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Schmoo Schmoo
Posts 4
Comments 198
Biden resists allies’ calls to exit race after debate performance: ‘I know I’m not a young man’
  • The most effective method to improving our democracy is using our democracy. US history has demonstrated this repeatedly.

    Meaningful progress has only ever been made in the US after mass movements engaged in direct action and protests (often met with violent state repression), and even then the legislation that's made is usually much less than the people wanted. This is not a sign of a democracy that functions for the people.

  • Biden resists allies’ calls to exit race after debate performance: ‘I know I’m not a young man’
  • You can only continue to call this system a democracy by setting the bar very very low. Pointless to argue semantics though, better to argue substance. We won't get to a better - more representative - democracy by working within the current system; we need to apply external pressure. People don't feel that voting in this election will save democracy because they don't feel there's enough of it left to be saved. Voting in this election can at best stave off a total collapse to fascism, but that's it.

  • A reminder to love nature
  • Nothing gets done blaming others and taking no action yourself.

    You're literally complaining that she decided to take action too soon for your taste.

  • Choice posting
  • I think for people like myself who were circumcized at birth the brain just compensates for the reduced sensitivity. Hell, even people who are literally missing their penis can still orgasm by jerking an imaginary penis. Circumcision's still a completely unnecessary medical procedure for most, but it has surprisingly little effect on the subjective experience of sex.

  • They're Usually Shredded Alive Rule :(
  • Chickens are domesticated to the point that they cannot survive in the wild / have no ecological niche. Without some small scale animal agriculture like backyard chickens they would go extinct, though you could argue it's for the best.

    Personally I think small-scale egg farming is not exploitative when the chickens are treated well.

  • Was it a good thing that SNW explicitly said the Federation is socialist?
  • I've noticed a trend in some new American media coming out of more openly positive depictions of socialism/communism. The new HBO The Last Of Us series for example has this scene, and the new Fallout series has a more centrist/neoliberal take but at least calls out how the right uses communist as a "dirty word," though she qualifies the statement by first saying "I'm not a communist."

  • Was it a good thing that SNW explicitly said the Federation is socialist?
  • What you described is just welfare, not socialism. Socialism is collective ownership of the means of production, meaning there would be no need to re-distribute wealth as it would be fairly distributed from the start.

    What you're thinking of is more along the lines of what Scandinavian countries have, which is just capitalism with social democracy and extensive welfare programs.

  • Someone escaped the Matrix
  • I'm speedrunning this shit.

  • Southern Baptists are poised to ban churches with women pastors. Some are urging them to reconsider
  • In my experience growing up southern baptist Christians only bring up that interpretation when convenient. The Old Testament is completely valid when they want it to be, and invalid when they don't.

  • State GOP tells people to "burn all Pride flags" during June
  • No they hate this truck. It needs to be 3x the size, get 10 miles to the gallon, and be filled with useless smart features before it meets their standards.

  • State GOP tells people to "burn all Pride flags" during June
  • We're lucky we don't have ancient Roman style privatized firefighters that would stand around and wait for payment before putting out your fire.

  • I am genuinely confused by hexbear's opinion on the Ukraine war
  • leans anarchist, and historically there has always been a vocal subset of anarchists who advocate abstaining from electoral politics on principle. The upcoming US presidential election is the perfect storm for this stance to thrive and still it is a minority position even among the most anarchist instance on Lemmy, so I'm pretty happy with the diversity of opinion expressed there. I think it's important we hear those minority voices and a bit unfair to call them shills.

  • What could have been...
  • I'm from Kentucky. His name was never on any ballot I had access to. Would have voted for him if I ever actually had the opportunity to do so.

  • what do you even say
  • I disagree. Memes are powerful tools and by denying ourselves the use of popular memes we grant "the enemy" an enormous advantage. Better we acknowledge that the issue is not the meme itself, but how it is used.

  • He came with receipts
  • I hate how well this analogy works.

  • RFK Jr Rejected by Libertarians After They Loudly Booed, Heckled Trump
  • Words mean what people who use them think they mean, and Americans using the word Libertarian mean right-wing anti-government and pro-business folks. This may not have been the word's original meaning, but language changes.

  • Rule
  • You do have a >!teleporter detector!<, sort of. You can use the >!scout launcher to see when the teleporter activates by shooting the scout on the platform and hanging back. A black hole will appear when it activates and you can jump in.!<

  • Rule
  • I mean, the entire game can sort of be described as an easter egg hunt. If you're talking about >!warping inside the Ash Twin project!< then I get it, I got stuck on that for a while too but I love puzzle games and am used to that feeling of being stuck. I've noticed watching playthroughs that most people miss >!clues for how to tell the warp towers apart or how to apply the knowledge that warp towers activate when oriented towards the gravitational center of a destination!<, so there could've been more clues for that.

