You had the choice of "your" (correct) and "you're" and yet for some reason you chose to mix the two and I either respect you for it or am very upset but I don't know why.
To be clear, I believe vegan/vegetarian is the morally correct position even though I do eat meat. My point is that if we worked together we could cause more good in the world than we do by fighting.
Getting the average omnivore down to the recommended 6-8 ounces of meat per day would make a tremendous difference on its own. I really didn’t know how much excess protein I was consuming until I made some vegan and vegetarian friends.
Woah 200g of meat a day is well sufficient... That is basically my max amount since I pretty much only have meat at dinner and that's more than a chicken breast which is the most amount of meat I'd consume at one time. I do consume quite a bit of dairy though (used to be cheese, but now for dieting reasons it's quark yogurts, milk, etc) and a few eggs, need that protein.
But the rest is all legumes, veggies, nuts, cereals, good carbs, etc. I'd struggle to eat more meat than that even when I didn't give a shit about my diet I think, but now that I do I also cut out all the non lean stuff so that does play a role.
The vegan communities, in my experience, are pretty spiky. Even amongst vegans there's a huge rift, like they're competing on whose version is most ethical. It's turned me off actually interacting with them as I find my own balance of reducing suffering into this world.
I think it's a general issue of any community that's organized around a belief and/or got ousted by society for too long I guess. Of course there'll always be people who are like this from the beginning, perhaps due to trauma, bad upbringing, bad education or whatever.
Gotta imagine a militant vegan bible-belt Linux FOSS-Bro… oh my god…
I'm a species-specific eater. I don't eat beef or pork because I like pigs and cows they are adorable and I wish them all the best.
I do eat lamb, because sheep are idiots and I got kicked by one as a child. For similar reason, I would also eat horse if it was commercially available.
Chickens would eat me if our sizes were reversed so they are fair game too. If you didn't want to get farmed you shoulda stayed T-Rex sized.
I eat mushrooms, but I am a little apprehensive about it because I know they are smarter than humans
The new forest has a significant 'wild' pony population. More than the forest can support over winter. The excess is gathered up and sold. While some are brought as riders, most are sold to france. On a completely unrelated note. France has no problem eating horse.
This comment section is the opposite. I started nice and explaining things and people got all pissed. And you're proving my point by further misrepresenting what happens.
That's called activism purism, I call it activism puritanism.
It's, again, a very conservative way of being an activist but somehow appears in leftist groups.
But I can't shake the fact that there's limits, anything that feels like a personal choice but impact hugely others, like vaccination.
Vegan here, bottom left is a very small but sometimes very loud minority.
Top left is kinda wrong because veganism is a moral position. You wouldn't say „I personally don't like killing people but I do respect your religious tradition of human sacrifice“ (being hyperbolic to hammer home the point).
Mostly, a vegan diet is even cheaper than an omnivorous diet and where that might not be the case there's A.) something completely wrong with the agricultural economy and B.) most vegans would agree that these problems need to be solved.
(and correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there some political quafaffel about egg prices being too high in the US? (half joke here))
@[email protected] I see the point you're trying to make (and explained in your other comment) but this is an unfair misrepresentation of vegans. I'm sure this is your perception, but it seems your perception is warped and ill informed by said small but loud minority of vegans and also other, usually intentional misrepresentation of vegans by other media.
Edit for the boneheads that rip shit out of context and are just unable of reading a text:
The loud minority is people screaming around that people should rather starve before eating animals. Most vegans usually keep to themselves and if a discussion comes to the topic of veganism explain their point like the normal people they are.
Isn't it a little weird to call vegans who say eating meat is murder a "loud minority", and then explaining why you cannot be a vegan without saying that eating meat is murder (hyperbole or not)?
Is there something in your comment I'm missing, or is this supposed to be some self-aware joke?
I mean... If they didn't believe veganism had a moral high ground they wouldn't be doing it. That's something and badgering people about how eating meat is literally murder is something else.
You wouldn’t say „I personally don’t like killing people but I do respect your religious tradition of human sacrifice“
In most cultures killing people is significantly worse than killing animals, so this comparison doesn't really make sense.
The point I'm trying to make is that if vegans and non vegans worked together we could lower the amount of meat we eat and reduce the suffering of animals, even if it's not the perfect goal of zero animal product consumption. And that's something we should all want to work towards.
In most cultures killing people is significantly worse than killing animals, so this comparison doesn't really make sense.
It makes sense from a vegan's perspective because the whole reason we're vegan is that in our opinion, animals do have (morally) or should have (legally) the same rights to live and not be abused and exploited as humans do.
And again, the point of my comment is not criticizing your point but criticizing the way you try to bring it across by misrepresenting a few hardcore militant vegans as being the norm. Most vegans meanwhile applaud people who want to cut their consumption of animal products and offer them help.
Can people please shut the fuck up about veganism for 5 seconds? Jesus christ, the dumbass infighting is why conservatives keep winning. Elon Musk and his nepo-baby "employees" are ransacking the federal government, ICE is rounding people up and trying to get neighbors to snitch on each other, several million people don't know how much longer they're going to be employed, and apparently we're about to build and then subsequently bankrupt casinos in Gaza, and leftists can't stop nitpicking over things that, yes, are important, but are the kind of thing we can slap fight over when the US isn't on fire. I swear to god, I'm gonna start smacking people upside the head.
I'm not blaming it on vegans. I've been vegan for years. I think more people should try it. I'm blaming it on the fact that people can't shut up about stuff like what we're eating long enough to be effective. Right now, there are an awful lot more people than usual in my community seeking out food banks and I don't give a shit what they eat as long as they're fed. I'm running a food drive and I don't care if people bring beef stew all day.
And the people who see the word "vegan" and feel compelled to rush in to shit on the idea are equally at fault. Like, nobody asked you to come in to the conversation and start complaining about how annoying all vegans are. Or worse, posting about it out of nowhere. How is that productive?
How about people eat what they want and we can argue about the moral and environmental ramifications of those choices when we stop living in such interesting times.
To be clear, veganism is not THE issue. It's one of many leftists can't seem to stop arguing about long enough to make concrete changes.
The right fights just as much, that’s not why you’re a loser
It’s not ‘nitpicking’, it’s literally life or death. If you don’t understand the vital importance of animal liberation you can’t understand the connections between it and colonialism or environmentalism either… then therefore it’s not ‘infighting’ it’s just fighting and you’re the dumb asshole that needs ‘smacked on the head’
You know nothing about me. I haven't eaten meat since 1995 and I've been fully vegan for several years. I've been sharing information with people about the realities of factory farming and our current food system for literal decades. I know for a fact that way more than one person has changed their diet as a direct result of those conversations.
But when ICE is rounding people up down the street, and trans people are in my office trying to get passports and telling me they're afraid they're going to end up in prison and forcibly detransitioned, and my mom came home livid because some racist old fuck cornered her coworker in an elevator and demanded to know where she was from and she's terrified because her cousin was "deported" and no one has heard from her in a week, forgive me if conversations about veganism are not my priority right now. You know who can't be convinced to change their habits? People who are dead or in prison camps or who don't get a choice because their diet is "whatever the food bank has this week."
Conservatives don't fight like this - they say they feel some type of way and then they go and vote for the person with an R no matter what. Meanwhile, liberals and leftists will hold out for a perfect candidate, fight over everything, and then turn around and act shocked when our garbage electoral system doesn't work out in our favor.