Holy shit, insulin is ~$98 on average over there!?
That is literally the most expensive place to buy insulin on this planet.
Most countries have insulin available for ~1/5th that price or less, with many selling it for less than 1/10th of the US price.
I knew it was bad over there but that’s fucking atrocious.
At least you’re more free over there than anywhere else though, right?
Yeah. It's literally against the law for Medicaid or Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices. They have the largest insurance pools, and therefore an incredible amount of leverage, but nope. Gotta pay those insurance companies!
Freedumb pretty much. It is a great study how to keep people divided while the wealthy extract all the money. Greed begets greed, look at the richest man on earth. It is never enough.
Now the plan is to make everyone else poor. Taxes go up for the poor down for the rich while inflation gobbles up any increase in salary. Union bad. Privatise good. This message is several decades old now.
yeahhhhh.... hasanabi was right, targeting trans sports was the easiest and dirtiest way to bring transphobia to the normies. people that don't even give a shit about politics and don't think about trans people one way or another can say "well at least sports are fair now"
Trans sports is where the boundaries between what people do with their own body is crossed into interaction with others. This is why it has become the favorite point to attack for conservatives.
Squash is good too. I actually played quite a bit when I was young. But imo nothing compares to the feeling of defending smash successfully esp. multiple times in a row.
Because some people view Men's sports as professional, and a career opportunity. Women's sports on the other hand are seen by those people as recreational, and something fun to do outside of the house.
Who would put a professional player against a recreational player? That's just not fair, the recreational player would be embarrassed at how bad they are and it wouldn't be fun to watch.
Obviously nothing I said is true but it's an opinion held by many.
Reaction time, endurance, strength(yes hitting a shuttlecock harder is important), etc. They vary wildly between men and women and no sport can really balance the scales in either direction.
Yeah CEO’s and shareholders are driving it to the extreme, but in the end everybody wants their interest on savings/investments, their yearly wage increases etc.
The whole economic system is at fault and America is driving it to the extreme.
One of those theories is the circulair economy which basically against consumerism and working more on the r-ladder to make companies produce better goods.
But first the US needs to get their shit together with bullshit that is designed for people to buy as much as possible like the taxes not being included in the price. Same with tips and other fees. Normally that is called misinformation on price, but American jusr accepts it. Some people even defend that bullshit.
Another theory involves giving people other benefit than more which is more in line with how it worked in mid-century. But then instead of having a king ontop have the state untop
So I work on a military base in a building with less than 5,000 people, of which three have confided to me that they are trans and wanted someone to talk to and I have a niece that is trans. I have a hard time believing only 1 trans person per state has a desire to play sports with my completely anecdotal evidence. I don’t know what the real numbers are and I get that it isn’t the point but I don’t think it’s effective to diminish the number of trans folks that there are. I’m very confident anyone not living under a rock knows and is likely at minimum a friendly acquaintance with at least one trans person, whether they are aware of that fact or not.
You’re only deciding between insulin and groceries because the government maintains some company’s monopoly on manufacturing insulin.
In an actually free market, the instructions would be open source and the only question would be whether to synthesize it at home or pay someone else to synthesize it for you.
My guess is it would cost about as much as chocolate does per unit mass.
In a "true free market" the instructions would be hoarded by the company that came up with them and the insulin would be sold for as much as humanly possible. The only countries that don't suffer from this issue are the ones where the government is handling Healthcare and dictates what it's willing to pay for medicine.
You anti government regulation types sure as fuck don't seem to understand how we got to having all these regulations. Hint it was companies abusing their customers and employees to the point where tens of thousands of people were dying, for each regulation.
Yes, people confuse "free" (unregulated) with "competetive market" all the time.
If "free" means "no barriers to market entry or exit and even distribution of market power" then they're similar.
But if free means "no regulation" then it'll just be a race to accumulate the most market power (and political and military force) and use that to suppress competition. Features like slavey and indentured debtors has commonly occurred in 'free' (unregulated) markets, but it is just about the complete opposite of 'no barriers and even market power'.
Capitalism created American price gouging. You have people dying over something that's completely treatable.
If the "resources were allocated" correctly, then it's not efficient in any way for an economy to have people dying over something as cheap and easy to treat just because someone can blackmail people to pay more.
My unemployed friend who is a single mother with type 1 diabetes and who has two kids with type one diabetes would be in real fucking life danger in the US. As it stands, she doesn't need to worry about that. All because we haven't (yet) allowed capitalism to (completely) rape our healthcare system.
Yeah I know. One of the big differences between prescription drugs and food, in terms of the industries, is that anyone can bake bread and therefore the only reason to buy it at the store is if the loaf at the store costs less time and energy than making it oneself.
Hard lol at the thought of synthesizing insulin at home. Look a bit into the practical aspects of medicine manufacturing and the quality assurances required to avoid killing the patients.