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Arizona toddler rescued after getting trapped in a Tesla with a dead battery | The Model Y’s 12-volt battery, which powers things like the doors and windows, died
  • There was a time I wanted a Tesla, but I don't anymore. This is just another reason why.

    Does Tesla care about making a "neat thing" or do they care about making "a car that can drive me places". The doors clearly show they prioritize making a "neat thing", but I want a reliable car.

    Opening and closing doors was a solved problem. Somehow Tesla made it worse.

  • JavaScript
  • At least C++ build tools are easier than modern JS.

  • NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense
  • 🎵 Don't wanna close my eyes 🎵

  • Internet forums are disappearing because now it's all Reddit and Discord. And that's worrying.
  • Google doesn't index Discord, which means the billion dollar ad industry makes little effort to push their ads on Discord.

  • Internet forums are disappearing because now it's all Reddit and Discord. And that's worrying.
  • It's like if a bunch of people were gathered in person talking about something, with many of the same pros and cons.

  • The rent is too dang high in Cities: Skylines 2, so the devs nuked the landlords
  • I was thinking about why a small landlord might be better, and I know there are exceptions, but usually a small landlord is is not going to squeeze every penny out of their rentals, sometimes out of the goodness of their heart, but most importantly, a small landlord has other ways to be productive.

    A small landlord who has a normal job, if they want to improve the world, they do it through their job or personal projects, they build something or create something or whatever.

    A big landlord who does nothing else, they aren't actually creating anything, they're just rent seeking and the most creative way they can imagine to improve the world is to rent seek even harder.

    Our economic system gives greater rewards to those who move money around than to those who create things or cure cancer or anything else. The ways of turning a lot of money into even more money are taxed less (usually not at all) than more common ways of earning money like working a job or creating physical goods. The richest people didn't get rich by creating something that improves everyone's lives, they got rich by moving money around.

  • Can I remove a git repo without resorting to `rm -rf` ?
  • That's a good example. If I'm regularly running a command that is a single whitespace character away from disaster, that's a problem.

    Imagine a fighter aircraft that had an eject button on the side of the flight stick. The pilot complains "I'm afraid I might accidentally hit the eject button when I don't need to", but everyone responds "why would you push the eject button if you don't want to eject?", or "so your concern is that the eject button will cause you to eject...?" -- That's how I feel right now.

  • Can I remove a git repo without resorting to `rm -rf` ?
  • Just checked my command history and I've run 60,000 commands on this computer without problem (and I have other computers). I guess people have different ideas of what "comfortable" means, but I think I consider myself comfortable with the command line.

    I have shot myself in the foot with rm -rf in the past though, and screwed up my computer so bad the easiest solution was to reinstall the OS from scratch. My important files are backed up, including most of my dotfiles, but being a bit too quick to type and run a rm -rf command has caused me needless hours of work in the past.

    I realized the main reason I have to use rm -rf is to remove git repos and so I thought I'd ask if anyone has a tip to avoid it. And I've found some good suggestions among the least upvoted comments.

  • YouTube looks to be testing server-side ad injection to counter ad blockers
  • Yep, can I play it at 2x speed or skip ahead? If not, then it's the ad. At the very least blank the video and mute the sound. I'll enjoy a moment to breath and consider if there's something better I should be doing.

  • Can I remove a git repo without resorting to `rm -rf` ?
  • That's a good suggestion for some, but I'm quite comfortable with the command line.

    It's not that I'm irrationally scared of rm -rf. I know what that command will do. If I slow down an pay attention it's not as though I'm worried "I hope this doesn't break my system".

    What I really mean is I see myself becoming quite comfortable typing rm -rf and running it with little thought, I use it often to delete git repos, and my frequent use and level of comfort with this command doesn't match the level of danger it brings.

    Just moving them to /tmp is a nice suggestion that can work on anywhere without special programs or scripts.

  • Can I remove a git repo without resorting to `rm -rf` ?
  • More like, I'm afraid of the command doing more than I'm trying to do.

    What I want to do is ignore prompts about write-protected files in the .git directory, what it does is ignore all prompts for all files.

  • Can I remove a git repo without resorting to rm -rf ?

    Git repos have lots of write protected files in the .git directory, sometimes hundreds, and the default rm my_project_managed_by_git will prompt before deleting each write protected file. So, to actually delete my project I have to do rm -rf my_project_managed_by_git.

    Using rm -rf scares me. Is there a reasonable way to delete git repos without it?

    EVs Could Last Nearly Forever—If Car Companies Let Them
  • Surely the free market and competition will deliver what customers want, right? ... Right?!?

