I read somewhere (but have no verification of this fact to offer) that the person in the picture isn't even the one doing this and it's a weird stalker / revenge situation going on here.
A few days before I got this I got one asking if I wanted in on some stocks or some shit, blocked, then I got this in duplicate, blocked, and now I've gotten this same one every day for like 3 days, each time it's two of em. I block, the chick makes more. The chick is relentless, infinite, and eternal. We must choose now whether to destroy the chick or to worship her, there are no other options.
i guess it's a case of each instance admin whacking these moles as they pop up. also having anti bot signup defenses.
I'm guessing there's also stuff that could be done server side to stop single accounts sending the same message to > 100 people or something like that. not sure if that's already implemented though.
Is it kind of weird that I wasn't excited to read my inbox because there's like a 60% chance some Tankie I pissed off sent me a manifesto explaining why he thinks the 1930s and later russian economy was actually good?
Like, I check it out of courtesy, but I don't get my hopes up for replies and DMs.
So far the majority of replies I receive on Lemmy are either a really thoughtful answer to something I asked or a Thank You for a recommendation I've given so I do look forward to them when I open Lemmy and see the little icon
To be fair, it fits the narrative. If I was some Polish student arriving in Canada to go to TMU, I probably would have no idea it used to be called Ryerson.
TBH I had no idea Ryerson changed their name until these messages started coming in, lol.