Exactly. Is it just a webpage served up with some native UI buttons to make it look more glossy? Are app permissions implemented as separate system users under POSIX? How many apps are written in languages/frameworks running from interpreters, and how many actually touch bare metal? Are app media that use Gallery permissions duplicating data or linking to it?
No one knows what an app is, the app development frameworks I learned 10 years ago are no longer relevant and have likely shifted to a whole new paradigm. If it looks perplexing to me, I can imagine it looks like magic to non-techies.
The PWA frameworks are pretty cool. Essentially just system level API hooks which then integrate into a existing React - NextJs - whatever projects. Granted it isn't touching bare metal like you said but it is a nice level of a abstraction and beats dealing with android studio 🤢
Edit: I hear Expo is neat but I haven't used it yet.
But how does it even make sense? I would have said I was 99% confident he used two apps all the time over the years. First, ex-Twitter, and now his own social-network-which-shall-not-be-named.
I didn't see what he said, I should hunt myself but can someone re-recommend a way I can see said footage without going on Twitter. If not, I'll pass on giving their advertisement companies views
So immigrants are smarter than most Americans who are so stupid they don't know what a phone app is? If that's the case, let these people in! Maybe the collective IQ will go up and Americans can be taught how smart phones work and how to email forward your grandkids.
As far as I can tell kamalahq account posts the same twitter posts to their threads account. So you can avoid going to twitter by just looking for the exact same post on threads
Maybe the couchnutter is an attempt to stop further assassination attempts? Prop up a VP that's even more deranged and unlikable, so people reconsider if it's worth it to off you?
I know what they are! They're useless things McDonalds tries to goad you into installing with promises of a free $3 burger so they can sell all your data to everyone who wants it because apps have a higher level of access to it than m.mcdonalds.zip or whatever their shitty website is.
And some of the ones on F-Droid are actually useful.
As much as I despise Trump, I don’t disagree. I’m sure he’s saying that for stupid reasons, but most people are way more tech illiterate than they should be. I know bc I used to be tech support
Most people don't know "what" anything is in that case. Cars? Most people don't know what a clutch master cylinder is - they just know how to use the car. Most people don't know what an app is, since they don't understand the code language it was built in. Sure, they know how to use it but without knowing Java, it may as well be magic. Vaccines! No one knows what they are! There's no simple explanation so everyone who's ever used a vaccine has no idea what they are!
The average person does not have specialized knowledge about anything, even things ubiquitous to modern life.
Yeah, Trump is technically right here but at the end of the day, I don't really care if a firefighter knows exactly how every app on their phone works, just as long as they know how to put out fires and maybe rescue cats from trees.
Not to give the orange turd credit here, but I think it’s fairly obvious that Trump isn’t saying that most people can understand the code, but rather he’s saying that most people don’t have an understanding of how much an app can aid the wrong kind of people.
Yeah, he’s an idiot, and I entirely disagree, but you just went on a whole entire tangent about a position that I neither expressed or hold. Chillax, bro.
If you were working tech support of course you're going to interact with more "tech illiterate" people. That doesn't mean the "most people" are tech illiterate, you were just dealing with a high volume of them, giving that impression.
Oh yes, please tell me more about my personal experience, random stranger.
Obviously, I’m going to come across more tech illiterate people on the phone, but to the extent that I did for the dumbest reasons would be enough for me to conclude that yes, most people have no clue what they’re talking about or what they’re doing. Literally way less knowledge than they should.
Aren't immigrants supposed to be using a phone app to contact Kamala and enter illegally in the us or something? If that's the case, they should be hired to teach "most people" jow too install an app. I hear MacDonald's have a great one.
"Hmm... Interesting philosophical question there. What is tasty? Is a thing tasty on its own or is it merely how one perceives it? Can anything truly be considered tasty, in an objective way...?"
Ask any person above the age of, say, 40 (I’m not looking this up, but in Western countries that should suffice to qualify for ‘most’ pople) what an app is, exactly. I wonder what the response will be.
40 is ridiculous. I'm 49. Our generation essentially invented the internet, cell phones, etc. you may have been born to the darkness but we created it.
Idk, but I think you'd have to go a lot higher have that. Like, your parents know what an app is. Maybe your grandparents don't, but mine do. So I think it would basically have to be like people over 70 or something
Lol, 40 years old elder here. Last year, my college mandated me to create a new course on how to use a computer because most of our new students can't figure out how to install a plugin.
The young generation is way less tech-savvy than they think they are, trust me on this.