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Confused about my drives and partition names
  • That seems obvious in retrospect. Oof. I'm not even a boomer. KDE tryna give me an existential crisis over mystery data. I guess I'll try a reboot for tomorrow then and see what it thinks with one less problem. Or having one less excuse.

  • Confused about my drives and partition names
  • I knew UUIDs existed and used as an internal kinda name, I just didn't know what they'd look like, so that actually makes sense.

    Gparted want having a problem with udisks, the only mention of that was an error in Dolphin when trying to access the entry I had labeled for the drive as 'main'. Then this generic name showed up and 'main' stopped working under that entry. Where is Dolphin getting the names of these labels if not the partition name?

    The devices section has come back. Haven't done anything to it other than leave the room for a few hours. Is there a way to manage settings for what shows up there?

  • Confused about my drives and partition names
  • I should have mentioned that, so I edited the post.

    I'm on Pop at the moment, but using KDE instead of GNOME.

    I trimmed out the part that wasn't about the drives:

    nvme0n1 //This is the 'Archive' drive with it's weird numbers and letters. I notice now with this output all the drives have it, but I'm not sure what it means │ └─nvme0n1p3 ext4 1.0 94e1fb1a-317a-4651-9861-32973dc35aa4 1.7T 0% /media/myuser/94e1fb1a-317a-4651-9861-32973dc35aa4 nvme1n1 //This is my main drive. │ ├─nvme1n1p1 │ vfat FAT32 5FD4-48C2 702.8M 31% /boot/efi ├─nvme1n1p2 │ vfat FAT32 5FD4-48B2 1.1G 73% /recovery ├─nvme1n1p3 │ crypto 2 407a229c-f6e7-4cb4-a3e5-4bc7a635f4ea │ └─cryptdata │ LVM2_m LVM2 AQolPx-kmD9-vQgW-1krZ-jbDM-UvAw-eihxFT │ └─data-root │ ext4 1.0 3a1ef062-2da2-407f-a6a9-51888413d5bc 1.2T 29% / └─nvme1n1p4 swap 1 e95a07b7-1657-4026-bb55-8b60d542e3cf └─cryptswap swap 1 cryptswap 58a986f0-7183-4ddf-a288-75902db90cc0 [SWAP] nvme2n1 //This is the 3rd drive I mentioned. It's just chillin' │ └─nvme2n1p1 ext4 1.0 Drive3 8fdf30db-5c2c-4ccb-94d2-11aa69d2ca59 444.5G 0% /media/steve/Drive3

    This code block did not format at all. Not sure what I did to break it. I just attached screenshot of it to make it more readable.

  • Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! wheeldawg

    Confused about my drives and partition names

    So first off, what I'm TRYING to accomplish here is to have 3 drives show in Dolphin with their correct names. They are 3 physical drives (no crazy partition shenigans), but I'm having several issues trying to get them to be usable. All 3 are nvme drives connected directly to the board. (I'm new to Linux, not building machines.) The main drive is encrypted and is showing as type LVM2, the others are just ext4.

    I am still fairly new with this, and didn't mess with this much when I used Windows, but when I did everything worked fine the first time. I'm pretty competent at following directions, and willing to learn vocab and lingo.

    So the 3 drives are:

    -main system drive

    -drive to store photos (labelled 'Archive')

    -Had a 3rd drive sitting around when I put this system together. No real intended use for it yet, but I'll think of something later.

    So I'd like to have them listed as Main, Archive, and Drive3 for now. For a while I just had Main and Archive working. I just tried to add some photos to the Archive drive a couple minutes ago, but it's not longer showing in the Devices section in the sidebar. There is still a "Main" listed, but it says "An error occurred while accessing 'Home', the system responded: An unspecified error has occurred: No such interface “org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Filesystem” on object at path /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/dm_2d0" whenever I click on it.

    Seeing as I know my computer is currently working, that doesn't make any sense to me. There is another drive simply listed as "1.8 TiB Internal Drive dm-1" which is actually the correct drive for my system install. So the listing it was under now doesn't work, but it's still easily accessible with this default name.

