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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 11
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How do you think independently?
  • Well, you answered your own question 3 times. Consider the nature of that kind of conversation.

    In a nutshell, thinking coarsens as it passes hand to hand. First-hand is finest. Fourth-hand is a crude and nigh-solipsistic.

    So that's one argument for independent thought.

  • AreWeTheBaddies.gif
  • It's also the Roman salute, which predates nazis and fascists.

    And you gotta admit, it's a powerful gesture.

    Also, he runs a company that makes spaceships. Which is pretty awsome.

    Think about that while you work your shitty 9-to-5

  • How do you think independently?
  • I think that isolating oneself in a cave might be best.

    Imagine an illusion, the matrix, built not of scifi machinery but of habit, maintained by the presence of others.

    Get alone and the habits dissolve. And then the invisible becomes visible.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Because drugs are bad mmmkay?

    And drugs are defined by tv shows. Drugs are pills.

    Also, talk about drugs anywhere and you'll encounter 40-somethings with an unreasonable hatred of drugs. They get crazy. That's the "just say no" propaganda talking. It was pushed in the schools in the 80s, and we still hear the echoes.

    It's a testament to the power of media and propaganda.

  • Decentralized Social Media Is the Only Alternative to the Tech Oligarchy
  • Yes of course.

    But by what method or algorithm does this DECENTRALIZED SOCIAL MEDIA system protect us from propagandists and censors?

    What is a method in THAT?

    Distributed tagging and voting? The grace of our benevolent moderators? Something else?

    I mean, combatting propaganda and censorship is the #1 issue here.

  • How do you think independently?

    I mean, we all hear about people thinking what they think only because the people around them think it too. So how do you avoid doing that?


    What big tropes are found in the movies of some cultures but pretty much absent in others?

    For example : Megadeaths happen with nary an eye batted in Japanese movies, but you rarely see that kind of thing in the American. And the total dominance of the aristocracy over the underclasses is as assumed and invisible as gravity in French movies, but it seems to be taboo elsewhere.


    Paying attention is actually ignoring because when you pay attention to one thing you ignore everything else.


    You read an article, written by somebody you never met, accusing a person you never met, citing evidence you never saw. Now you feel angry at the accused person. What does that make you?


    Neuters of Lemmy : Do you enjoy romcoms?


    Fiction is basically a drug.

    Both : Give pleasure. Alter your consciousness. Are addictive. Are delivered via a small, portable device.


    Do you often dumb-down what you say on social media?


    Do you prefer a polite request with an implicit punishment-threat or an outright demand with an explicit punishment-threat? Also, why?


    What do you worry about the most?


    Reality is made of the physical world and talk, but talk has recently gotten much bigger. How has this changed reality?


    Are the dreams of youth the regrets of maturity? Really?

    Or was Darkness just blowing smoke?
