Elon Musk has joined calls for President Trump to pardon ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who was convicted of murdering George Floyd in 2020. A Trump pardon would end Chauvin’s 20-year sentence on federal convictions for violating Floyd’s civil rights, but Trump does not have the power ...
I find it funny how people on the right want the cop who shot that lady during the Jan 6 riot to be punished, yet think Chauvin was in the right....like how can you be so stupid....then again they probably don't care the cop shot her they care cuz he's black.
Couldn't he only be pardoned for the federal level conviction and not the state? Looking at his Wikipedia article, he has a 21 year fed sentence and a 22.5 state.
But yeah, this is a way to force violent protests and eventually martial law.
IIRC, Chauvin made the plea deal on federal charges so that he would do his time in the relative safety of a federal prison.
Which would mean that if he gets pardoned on federal charges, then he would have to serve out his remaining state time in a state pen... the very thing he wanted to avoid. He would probably be dead in under a month unless he spent the next decade or more in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day (like he did in his pre-trial detention).
Flyod's toxicology report says otherwise. Dude had lethal limits of opitates in his system. He was going through fore-boding immediately when they got him out of the squad car. It is hard to watch a person die, but he was having issues a couple of minutes they got his out of his vehicle.
Chauvin would join Kash Himmler's near future SA or NKVD private security detail. The single finger salute goes out to the neo-Nazis and their Government of Putin supporters.
Yeah I wasn’t sure cos I know plenty of people who do it and are always all right for the most part. The effects never appealed to me so I just never partook but it seems like you really have to fuck up bad to be in serious trouble on it
Americans are capable of riots, but it seems to require so marination before some trigger event happens on their soil that causes emotions to suddenly spark.
If he gets pardoned I hope that will push the Americans harder to overthrow these sycophants. On the other hand it could be to try to trigger something so Cheeto Mussolini can crack down on the protests with violence.
There will be mass protests, looters will take advantage of these times. Martial law will be declared in those places and never given back. Nothing would make them happier
If the United States commits their military to enforcing martial law on their own soil then it'll be more difficult for them to escalate their current economic wars into actual wars.
The real trick is the fact that both of these do damage, and you can't afford to ignore either.
Signaling to the police that the executive branch has your back and will support you when you kill poor black men is going to get people straight up murdered.
true, but also, there's a point that laws don't really exist anymore. it's just gang shit. the cops are the gang that want to kill you rather than make a profit off you. there is no legitimacy, there is no reason to respect or obey them, and in fact they will kill you if you do.
This. I'm convinced at this point they're attempting to instigate riots so they can declare material law and seize full control over the US government.
I know it a typo, but declaring it, would be the last step of making material law the ultimate authority. Taking Capitalist Fromm late stage to endgame.
They are the clowns of the circus. Half the US is trying to figure out who the ring master of the circus is ... instead of looking for the guy who owns it.
I mean the plan was always to annihilate people of color like my wife and I. This country has treated our people like shit for centuries and the rest of the world wants us to stay and fight to fix our country. I say fuck that. That's like saying the German Jews should have stayed to fix Germany and should have started committing acts of violence to fix their country. That was never going to work last century what the fuck makes anyone think it would this century. No the fact is racist whites enabled and did this, we aren't at fault and we are not responsible to fix it for them. We are going to be part of the brain drain of this country. Leave the whites to sort out their own fucking mess for once.
They'll beat the drums of nationalism, and try to guilt you. If you flee now, the hundreds of years of oppression will have been in vain. You dare turn your back on the failed revolutions of MLK? Malcolm X? Coward, they'll say. But I say fuck that noise. You owe them nothing. Get out, before it gets worse. You owe it to you and yours to try and find happiness, if you can.
Edit: This is my 666th comment. I meant to drop it in a christian thread, but I thought I had at least one more. Oh well.
I think it's a reasonable assessment of the current situation. He wants/they want to put us in a situation where our military must or can be used to restore order. They want to normalize military use against US citizens.
Elon's brain got damaged by ketamine usage. At his level of power and wealth, he basically runs the planet and the drugs embolden him to shamelessly call for whatever shits he believes
"But of those hapless who were snared by Melkor little is known of a certainty. [...] Yet this is held true by the wise of Eressëa: that all those of the Quendi that came into the hands of Melkor, ere Utumno was broken, were put there in prison, and by slow arts of cruelty and wickedness were corrupted and enslaved. Thus did Melkor breed the hideous race of the Orkor in envy and mockery of the Eldar, of whom they were afterwards the bitterest foes. For the Orkor had life and multiplied after the manner of the Children of Ilúvatar; and naught that had life of its own, nor the semblance thereof, could ever Melkor make since his rebellion in the Ainulindalë before the Beginning: so say the wise. And deep in their dark hearts the Orkor loathed the Master whom they served in fear, the maker only of their misery. This maybe was the vilest deed of Melkor and the most hateful to Eru"
Tesla do that on their own. If we did their building, people will think it was the same way.
Government build hurts the people. We will have to rebuild it again. Plus I want a building that will improve the community and a Wal-Mart building will accomplish that.
I scrolled all the way to the bottom of these comments, then breathed a sigh of relief.
Because the comments that I'd see on reddit, the ones all the way at the bottom that show up every time George Floyd is mentioned, weren't there. I hadn't even thought about those comments until I got to the end.
But that guy was convicted of murder wasnt he? Is Felon now doubting a jugdes decision? I really think he is losing his shit. Did for sometime but now its getting obvious.
I'd say it's to embolden police and violent racists, in hope of helping encouraging their race war to destabilize the country so that they can divy it up.
The interesting lack of forethought from the oligarchic billionaires is that their billions mean nothing without the US dollar and NYSE. The majority of their hoards of wealth are not backed by anything tangible that could be of use in the event that the US dollar ceases to be relevant. I suppose that this kind of thought isn't likely to occur to sociopaths that were born with platinum spoons in their mouths.
Yes - just as with the DEI controversy, the main point is just to fan the flames of racism.
The 1% understand that the US is approaching a breaking point. Things are going to shit, and people are going to start looking for someone to blame for the ugliness and horror and death to come.
And the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the 1%.
And of course, they don't want us to see that. So they're doing everything they can to divide us against ourselves.
He's still got time he owes Minnesota about 20 years yet. I don't know what the laws about where he serves are, but I don't imagine he'll be placed somewhere better.
Prisons in Minnesota are much more likely to have inmates that he personally arrested, so moving from federal to state prison would be significantlyworse for him