Godot staff are facing a huge reactionary backlash on Xitter for being "woke"
It all started with the unofficial godot discord admin dealing with some chuds and people turning their ire towards the Godot Foundation staff instead.
Since Godot has stubbornly remained on the Xitter nazi bar as a valid space for PR and social media interaction and dared to promote the Wokot hashtag and reiterate their progessiveness, the reactionaries infesting that space are now piling on their socials and harassing everyone they can get their eyes on.
Why would you think it was negative? My only guess would be the way Leninists like to cosplay as Communists. And the way the west likes to smear communists by associating them with leninists.
It kinda depends on the license. Copyleft licenses are definitely digital communism--but licenses like CC or other extremely permissive licenses are digital libertarianism. I'm good with it in any case.
But there comes Brian Lundurke with his "um ackchually, if it were digital communism the state would be forcing you to make it open source, capitalism is when small state".
Nice to see some figures on the change in support levels. I was donating €5 a month and I've bumped it up to €50 for the next few months.
I get the impression that a lot of the people complaining on twitter are not even gamedevs and don't know what Godot is, it's just the reactionary pile-on du jour.
The flagbearer is ofc grummz, the terminally online ex-gamedev chud who turned to shit every game he touched and has had his right-wing grifting platform on Xitter massively boosted in recent years.
It's actually really funny to see review bomb attempts on a non-profit FOSS project. No shareholders to appease, no profits to they need to protect, just a community of people contributing to the tool they use.
I would be curious how many people in that boat find themselves looking at steam reviews in order to make a decision. It didn't even occur to me until this happened that the reviews exist.
I'd hope that people using reviews have figured out by now that you don't just go by the summary but actually read some of the reviews to see if the issues even resonate with you.
Personally, a bunch of negative reviews whining about how woke something is would make me dismiss the negative reviews in general, so this could give it a boost with people like me, just from drowning out more legitimate complaints.
I mean, if it was a game and not an engine I had already started playing around with.
Finally a place I can share my cold takes. (I'm not on Twitter, I won't discuss this on Reddit either.)
The community manager had a meltdown and blocking everyone was a power trip and was wrong.
Godot's tweet was wrong, because it used the word "woke" which immediately drives any conversation into the gutter. Doesn't matter if you're on the right or left, as soon as you say the word "woke" you have ruined the conversation.
It is good that Godot explicitly supports LGBT+ people. They should be welcome. The community CoC should make this explicit, and it does. A tweet to reaffirm this is fine, a cringe joke born from the dredges of Twitter is less fine.
Godot's "revenge forks" are amusing and will not go anywhere. Someone might collect some donations before grifting into the night though.
None of this has any effect on Godot's technical suitability for creating a game.
The community manager had a meltdown and blocking everyone was a power trip and was wrong.
Apparently they did receive a large number of tweets that genuinely warranted a ban, but some innocent people got caught in the crossfire. If this is true then Godot did the right thing by responding as neutrally as they can and giving people a way to get unbanned. If it’s not, then yeah very wrong.
Additionally, the Twitter manager apparently said some unprofessional stuff on her personal. I think there was something about her requesting a shower pic from a very large controversial streamer. I feel like that sort of action would bring attention from trolls.
Also I think there was something about a discord mod saying some dehumanising things about the “anti woke” people. Even if these people were causing trouble and deserved a ban, you shouldn’t dehumanise them. That will just make them more aggressive and convince them that “woke” people are indeed some kind of adversary.
Godot’s tweet was wrong, because it used the word “woke” which immediately drives any conversation into the gutter. Doesn’t matter if you’re on the right or left, as soon as you say the word “woke” you have ruined the conversation.
I think that word is loosely defined. To the drama people “woke/wokism” seems to relate to the idea of people aggressively wanting all media to contain pro lgbt messaging. I think the official meaning relates to awareness of modern issues. “Woke” seems to be a political term, but I suppose some people feel like calling “woke” political is harmful to lgbt rights?
I think inviting people to present their “wokot” is fine, but it probably shouldn’t be done from an official account.
It is good that Godot explicitly supports LGBT+ people. They should be welcome. The community CoC should make this explicit, and it does. A tweet to reaffirm this is fine, a cringe joke born from the dredges of Twitter is less fine.
Hard agree! Strongly agree!
