It's pretty much guaranteed that whenever Francis pops his clogs the next pope will be ultra right-wing. Francis has been shitty in many ways, but as modern popes go he's been more on the tolerant side of things. That's pissed off a bunch of hard-right cardinals. So the next one will almost certainly be an opus dei fascist. At that point many will probably be looking at Francis with a little bit more nostalgia.
He's not tolarant or nice. He's the spokesperson for the biggest pedo ring on the planet. They had to find a "nice guy" because the days of blind religios followers is dwindling.
B) I didn't use the term "nice". So don't misquote me please.
C) I said "he's been more on the tolerant side of things". Which is true compared to the likes of Benedict and other popes. It's a sliding scale, and that doesn't mean he's been super tolerant and inclusive overall. But he has been slightly more tolerant than his predecessors. Casting all popes as being equally evil is myopic and not realistic.
D) You've missed my main point (either on purpose or accidentally), that the next pope will be worse than Francis. If an opus dei supporting cardinal gets the job the level of hatred and intolerance coming from Rome will be on a new level. And people - especially those who are impacted by the Catholic Church in any way - should prepared for that.
Reminder that this guy was a right wing, homophobic windbag long before he was pope and the Vatican PR department started making look like a saint. He does nothing but spew hollow, PR written platitudes and says a lot of nice things without backing them up with actions. He still denies meetings with rape victims of his clergy, still stone walls them with lawyers, still shuffling around pedo priests to hide them. He’s as evil as any pope that has come before
He'll probably try to push Vance as the next pope. He's Catholic and a complete waste of space right now. And I'm sure JD would like to get intimate with a tabernacle.
One of the wealthiest men in the world claiming to represent Jesus Christ, Who didn't have so much as a pillow to sleep on... Catholics really need to start reading their Bibles.
Fuuuuuck catholicism. Fuck all religious leaders, really, but they have probably caused more damage than all the others combined, so fuck them in particular.