WINDER, GA—In the hours following a violent rampage in Georgia in which a lone attacker killed at least four individuals and injured nine others, citizens living in the only country where this kind of mass killing routinely occurs reportedly concluded Wednesday that there was no way to prevent the m...
What's the internet rule that there is porn for everything you can think of? There has to be gun fetish gay porn. All sane Americans need to do is get whoever is more influential than Dan Savage to give the movement legs ala "Santorum"
The reality of it is we know straight up banning guns is the only way to truly solve this problem. The issue is we like to pretend it is some super complex issue with all this nuance that can only be approached by the best and brightest, but the right people to put that policy together just haven't come along yet. We tell ourselves that because the truth is we are totally okay with a certain amount of faceless death as long as we can have our toys and we don't have to clean up the mess.
We've been arguing about this in the US for my whole life, and I'm not young. At this point it should be obvious neither of the two faces of our government has any interest in doing anything more about guns than using the topic as a wedge to divide us and as a source of campaign funding. So you want to ban guns. Is that the hill you want your children to die on? How about instead of insisting that's the only way, we enact a solution that keeps kids alive and that both the red and blue team can agree on, like, say, mandatory armed guards (a paid job, not volunteers) at school entrances. Is it in conflict with our ideal vision of a peaceful society? Maybe, but it works. Other countries have done it and it stopped school shootings entirely.
Sure, we will just march on up to the Capitol amidst all the lobbiers and gun obsessed GoP fascists and tell them, "Please stop, someone from lemmy who isn't even American says that's all we need to do."
If you aren't American, keep your mouth shut on what we "should" do. Many, many of us are tired of these shootings, and on top of it all, our democracy is at stake, along with our ways of life to boot. Our country is failing, and all we can do is VOTE. It's not that fucking easy. Stop accusing our entire country of this bullshit like we want it. The majority of us aren't like this.
"If only there were 50 more guns for everyone to whip out at the same time with no way of knowing who the shooter is in the sea of guns, that'll be safer!"
My opinions about guns have changed over the years. I used to be of the opinion that nobody should have guns in this day and age, what's the point aside from ego boosting and sport.
Then a cheeto puff did a treason on jan6.
I'll give up my guns only after the fascists give up theirs. Non negotiable.
You want to "prevent tragedies"? fund programs for welfare and healthcare. Tax the rich. Break up megacorps like google, albertsons, nestle. Enact and enforce employee protections. Raise the minimum wage. Ban airbnb and heavily tax empty residences. Universal basic income! Did I mention fixing the healthcare system? More that I'm forgetting to list.
Miserable parents make miserable kids, and miserable kids lash out. For the wealthiest and most powerful nation on the planet, this shouldn't be hard to figure out.
But surely it's proper for one company to control the entire food supply. I mean you wouldn't want to be a communist and not let the free market do as it wishes
The problem is that all of those ex-cops would still exist and still be American citizens. They'd 100% create a far right militia, at the very least. No doubt about it.
Unless we shipped them off to Russia or something.
That is such stupid logic. "Oh people want to violently overthrow the government? I want them to easily get guns"
The fascists should be the exact reason you want to have strict gun control
It doesn't work that way when they already all have guns. If you wanted to do it your way, you'd have needed to start on that gun control about 100 years ago.
Because the cops are not going to take the fascists' guns, even if they were outlawed. They are vastly outnumbered by armed citizens, and they are scared of them, and many of the cops are the same fascists too.
There are (on average) around two mass shootings per day, but only (ugh) about one school shooting per week when you actually average it across the whole year. For instance, 2022 had 51 school shootings, but had 647 mass shootings total.
The high number of mass shootings is because anything over 2 victims is considered a mass shooting. So when an abusive dad drunkenly shoots his wife and kids before committing suicide, it’s considered a mass shooting. Drive by gang shootings are frequently considered mass shootings if more than two people are hit. It’s not just an active shooter firing into a crowd, (though those definitely qualify.)
How come there were none last week? Eh? Eh? Can't answer me that one! Trick question! Everyone was out on vacation! But we did have one day without a shooting, the first day. I can't imagine a situation where it takes two days to get someone angry enough to plan something like this though. It's so sad and stupid that we let things like this happen.
It's "funny" that there's conspiracy theories that these are all liberal psyops to force gun control. Surely the deep state would realize by now that no amount of dead children will change people's minds.
Also, I don't think being remembered is the main point. It seems to me to be more about a violent release of frustration and getting back at the people who "wronged" them, usually combined with suicide by cop.
The new face of violent radicalism in the United States: aggrieved, rural, white "Future Farmers of America" Trump kids raised by white, rural, aggrieved Trump parents that don't keep their guns secure.
Edit: yes, he was part of FFA. He was "member of the month" last month.
your statement is true however that doesn’t mean that correlation does not imply cause.. the cause is fucking obvious to anyone that has more than 2 brain cells to rub together
Now I know emotions are all running high, and we’re all shocked and scared by yet another senseless act of violence (or mental illness if white, act of terror if brown). However, now is not the time to start talking about things like “gun control” and “approval lists.” How about we schedule sometime on March 31st around 7:30am EST and we can all sit down for 15 minutes and discuss ways to prevent the next tragedy. However I cannot stress it enough that NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO POLITICIZE THIS.
Before we say the words “gun control,” can we think about the poor ammunition assembly line workers, who have to work mandatory overtime due to the demand, each time those words are said?
No, we have to pray first. Give me your thoughts. They’re needed before we make the monthly (weekly??? Daily???) sacrifice of children in this country.
I imagine it's just a form they fill out with a few fields: city, number of shooters, number of dead, number of wounded. The rest of it stays the same each time.
On track for record profits this year! This is a wonderful graph for a business but horrible for what it actually is. Fuck the GOP and fuck the 2nd amendment. The 2nd amendmenters don't think of the children, just the fetus.
We as a people, culture, and society are frankly too selfish and horrible to do something as decent as that. Not our fault, we've been and continue to be conditioned by the owners to be a nation of irredeemable wannabe sociopaths at each other's throats, but the fact remains that's who we are.
Enjoy the cesspool, where greed/sociopathy is our only practiced value, and watching our poorie kids kill poorie kids (because this never happens at the nepo baby private schools) is our national pastime.
Not like we became horrible or anything, we always were. We're a nation built by slaves owned by religious zealots on top of a genocide(of people who lived in homeostasis with the earth instead of actively setting it on fire) who's top exports are tools of volume murder and blueprints for other nations to better exploit their citizenry for their elite's private profit, not like there was ever any grace to lose.
Oh but hey the Axis sunk our pacific fleet once and we fought back after we were attacked which apparently makes us virtuous heroes(?) or something.