  • Windows Recall demands an extraordinary level of trust that Microsoft hasn’t earned | Op-ed: The risks to Recall are way too high for security to be secondary
  • The market is filled with products people hate.

    Explain to me again how free markets and competition are supposed to work?

  • Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare
  • It helps make things more self-contained. If a Linux distribution comes with an LLM that knows how to use and tweak the OS and also knows a lot about various programming languages and lots of things in general, that's a big step towards having an OS that can be operated locally without using the internet.

    I wouldn't like it if Linux required an internet connection to function, and yet... I've never been able to configure or do much of anything in Linux without referring to the internet.

  • Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare
  • It's no different than what the internet has been doing for us for decades. People tell us commands to run, we use our best judgement, maybe check a couple things, and then run the commands. If the internet suggests a command or a LLM suggests a command, what's the difference?

  • Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare
  • Maybe.

    Like, if I could type "extract the audio of this video and re-encode it as a medium quality MP3, break up the audio into 30 consecutive tracks" in a shell, and the next line was populated with the appropriate ffmpeg command, but not yet executed, I could quickly look over the command, nothing looks fishy, so I go ahead and run the command.

  • Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare
  • LLMs have a high coolness-to-code ratio; very cool and not a lot of code. This is the type of thing open source developers are more interested in, so I hope Linux will have some good AI built-in and running locally.

    Half of Linux usage is on the text-based command line anyway, just what LLMs are good at.

  • New York governor to launch bill banning smartphones in schools
  • We often make laws without a way to enforce them 100% effectively. For example, my road has a 25 MPH speed limit even though we haven't yet installed speed limiting chips on every single car in the nation, we still went ahead and put a speed limit on our road though, and it mostly works, but sometimes someone drives 30 MPH.

  • The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates
  • It seems the people who are the most staunch defenders of capitalism and free markets are the most resistant to the capitalist and free market solution.

    Clean air (or rather, air with normal levels of carbon) belongs to the public, and anyone who wants to take it away should pay the public.

  • Possible bug: I can't reply to a specific comment?

    I cannot reply to the following comment. I have tried a dozen times over the last couple hours. Anyone else able to?


    Godot looks great, but I want to separate game logic and display.

    I like most things I see about Godot, and I'm going to try making some games with it.

    Whenever I imagine programming a game though, I imagine the game logic and simulation being separate from the display. For instance, if I was to make a game like FTL, I would plan to simulate all the ship interactions and the movement of the characters purely in code, and then write a separate module to render that simulation. The simulation could be rendered with graphics, or with text, or whatever (of course, a text render wouldn't be human friendly, but could act as a dedicated server for some games, or I could use it for machine learning, etc).

    I'm not an expert at Godot, but it seems this mindset is not going to fit well into Godot. Is this correct? It seems like the same object that is responsible for tracking the players health is going to also be responsible for drawing that player on the screen and tracking their location on the screen, etc. Will my player class have to end up being a subclass of some complicated Godot class? (Also, I'm a fan of functional programming and don't always use a lot of classes if given the choice.)

    What are your thoughts about this. Would you recommend another engine? No other engine seem to be in the same sweet spot that Godot is currently in.


    Does Lemmy really benefit from Rust? Is code execution speed the bottleneck?

    My first experience with Lemmy was thinking that the UI was beautiful, and (the first instance I looked at) was asking people not to join because they already had 1500 users and were struggling to scale.

    1500 users just doesn't seem like much, it seems like the type of load you could handle with a Raspberry Pi in a dusty corner.

    Are the Lemmy servers struggling to scale because of the federation process / protocols?

    Maybe I underestimate how much compute goes into hosting user generated content? Users generate very little text, but uploading pictures takes more space. Users are generating millions of bytes of content and it's overloading computers that can handle billions of bytes with ease, what happened? Am I missing something here?

    Or maybe the code is just inefficient?

    Which brings me to the title's question: Does Lemmy benefit from using Rust? None of the problems I can imagine are related to code execution speed.

    If the federation process and protocols are inefficient, then everything is being built on sand. Popular protocols are hard to change. How often does the HTTP protocol change? Never. The language used for the code doesn't matter in this case.

    If the code is just inefficient, well, inefficient Rust is probably slower than efficient Python or JavaScript. Could the complexity of Rust have pushed the devs towards a simpler but less efficient solution that ends up being slower than garbage collected languages? I'm sure this has happened before, but I don't know anything about the Lemmy code.

    Or, again, maybe I'm just underestimating the amount of compute required to support 1500 users sharing a little bit of text and a few images?

    150 The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)

    Ever wonder about that mysterious Content-Type tag? You know, the one you’re supposed to put in HTML and you never quite know what it should be? Did you ever get an email from your friends in…

    The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)