Treat all opinions with a grind of salt.
Username similarity could be coincidental.
They installed an extra jet, but in wrong place 😅 /s
But holding a pee isn't healthy for everyone.
Also you should be hydrated during a day.
No bathroom breaks during classes.
You can't leave classroom without good cause.
When you ask for permission to use the toilet, there are low chances to grant it. Unless you are a girl, gender bias.
Good luck to find an empty toilet, if you have "shy bladder", between classes.
TIL Bulgaria is in the EU.
Underrated country.
Says guy with ICC's arrest warrant.
Do it yourself
No, cuttlefish have. Dunno why they called it octopus squid.
EDIT: confused octopus with squid.
I want more sun after my work. Local time zones don't make any sense.
Yeah, bingo.
I hope there are no backdoors in a firmware or modem.
Unlocking bootloader took me few hours.
I must register new account, install Windows application (Linux not supported, but Windows Server evaluation is free and works as a VM),
have valid SIM card with Internet access.
But worth it, much better experience.
Unfortunately, average person won't do all this things.
Progressive prices! Much usage = much prices.
This is why we can't have nice thing.
Noo. No external isolation. Mold is incoming.
Video about home containers, which I think is very informational.
Replacing proprietary OS with another proprietary OS.
If you would like to support my work.... My best videos... URBEX videos... Fun l...
February 20, 1927
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> La soluzione al #traffico era già nota nel 1927 > > In un manifesto dell'azienda di trasporto di Wichita Falls, si chiede di dare priorità al trasporto di massa, perché molto più efficiente: in un #tram possono sedersi comodamente le persone portate da ben 28 #auto (con 2 persone per auto, stima ottimistica). > > 100 anni fa era già tutto li: problema e soluzione > > @energia #mezziPubblici #mobilitaSostenibile > > Trovata qui: >
Should we add a rule about AI?
My proposition:
- no AI generated images/drawings,
- AI content should be marked as [AI].
What do you think?
Kierowca ciężarówki to nudna i monotonna praca, dlatego oglądają filmy czy sekskamerki
Do tego zawodu nie idą orły. To ludzie, którzy godzą się na brak toalety czy spanie w kabinie. Praca kierowcy to nuda i monotonia. Większość zabija czas gadając przez telefon, albo oglądając filmy – tak o kulisach pracy kierowców zawodowych pisze dla osoba nadzorująca ich pracę Od lat nadzo...
Fraudsters steal 22 tonnes of high-value cheddar
Fraudsters targeted the high-value cheddar by pretending to be legitimate wholesalers.
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Fraudsters steal 22 tonnes of high-value cheddar
Fraudsters targeted the high-value cheddar by pretending to be legitimate wholesalers.
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Taranował na S7 jadąc 90 km/h. W Polsce jest ciche przyzwolenie na łamanie prawa przez ciężarówki
Kierowca ciężarówki, który staranował auta w korku na trasie S7, jechał blisko 90 km/h. Dopuszczalna prędkość takich pojazdów na drogach szybkiego ruchu w Polsce wynosi 80 km/h. Prawie każda ciężarówka łamie ten limit i od lat nikt się tym nie przejmuje