Godot’s “revenge forks” are amusing and will not go anywhere. Someone might collect some donations before grifting into the night though.
None of this has any effect on Godot’s technical suitability for creating a game.
Agreed. Give it a year or two. Possibly sooner. It’ll be somewhat interesting if they do go somewhere and contribute something, although I doubt that will happen.
Regardless of what happened and how it will turn out. If Godot increased their budget, even if it was in an unprofessional way, I guess this is an entirely positive thing for people who aren’t on those proprietary social platforms.
Revenge fork is a weird name for these forks. A fork is a fork, even a tiny change like changing the logo is a legitimate fork.
If anything if the Godot community could stop harassing the fork owners, that would be great. Them receiving harassment is the most ironic part about this, because there is more proof of that than the harassment the Godot community manager claims they faced.
To understand why I'm opposed to the word "woke", you must first acknowledge this fact:
Sometimes people have different definitions of the same word.
If you're willing to accept that, then it logically follows that using a word that people have different definitions of will cause more confusion than understanding. If our goal in speaking is to convey understanding, then that is best accomplished by avoiding words where people have conflicting definitions.
We've all learned that there are facts and opinions, but there is a third category: definitions.
If you watch for it, you will see that many disagreements boil down to nothing more than disagreeing about the definition of a single word. If we temporarily avoid using that word, suddenly we find ourselves in agreement, or at least having a better understanding of each other.
I mean, there are plenty of words that are used almost exclusively to cause offensive. Swears and slurs. Often it can be debatable whether or not a word counts as a swear or slur, but it’s usually pretty clear. I prefer to avoid using words that are intended to cause offence.
The word “woke” doesn’t seem to fall into these categories, but it’s still a term that seems to have been polarised by both groups. I don’t think that word would ruin a discussion that was already political, but it would definitely cause a discussion to become political.
As far as one group is concerned, being “woke” is inherently good and means being aware of modern issues and accepting of marginalised groups.
As far as the other is concerned, being “woke” is requiring all media to have this representation and lashing out when it isn’t inserted in a certain way; thus, you can be supportive of lgbt+ rights and the rights of marginalised groups while still being vehemently “anti woke”.
Because of this conflict in definitions it’s understandable that the Twitter manager might want to use this term, and it’s understandable that people would be against it.
I feel the polarisation of this term may be being done for the drama people on both sides to farm engagement.
Pssshhh take your elitist "credibility" and GTFO. What is this world coming to, everyone blind to the "credibility" agenda. What America needs is for you weak childish credible mongers to wake up to the real world, don't you know "credible experts" are just propaganda machines paid off by big academia? Back in my day, people told the truth as it was, now "credibility" is shoved down our throats everywhere you go. /S
IMHO, you are woke if you exclude/damage who does not think exactly like you, and later also who thinks like you but he/she is not excluding/damaging the people you put in the black-list.
So it is a rather toxic and dangerous movement, resembling a little the Reign of Terror in France.
Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination. Beginning in the 2010s, it came to be used as slang for a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights
Fascist usually can't make games. Best they can do is either some mod, or a kusoge that only has some recognition thanks to it was in a country where English education wasn't very good thus it was among the few easily accessible game for some.
Fortunately the reactionary backlash seems to be having the opposite effect
That’s good I suppose.
I don’t care what happens on Twitter. Just so long as the codebase isn’t negatively affected.
I have been seeing some drama YouTubers, who are clearly blowing this out of proportion, talk a lot about this. One thing they’ve been saying that concerns me however, is that apparently there have been people getting banned from help forums and even the GitHub for criticism.
My understanding is that “woke” is a loosely defined political term, so I think requesting Godot be kept free from politics in response to this stuff isn’t something that should require a ban.
Perhaps there were people going too far and getting rightfully banned and some innocent people got caught in the crossfire?
There shouldn’t be any way the MIT license can discriminate between “woke” and “anti-woke”. Godot can be used by everyone. This is just making the drama people lose their credibility. Regardless of what the devs views on this situation are, I could never expect them to come to a decision on this issue so quickly. Let alone act on it. Their main priority should be the code, not the community. Unofficial communities can pop up on their own and self govern.
One thing they’ve been saying that concerns me however, is that apparently there have been people getting banned from help forums and even the GitHub for criticism.
Perhaps there were people going too far and getting rightfully banned and some innocent people got caught in the crossfire?
