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Cracks_InTheWalls Cracks_InTheWalls


Posts 28
Comments 429
Finally, proof that the aliens were working with Hitler!
  • Aside from the fact that it'd be very easy to dox this guy if they did, I too would be interested to read it.

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • Be there this weekend.

    If you feel strongly enough about this - or anything, really - trust your instinct and give yourself permission to act without asking it of strangers. Said sympathetically, I'm not immune to this phenomenon either.

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • As Canadians, this should alarm us as well. The U.S is our biggest trading partner, we share the largest land border in the world, our political climate is directly impacted by what goes on to the south, and we have our own growing alt-right movement which the CP is pandering to - taking direct inspiration, if not outright manipulation, from the same elements at play in the U.S.

    We are not immune to any of this. The deeper the U.S. gets into the shit, the more dire the implications for Canadians become. If Project 2025 comes to be, and our government doesn't play ball with their approach to international relations, we're fucked. If we DO play ball, we're probably also fucked in different ways.

  • 2meirl4meirl
  • Lemon tek, shroom tea with as much fungal material removed as possible, or if you have the stomach for it chewing really well and chewing on fresh ginger afterwards.

    All three ways have dramatically helped my imaginary friend with their nausea.

    Edit: Same imaginary friend had the following to say about acid - if you're taking a full on, deep diving dose, take the day off and do it in the morning. You'll probably be good to sleep at a decent time v. doing it in the afternoon/evening. Good trips often require some planning - that's why they're called trips!

  • This seems like a troll effort that went too far and became real
  • Wow, this brought back a weird memory.

    There was a very old internet 'trend' that had folks basically stretching and helicoptering their dicks on a regime with the idea that over time, it would make them bigger.

    Basically dicksmashing.

  • Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right.
  • In an age of LLM, Seaman needs a remake.

  • I tried to explain ADHD math to someone and they didn't understand at all
  • It's interesting how people develop (or are taught, I guess) different compute models. My brain generally works in increments of 5 and 10 ('normal'), 8 ('8*8= my Nintendo 64', thought over and over again as a kid), and 6 (no idea why). Works that way for pretty much all of the basic operations.

    Like looking at this, I automatically convert it to 6+6+1.

    Not great at math generally, though - really should go back and relearn the stuff I should've grasped in high school.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • Used to love it, had too many weird promptless experiences, unplugged it and now it's gathering dust on a shelf.

    Though it was nice to say "Hey google, tell me today's news" and get a few different news updates while making coffee.

    Edit: Out of sheer curiosity, have you tried factory resetting it?

  • Don't Put It In Your Mouth (Full Version, 1992)
  • Concerned Children's Advertisers and WarAmps put out some amazing PSAs back in the day.

  • The internet connects people
  • No need to apologize, was just curious - figured folks is gender-neutral as is, never saw an alternate form of it before.

    Sincerely, thanks! Didn't know this was a thing for anyone.

  • The internet connects people
  • Off-topic, but if you don't mind me asking, why folx over folks?

  • Back in my day we used Corel WordPerfect at school.
  • See the house that Corel built, and weep ['cause it throws taste right out of the window]

  • MAGA panics before Donald Trump's first debate with Biden
  • I. Fucking. Love this.

    Thank you so much for sharing!!

  • What's the story you would write if you were an author?
  • There's something good here - if anyone takes this up leave a link or something for us other folks to check out, too.

    The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about fleshing this out: who/what made the train station? Given it's a place people stay only for a short amount of time before being whisked off to their afterlife, what does the MC learn staying there for so much longer?

  • What's the story you would write if you were an author?
  • I'd love to write a really good acid western. So far all I have are daydreams about being a badass old west drifter to the music of Spindrift.

    Edit: I suppose there's also what I started when I tried (and failed) NaNoWriMo, which was a horror story about a pathogen that made people deranged killers of a spectacular nature. There was a fight in a stained glass factory, that was kinda cool. Should see if the laptop with the draft still boots...