    There is now a recovery device listed, but I haven't created a recovery partition, and I certainly don't want to see it listed in the devices, as if I need it I will just use it as intended, I don't ever need to browse it easily.

    The Archive drive is not listed at all anymore. I can still see it in GParted, and it shows up just fine, but says it isn't mounted. At the moment I still have the original copies of everything I've put on it, so worst case scenario I can reformat it and start over, but I'm just trying to understand what happened here so it isn't a recurring problem. It wasn't mounted according to GParted and the Disks utility, so I just tried mounting it and it worked, but none of the files that were on it are still there. But they're still on the Main drive, so I can just drag them back.

    After mounting the drive just now, the Devices section has disappeared in Dolphin. I'm getting more and more confused the more I try to figure it out and fix it.

    I'm assuming if it's showing blank (other than an empty 'lost+found' directory that means the data is gone. I'm almost afraid to reboot now and feel like it's about to implode on me. I can get screenshots of whatever might need to be seen, but honestly now with the Devices section just entirely missing, the idea of this being convenient is becoming hopeless. I just want the drives to always show up with the correct names, and not give errors trying to navigate them. This shouldn't be this complicated. At least the system itself is functioning, but this is killing me. I've never had drives just stop showing up before.

    Oh so the 3rd drive I did just add recently, so it really hasn't had time to have an error with it, as I haven't touched it yet. Nothing is on it, it was just recently added

    So in short, any ideas why the "Main" listing stopped working and why it showed up as a default named partition? The Archive part actually may not have been copied over yet (I can't remember stuff to save my life sometimes) but I know the drive itself was at least accessible before. Which it seems to be now, but was unmounted by default, which is kinda odd. Also when I mounted it, it showed up as a folder with a long name of random numbers and letters, but it still shows the correct partition name in GParted. The 3rd drive shows correctly as "Drive3" which is its volume/partition name, but the partition on this drive is named/labelled "Archive" but shows as a long string of numbers, letters, and dashes.

    And now I'm unsure which drives are still working at any given moment since the Devices part isn't even there and I have to keep manually digging into them from the media mount point "folder". I can make a version of it by manually adding a "Place" to the Dolphin sidebar, but it's not in its own category anymore, and is much more annoying to me this way. I could use it like that if I have to, but I'd rather go back to each one showing on its own.

    Any ideas or help?

    edit- Using Pop with KDE

    You can try Vertical Tabs in Firefox now
  • Never heard of that idea. Sounds like a slightly lazier way to do it, but I respect it. Could be easier for accessibility reasons I suppose.

    Getting vertical tabs and hiding the original tab row is the only thing I have to mess with the userchrome file for myself, so this getting baked in will help me skip an extension setup and file edit every time I set it up on a new device. Or freshly setup device.

  • what are these rubber holes on the back of the pc case?
  • The rubber didn't agree well on my old case. I poked it a couple years ago trying to figure it what it might be and the little triangles has gotten stiff and snapped off on one side, so I stopped poking it.

    I was today years old when I learned what they were for though. I knew it was some kind of tube or pipe or hose, but I've spent about 0.3 seconds actually thinking about it so I never figured it out.

  • Why does nobody here ever recommend Fedora to noobs?
  • I tried it when the first one I tried didn't work out.

    Ctrl+C hard locked it instantly every time I pushed it. I could right-click and choose "Copy", but pushing Ctrl-C just froze whatever image was on screen. No response at all after that. Plus it was giving me a headache trying to get Nvidia drivers installed.

    So then I moved to Pop since the correct driver was baked in, and it's been mostly smooth since.

  • It's true though
  • It's in the name. If you were a kid in the 90s, you're a 90s kid. Babies are not the same as kids. Kids can cover a wide range of ages, as they can be referred to as that their whole life with a certain kind of phrasing.

    I get the line is debatable, but I feel like consistent early conscious memories is about the starting line for "kid". I've never really heard of it being used to mean when they're born in conversation.

    This is just my experience, but I've never heard of this particular molehill.

  • I just switched to Pop OS, any tips on what I should do next?
  • I'm pretty be to it too, and it's the first and only one I've used for more than a couple hours.

