck goats. They're creepy weird animals that destroy everything they're in contact with.
Cows can kill but at least they have pretty eyes.
I'm a farmer but fuck goats
Yah, I reread that and decided to let it stand to give somebody with sharper eyes than me a chuckle.
I know goats ≠ sheep, but this reminded me of this.
I am definitely sliding down from the peak toward a trough. In which direction I can't say tho.
Bar owner for me. Seriously if my biggest worries were drunks and selling beer, real actual tangible problems instead of the shit in the corporate world. Im so tired of the corporate world
The trick is to own a bar that doesn't get super busy so you make money but also don't have to deal with drunks getting into fights all the time and such.
To be fair, the pro-work propaganda is directed at the middle of the bell curve. That guy in the middle has bespoke mindfuck beamed into his brain 24-7, but the guys on the ends are well out of the line of fire.
I want to make LSD and moonshine in my mountain compound with my comrades
My "I wanna be a goat farmer," which I doubt will ever happen, is a recording studio with only pre-1950s equipment. Everything goes live into ribbon mics, through a tube mixer (pots, not faders!) and lathed directly onto a master disc. No digital anything, no multitrack, not even condenser mics. A place for musicians to record music like they did once upon a time...
I could never afford to do it, but it's a fun dream.
I'll just say, compared to my day job, I'd rather be a goat farmer.
This shit is fucked.
My parents were the middle ones so now I got an MSc and a good career. Aaand I'm contemplating whether I should just be a goat farmer instead.
I just wanna love on a boat going all over the place
Only problem is to get a boat that could do that (even going full cheap AF route) is so bloody expensive
Not to mention I basically have to have at least a small income stream otherwise I can't see a doctor
I keep looking at my spreadsheet going "someday"
If you can tolerate giving Musk $165 a month, Starlink makes it possible to work remote without issue on a boat. But also you have to give Elon $165 a month, so...
Or wait until Amazon has their own network so you can give Bezos your $165...yay.
I've often thought about this kind of thing myself. Hang in there, I guess. :/
I’m trying to have it both ways by keeping my desk job and building/upgrading a koi pond at home. I read more about the oxidation of organic compounds than about the compilation of code, and every day I inch further to the right in this meme.
I highly recommend having significant hobbies far outside your area of work.
No way in hell I'd want to be a farmer these days. That shit seems like the most stressful career possible.
Something like gardener/groundskeeper looks good to me though.
I wanna be a goat farmer ಠ◡ಠ
I feel seen...