    (If I recall the movie correctly, it was basically The Crazies, but more violent and written before the 2010 version came out [never saw the 1973 version])

  • MAGA panics before Donald Trump's first debate with Biden
  • The Toke-Athalon - a three stage sport involving [some thing], a 1 gram rolling and smoking race, and a round of trivia.

    Back in the day we had a regular civil disobedience event that had a game like this, but it was cannabis activism trivia, roll and smoke race, and more cannabis activism trivia. Surely there's a better third event somewhere.

  • The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • You tell your family members to do the same, both when asked about you and for themselves.

  • I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades.
  • There are people trying pretty hard to make that happen, though mostly in the context of supervised medical interventions.

    Which I'm here for - while a lot of people do OK (fantastically even) with less structured psychedelic experiences, many do not. A really bad trip can do a number on you, sometimes for a long while.

  • Get sorted...
  • You may not be into the music and culture - and that's cool - but you definitely get it.

    Thank you for sharing this - sounds like it was a hard, but necessary, thing for you to write. Send your cousin that text man, I'm sure he'd appreciate it.

  • Get sorted...
  • A lot of Juggalos take the Juggalo Family thing very seriously.

    Doesn't describe all of the fans, but think about it for a sec - think like the biggest stereotype of a Juggalo. Fucked up home life, outcast at school, not well educated, hopeless feeling, more than average chance they've been homeless or dangerously close to it, etc. Then offer them some semblance of feeling like they belong to something, as they are, and are part of something like a family.

    For a lot of people, that's powerful fucking stuff, and most of the Juggalos I know are there for it (whether these were their circumstances, or not) and act accordingly.

    Fuckin' love Juggalos. There's a demo cd or something for The Wraith album that has a track that pretty much sums this stuff up, imo, if I find it I'll leave the link. Edit: Found it. Strongly recommend anyone who doesn't quite get this stuff listen:

  • [Discussion] Let's talk about

    Because someone, eventually, is going to make this post anyway, we might as well get it over with. I know someone posted something a week ago, but I feel something a little more neutral would be useful.

    There's a lot of talk on right now about at an instance level (edit: see here: A lot of it is very similar to the discussions we've had here before- accusations of ideologically-based censorship, promotion of authoritarian left propaganda, 'tankie-ism', etc. The subject of the admin's, and Lemmy dev's, political beliefs is back up as a discussion point. The word defederation is getting thrown around, and some of our beloved are part of the conversation.

    What do people think about Is there evidence that the instance is managed in such a way that it creates problems for Lemmy users, and/or users of specifically? Are they problems that extend to the entire instance or primary user base, or are the examples referenced generally limited to specific communities/moderators/users? Are people here, in short, interested in putting federation to to a vote?

    To our admin team and moderators: What are your experiences with Have you run into any specific problems with their userbase, or challenges related to our being federated with them?

    Full disclosure: I have very little personal stake in this. I don't really engage with posts about international events, I don't share my political beliefs (such as they are) online beyond "Don't be a shitbag, help your fellow human out when you can", and have not run into any of the concerns brought up personally. But I'm also not the kind of user who would butt against this stuff often in the first place.

    What I will say is that I have not personally witnessed activites like brigading or promotion of really nasty shit from I cannot say this about other instances we defederated from before. But again, this may just be a product of how I use Lemmy, and does not account for the experiences of others.

    This is just an opportunity for those who do have strong opinions on this topic to say their piece and, more importantly, share their evidence.

    If nothing else, given similar conversations a year ago, this will be an interesting account of what looks like today (happy belated cake day everybody!)

    The Kids in the Hall Cracks_InTheWalls

    How It's Made Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.


    What personally transformative experience have you recently had?

    For those who might ask "What does that even mean?", this is what I'm reading that triggered the question:

    Recent can mean the most recent you can remember, even if it was years ago. Interested in what y'all might say.


    Ottawa's Pony Girl - Laff It Off [Music Video)

    Decent video and song from a local band!


    [Resolved] Language Filter?