They've addressed that:
We unequivocally condemn this abuse. The volume of negative engagement overwhelmed our moderation efforts. While attempting to protect the Godot community we mistakenly blocked individuals who were not participating in the harassment. The Godot Foundation Board takes full responsibility for these moderation actions. If you believe you were blocked in error and have not violated our Code of Conduct, please contact us with the form linked below. We are committed to swiftly rectifying any mistakes. We firmly stand by our mission to keep our community spaces free from hate, discrimination, and other toxic behaviors. - The Godot Foundation Board
And there have been 5 people banned from GitHub due to racist and homophobic slurs, which violates Godot CoC and GH ToS.
I don't think these users were providing valid criticism. Never mind the fact that GH issues are not really the place to complain about some twitter drama.
My understanding is that “woke” is a loosely defined political term, so I think requesting Godot be kept free from politics in response to this stuff isn’t something that should require a ban.
I'm a bit 50/50 on that. If they got kinda harassed to the point where they take a simple stance as they did, then saying "please stop being political" is often used as a thin veiled attempt to say "I don't like your politics" by the people who get so hard triggered by that term, and women, and LGBT stuff, and people of color, etc.
We can see this all the time in other areas too, especially gaming. As soon as a game has a female main character, or even a female main character that isn't white, or even one that is lesbian or bi, then uppercase Gamers collectively lose their shit. Say something about Nazis? Or Russia? "HoW DaRe YoU BrInG PoLiTiCs InTo MY GaMes!" ...
Not saying that was the guy's intend when he replied that to Godot, but I can see how it could be interpreted as such when they get brigaded by a bunch of toxic replies.
This never crossed my mind, but you are right. Online interactions do lack a lot of context, and it must have been hard (or practically impossible) to discern genuine from malicious calls to remain apolitical in a situation of intense online harassment.
You're fully entitled to use Godot if you're an asshole.
You're not inherently entitled to interact with their development process or get their help, etc. They aren't obligated to deal with bullshit to run an open source project.
Considering game devs are intimately aware of review bombing, I really doubt that it will have much negative effect on their userbase. I guess the next Alex Jones game wont use godot.
You'd think so, but fascists are generally cheap and will happily use whatever they can that's made by liberals and leftists. See mastodon being created because of a rumor of Peter Theil buying it and then it's code was used to run Truth social.
I didn't know it was because of them supporting LGBTQ+, mostly because they've been doing that for a very long time now and very publicly. I thought most of the backlash stemmed from this;
From what I've read, that person is not officially affiliated with the Godot project. They just moderate an unofficial Discord server that is Godot-related.
The unofficial server yet lots of people don't know that because they were official until they suddenly weren't but then lots of these same mods are mods on the actual official discord.
Wow, now that I have some context, I'm an even bigger fan of Godot than before. Supporting LGBTQ+ rights isn't political. If you're offended because people exist that don't think like you, then yeah, you can fuck right off somewhere else.
@yetAnotherUser@db0 I have to assume, despite the spelling, that it is pronounced Whacko...Not even as a diss, just would find it incredibly amusing. "And dot" is right there too! idk.
Someone should make a game that ticks all the"woke" boxes just to piss these guys off. Make pronouns one of the most important part of the game, and force people to be gay, or Bi. Then make it so men have to wear womens clothes and women have to wear mens clothes. Then you can sit back and watch them lose their shit while eating popcorn. 😏
Ah yes, political, my favorite gender and cultural background. I love it when I get to have be with someone political, and they tell me all about their life as a political in their country, politics.
Tbh I'm not sure what your examples are supposed to demonstrate. Blocking someone for saying they should focus on the engine and not politics is astonishingly thin skinned
Kind of hard to follow the thread of most of this but they sure aren't disproving how woke they are by blocking people who even slightly disagree with them.
Could be that, but remember that all skin can be damaged. If you've been badly burned then maybe it's best to keep the environment sterile. "Focus on the engine and not politics" can be the conclusion of people with merely a simple goal of a good game engine but suppose that it can also be argued for with a goal of harming minorities by silencing them.
@tabular@FizzyOrange would hardly even call blocking people for saying, mind you in a thread literally only asking people to post their inclusive games, that they are going to post the most offensive, racist things they can find (their words, not mine)..."thin skinned"