    I dumped GNOME immediately, but haven't really felt a need to change anything else and don't really know what else I'd want to, at least not yet.

    I got my stuff working, got colors and window decorations sorted out, and got gaming working.

    Now I'm just vibing.

  • Sounds like a good solution
  • I don't really keep track of fashion for punks, (it feels like there's a hole where fashion knowledge would go-i just can't be arsed to pretend to care) but as an almost entirely bald guy (very short buzz) now I'll have another paranoia to think about.

    It won't make any sense (hence why I call it that) since I almost always just wear cargo shorts and a plain solid color tee, but now that annoying part of the brain will have this to latch onto.

  • Do you use both a personal desktop and laptop?
  • I have never owned a laptop. I was given an old Chromebook to tinker with, but it's so old and incredibly slow that it's just not easy to deal with.

    I was handed a laptop that has some issues including a "sometimes works, sometimes doesn't"keyboard and mostly fried GPU to the point where there are tons of tiny pink artifacts all over the screen. It technically still works, but hurts to look at. I was told it was mine, but other than some prodding to see what the issue was, (pretty sure there's a bunch of dust caked in the GPU fan) I haven't used it. So I guess I do actually own one, but I've only touched one a very few times ever.

    I finished high school before dial up was completely out of style, and have only been exposed to "broadband" since college. (All 768Kbit of it)

    I went to an in town college and mostly did my work on the gaming rig I built as my first computer, using their lab to print papers.

    Laptops were sort of common, but still somewhat luxury at the time. Kinda like iPhones were at first. Lots of people already had a phone, but the "fancy" one was the status symbol even more than it is now.

    Since then I've been rebuilding desktops ever since. I've had I think about 4 different cases now, each being upgraded with different parts a few times before moving on to the next as it fell apart. Some of my old machine parts are still in my parents' computer now. At least I think it is. That machine has changed a few times too and I haven't kept track because who cares.

    So I'm right in the sweet spot of when phones became capable of laptop-like stuff, just as always having a computer available became more and more necessary. So since most people do most of their laptop stuff during school, and I never had a job that handed out company computers, I've just never really needed one.

    I kinda wanna get one at some point, if for no other reason than to see the day to day of owning one and taking it places. But it's just a curiosity at the moment.

    I'm totally anti Windows now (recently as of building my most recent rig a few months ago), so I would have to pay attention to which one I get because I know there can be compatibility issues with them. I know there's stuff like the Tuxedo brand which are all Linux all the time machines, but I don't want to limit my choices, so research would be necessary for all that.

    I just moved my parents off Windows (their machine was really struggling as it was assembled when Win was new) because I knew they wouldn't be paying for extended security patches.

    I type too much and I'm already past answering this lmao

  • "Why don't you go outside and play?"
  • I still need to finish that game. All these years later and I still haven't been as far as that guy in white that can snack your sword around. I've seen the name but never remember it since I haven't encountered him yet.

  • Diablo 4 gray screen crash

    So I'm getting the famous gray screen crash on trying to start the game.

    I have finally moved to Linux for my main machine and almost everything is running smoothly except this game in particular.

    I using Lutris to get to BattleNet. Overwatch 2 works great. But Diablo 4 just shows a gray screen for 2 or 3 seconds and then the window closes bringing me back to whatever was on the screen when it tried launching.

    I've seen a bunch of mentions of this issue, most are for the Steam Deck or are Windows-related, and I've seen a lot of posts about switching Proton versions and VKD3D versions, but I cannot seem to get a working combination to just get into the game.

    I don't have a clue what is wrong or how to even diagnose what else to do here. All of the links I can find that mention anything.

    I had to stop after launch because my last machine only had 4GB of RAM and would choke after a few minutes, but this machine should not be having problems.

    Edit- Game is still having problems even when launched from Steam.

    I cannot get to launch with any regular Proton version or Experimental. I also can only get it running with GE after version 8-26. (only 3 versions, 8-26, 9-1, and 9-5)

    But every version up to 9-5 has the gray screen for a couple seconds, then the game closes with no error message.