    Final edit: Has nothing to do with specific terms used, this person is correct. Language setting related problem.

    First Edit: Damn, seems to be working fine now. Wonder if it was community-level wherever I tried to post (don't know if language filters can be implemented at that level. Can't remember what I tried to reply to), or if TheDude is updating some stuff and I happened to post at just the wrong time? Or maybe it was a post from another instance?

    Second edit: Ahhh, interesting. So it was a reply to[email protected]/p/435069. And the offending word at least seems to be 'Beehaw'. Anyone have any insight re: what's happening here for a mostly Lemmy illiterate

    Original comment:

    Just had a weird experience trying to reply to a post. Is there a language filter now? I used a very soft cuss often spoken in normal discourse (starts with a d, ends with an n, 4 letters) and got an error.

    Is someone able to explain the rationale? Maybe it's just me but casual cussing is a) pretty much my default mode, and b) from the outside doesn't seem like a real problem that needs to be addressed. People cuss on the internet. Now, personally not opposed to a filter for clearly derogatory terms (you know what they are, don't @ me), but my recent experience seems a little extreme.


    Like escape rooms? Ever felt like commandeering that pirate ship at Mooney's Bay? Check this out! Escape the Ghost Ship: Boat Cruise & Escape Game - Ottawa - Tickets | Fever

    Escape the Ghost Ship is an escape room and boat cruise aboard a haunted pirate ship. Solve puzzles and sail the seas - get your tickets!

    Not a big escape room person but I'd do this.


    Upcoming shows calendar?

    Anyone know a good website for show (music) dates at the various venues here (particularly for things where a guitar is involved, but open to other stuff too)?

    The challenge I've had for a while is this: Bands post stuff in a bunch of places, but if you don't know the band you're unlikely to see it. Venues post upcoming show dates, but if you don't know the venue (or follow all of them) you probably won't see it. Stuff like Apt613 is ok, but kind of limited. By dint of geographical data Facebook captures a lot of events, but Facebook also sucks (one because it's Facebook, two because for some weird reason it may randomly think you're in Toronto if you're out and about, I assume by way of colocation data from invading Torontonians). I flat out refuse to use Twitter. Many have tried to keep up with events in town to maintain a calendar (Covert Ottawa Guy comes to mind, there have been others too), but most have failed or have such a broad focus that things get missed. But I still hold out hope for an indie web solution - some person or group still trying to keep abreast of the scene themselves and tracking what's coming down the pipe.

    Does such a thing exist in 2023 for Ottawa? More broadly, how do you folks discover upcoming shows (or events in general) you want to check out?


    Arno de Cea and the Clockwork Wizards - Clock Crusher

    Edit: You know what's nice? The ability to edit post titles.


    What is Code? What Is Code? If You Don't Know, You Need to Read This

    The world belongs to people who code. Those who don’t understand will be left behind.

    What Is Code? If You Don't Know, You Need to Read This

    Paul Ford goes on a long, meandering, but super interesting account of code as it relates to business and our world today.


    [Blog - Little Hidden Secrets] TIL about the Yohawks and Squirrels of 1960s Ottawa Yohawks & Squirrels & Ottawa 60s bands

    This garage punker popped up on a youtube feed I have. Seeing the Sir John A. record label has re...


    Favourite place/thing in Ottawa that doesn't exist anymore?

    What is your favourite place in Ottawa that doesn't exist anymore? I've spent most of my formative years outside of Ontario, but as a frequent visitor and now resident Ottawa always struck me as a place that doesn't really value the longevity of cool stuff. Maybe it's just ignorance of the economic forces involved, but any time I was shown something cool here I always left with the sense that it wouldn't be there next time.

    For me, I divide this into places I've been and places I didn't get to go.

    Some of where I've been: -Invisible Cinema -The InfoShop on Bank -Rideau Bakery -The Ex when it was still at Lansdowne.

    Some of where I didn't get to go: -The Beachcomber Room -Capital Music Hall

    What about you?
