The scientists probably chose one gender as a form of scientific control of the study. I'm sure anyone is welcome to quest for the grail. God wills it!
I was never happier than when I had a job where I felt like I was helping people and solving interesting problems. Unfortunately I've never found anything like that that pays well enough to reach my financial goals and in general it seems those kinds of jobs are constantly being enshittified. Currently my job mostly involves coordinating work other teams are doing with users, waiting for shit to be done days/weeks or questions answered, and then dealing with the aftermath of their mistakes. It fucking sucks. I just want to be on the ground again where the only person's work I'm responsible for is me.
Bruh, the crusades was an extremely important event that occupied centuries of both European and Middle Eastern civilization's history and we're literally still dealing with the fallout on a global geopolitical scale...
I remember when my decades old red state public education was considered shitty, but do people really think the fucking crusades was "a tiny tidbit of Christian-specific trivia"?