    Nvidia issues

    First of all, big surprise, right? Stuck with it for now, though. Not sure if AMD is actually any better at this point, but that's a problem for a different time.

    So I've tried fedora now, (can list hardware later in post)and got it to install fine, did the system update, 4gb or so later, that's good to go, so now I figure it's time to get the GPU drivers working so I can make progress on making a daily driver out of this machine.

    There's a lot of conflicting information and alternate routes to go with the drivers as I've gone to see, so that's confusing enough already.

    So I'm on the KDE version of F38, since I would like to use Plasma.

    I found and installed the "latest" dkms driver via cuda.

    Haven't made other changes at all yet.

    But at this point, it black screens after the grub menu. If I use nomodeset I can access the system, but I'm stuck in 1024x768. This is obviously terrible, I have a GPU for a reason and I would like it to work. Before installing these drivers I could at least use native resolution and native refresh rate.

    It's defaulted to Wayland of course, which I hear can be another issue by itself, but I don't know the pros and cons of it vs using X (or X11 it whatever is actually called). I also know the open drivers can have issues, but am not sure if they would be useful for me.

    Relevant hardware: MSI MAG Z790 i7 13700K RTX 3070 Ti

    So obviously these drivers don't work for me, but I'm not sure what I need to do from here. Google got me this far, but there's not a lot of mentioned of being forced to use nomodeset, and nothing relevant at all if how to get proper drivers installed properly.

    I did add the RPM Fusion repo, but haven't used it yet. Or at least the free one, can't remember if I added the non free one yet.

    Happy to find outputs of whatever you need, but I'm still very new to using a terminal, so I don't know much about what I can do with it in general, much less what to do with it or try to look at in this specific case. I've picked up bits and pieces, but until I can get a working environment, learning is difficult.


    Fresh newbie with a boot problem


    Finally built a new rig, and wanted to ditch Windows.

    Got KDE neon up and running, booted into it, got my browser mostly back to how I like it, ran an update for my video card. I didn't notice the screen blackout and come back like it normally would for a video update, but I don't think that has anything to do with my current issue. I tried to restart to make sure it was running, and the update part of discover showed up and said I had a couple hundred updates to get, no big surprise there, since it is a fresh install.

    Then it hung on fetching updates, and while I could browse my list of programs, I couldn't do anything else. So I did a hard shut down and powered back up.

    It sticks on some kennel warnings and won't go any further.

    Obviously I can't really do anything from there that I know of.

    I also can't even get it to boot with the install media. That just sticks on a black screen. I can tell the monitor is actually showing black, as it doesn't give the "NO SIGNAL" warning. I have no idea what to do from here since I can't get it to react to anything, much less know how to fix anything if I could get in.

    As for what the warnings say, there are 6 or so lines saying the same thing: problem blacklisting hash (-13), and one more that says nvme2: failed to set APST feature (2)

    I haven't put anything on nvme2 yet, I haven't even formatted it yet, just the primary drive (nvme0). So I'm not sure what could possibly be wrong with it yet.

    Diablo IV wheeldawg

    Is the crashing just me? It happens so often.

    My game crashes VERY frequently. I can't run any dungeons solo, because I will almost certainly crash while doing it, thereby losing my progress.

    I'm just trying to finish the thing, and not being able to grind reliably is killing my enjoyment of this game.

    It doesn't happen predictably, and doesn't happen when I'm doing any specific thing in particular.

    Not even able to guess based on time passed. Sometimes I can come back and rejoin my party and instant crash, every now and then I can get over an hour.

    It's not a hardware problem or driver problem.

    I don't even know what else to do about it. I had been hearing others had the problem, but that quieted down a few patches ago. It never got better for me. This has persisted since I got the game about a week or so after launch.

    Is it really just me now? I really want to make some progress, but side quests and cellars can only help so much and I don't always have friends on. Playing a dungeon over and over in hopes it won't crash this time is extremely frustrating. Can make it through maybe 1 out of 3 times.

    Even if it was just once out of ten it would be too much to want to keep trying.
