Also, look at her counsel. My brother's wife's hairdresser's mechanic said that there's very big questions about where Chewbacca's from. He hasn't even released his birth certificate!
The rebels destroyed Alderaan with their own superweapon they had been developing underground. The Imperial Navy is the most moral force in the galaxy.
OK, the Death Star did fire on Alderaan, but it was a targeted, focused strike that hit a rebel facility which caused their superweapon to explode and destroy the planet, the Empire had no idea that would happen. The Imperial Navy is the most moral force in the galaxy.
OK, the Death Star did destroy the planet, but the rebels were still developing a superweapon and even more people would've died otherwise. The Imperial Navy is the most moral force in the galaxy.
OK, the rebels weren't developing a superweapon on Alderaan, but the destruction of the planet were the actions of a rogue moff acting without approval. The Imperial Navy is the most moral force in the galaxy.
OK, the Emperor's right hand man was in the room when it was decided, but Emperor Palpatine has invited every surviving Alderaanian to his own private resort world, and they're also rebuilding with a new colony on Ejolus. The Imperial Navy is the most moral force in the galaxy.
OK, the colony on Ejolus has been wiped out, but they were harboring rebels. The Imperial Navy is the most moral force in the galaxy.
'Princess' establishment chosen Lyin' Leiyah is clearly just trying to turn the empire back into the corrupt old Republic and force everyone to accept all aliens including the despicable Gran who don't deserve rights because they don't look or act like me. I heard she was even there when Alderaan was destroyed and did nothing.
Yeah, all he did was help Palpatine build the Death Star, and it was Tarkin who actually gave the order. Do these anti-Vader people even understand what his role is as Sith Lord?
These single-issue voters who refuse to vote for Vader just because of the Aderaan issue are just helping Palpatine. Why does everyone suddenly care so much about Alderaan anyway?
Honestly if you took it at face value i.e. Dooku was not Darth Tyranus and actually believed in the CIS cause, it wouldn't seem like that bad an option.
I know this isn't the point, but The Trade Federation were a Neimoidian megacorporation that was a member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which Count Dooku founded.
Wasnt dooku a sith? Thus was working for palpatine and the whole war was a plot to undermine the old republic to create an empire that palpatine directly controlled.
I must have missed the part of the movie where Leia devotes a significant amount of her planets resources to building the deathstar while her constituents screamed for her to stop
Evidently you did, because it's mentioned that she was a member of the Imperial Senate right up till it was dissolved. She participated directly in the government that built a weapon of mass destruction and used it to commit a genocidal act of state terrorism. Thankfully, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, they never invented purity testing so people like you weren't wrenching their spines in an effort to suck their own dicks about it.
Well you would have to have a spine to know what thats like so I understand why the people bravely tonguing the asshole of the administration lying to us and circumventing Congress to continue arming their pet dictator's ethnic cleansing wouldn't get it