    Edit: I think something that could've improved it is if they made a mini-game of the ship log to get more people to interact with it. A lot of the issues people seem to have with the game stem from them not meaningfully engaging with the clues they've been given. As it is the game relies heavily on people actively trying to piece together the puzzle themselves without any mechanism to ensure they do it.

  • Little things you can do to save the environment
  • The whole point of the meme is contrasting tiny ineffectual lifestyle changes with actively targeting the people responsible for climate change. Changing the "meatless mondays" panel to "going vegan" ruins the meme by replacing what's supposed to be small and ineffectual with something that's actually radical.

    If you want a vegan meme then make a vegan meme.

  • Little things you can do to save the environment
  • The whole point of the meme is contrasting tiny ineffectual lifestyle changes with actively targeting the people responsible for climate change. Changing the "meatless mondays" panel to "going vegan" ruins the meme by replacing what's supposed to be small and ineffectual with something that's actually radical.

  • Found in yard in West Kentucky - ID help

    More angles here:



    I think it might be a green-spored parasol which is poisonous, but it's hard to tell at this stage. Was hoping it's something edible because there's lots of them and they're massive.


    (Solved) Trouble With CasaOS

    Edit: For those who stumble across this with the same issue, I eventually got it working by adding “default-runtime”: “nvidia”, to /etc/docker/daemon.json then restarting the docker service and Jellyfin container.

    I am in the process of setting up a new media server on an old PC using Ubuntu Server and CasaOS and have run into my first major roadblock.

    To give some background, I formerly had my media server running on my main gaming PC on Windows using Plex and the *arr suite. I’m now trying to do things the right way and set everything back up from scratch on some spare hardware with Jellyfin and all the rest in dockerized containers. I chose CasaOS because I’m not overly familiar with Linux and thought that would be a good way to ease into things.

    Everything was going well until I tried to get hardware acceleration enabled in Jellyfin. For the life of me I cannot seem to get the Nvidia drivers properly installed, much less give Jellyfin access to the device. I’m using a GTX 960.

    I’m not sure exactly what additional info I need to give here, but here’s something I hope helps:

    *****@home-server:/$ nvidia-smi NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running. *****@home-server:/$ nvcc --version nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2021 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Thu_Nov_18_09:45:30_PST_2021 Cuda compilation tools, release 11.5, V11.5.119 Build cuda_11.5.r11.5/compiler.30672275_0 *****@home-server:/$ ls /usr/src | grep nvidia nvidia-srv-535.104.12 *****@home-server:/$ sudo dkms install -m nvidia -v srv-535.104.12 Error! Could not locate dkms.conf file. File: /usr/src/nvidia-srv-535.104.12/dkms.conf does not exist.

    If there’s anything important I’m leaving out - and I probably am - let me know. Also if there’s anywhere else you recommend I post this let me know that as well.


    (Solved) Nvidia Drivers on Ubuntu Server

    Edit: For those who stumble across this with the same issue, I eventually got it working by adding “default-runtime”: “nvidia”, to /etc/docker/daemon.json then restarting the docker service and Jellyfin container.

    I am in the process of setting up a new media server on an old PC using Ubuntu Server and CasaOS and have run into my first major roadblock.

    To give some background, I formerly had my media server running on my main gaming PC on Windows using Plex and the *arr suite. I'm now trying to do things the right way and set everything back up from scratch on some spare hardware with Jellyfin and all the rest in dockerized containers. I chose CasaOS because I'm not overly familiar with Linux and thought that would be a good way to ease into things.

    Everything was going well until I tried to get hardware acceleration enabled in Jellyfin. For the life of me I cannot seem to get the Nvidia drivers properly installed, much less give Jellyfin access to the device. I'm using a GTX 960.

    I'm not sure exactly what additional info I need to give here, but here's something I hope helps:

    ``` *****@home-server:/$ nvidia-smi NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running. *****@home-server:/$ nvcc --version nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2021 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Thu_Nov_18_09:45:30_PST_2021 Cuda compilation tools, release 11.5, V11.5.119 Build cuda_11.5.r11.5/compiler.30672275_0 *****@home-server:/$ ls /usr/src | grep nvidia nvidia-srv-535.104.12 *****@home-server:/$ sudo dkms install -m nvidia -v srv-535.104.12 Error! Could not locate dkms.conf file. File: /usr/src/nvidia-srv-535.104.12/dkms.conf does not exist.


    If there's anything important I'm leaving out - and I probably am - let me know. Also if there's anywhere else you recommend I post this let me know that as well.
