I'm running on 4 hours sleep for the past 2-3 days so forgive me if this makes no sense. I'm going to see if I can find it in my enormous vault of bullshit but I remember seeing a tumblr post ages ago about humans in space. I love those things. Where humans are dealing with aliens and they're confused by us or vice versa. There was one of an engineer talking to an alien after first contact and they're discussing technology. It gets to what they use to go FTL and power their ships. Insanely complicated tech and then the alien finishes it with "and then it boils water which spins a turbine that generates electricity" and the engineer just starts screaming and smashing his head off of a bulkhead.
Edit: Well that was fucking easy. Still not sure this is the one I'm thinking of though.
All superpowers and magic can in some way be used to create perpetual energy machines.
Another way to do this without carbon would be to just summon them high up and sad they fall they spin turbines. Though you'd end up with a ton of baguettes and nothing to do with them
Being only slightly stale isn't an issue at all, especially when it comes to sustenance to stay alive. Setting personal gain aside, have people pay you to travel to Bumfuck, Africa. Make it rain infinite slightly stale baguettes. Solve their hunger, at least for a while, and build a composting facility to create mass amounts of compost out of tons of slightly stale baguettes. Feed their livestock tons of slightly stale baguettes.
Travel to Bumfuck, India. Make it rain infinite slightly stale baguettes. Solve their hunger, at least for a while, and build a composting facility to create mass amounts of compost out of tons of slightly stale baguettes. Feed their livestock tons of slightly stale baguettes.
I'm sure you could reach out to many impoverished countries of the world, say hey you pay for my travel, my food & lodging, and pay me $200K (or whatever they can afford) and I'll make slightly stale baguettes rain down from the fucking sky and they'll gladly take you up on that offer. If they're smart.
World hunger, solved. Deserts covered with multiple feet of fertile, composted bread-soil. And as others have said, French toast & other foods forever. Plus if you work it right, you could get paid to travel the world & enrich the nations with your talent.
Become famous for producing infinite food, get shot by a religious fanatic whose beliefs don't align with the supernatural talents you possess. That or just a corporate hit by Frito-Lays.
I guess that is an angle. But I think I heard of an old Asian tale basically saying that tyrants, dictators, and oppressors require amazing security detail by default. But universally loved rulers who care for the people & do incredible amounts of good need minimal security, and every good man is an unpaid member of their security detail. Virtually all will work to protect him.
Even if that were the case, if you could quickly work over a few countries & create organic, fertile topsoil for all the barren land on Earth -- I would argue you have a moral obligation to quickly, quietly execute that power. Even if it kills you. Perhaps start by creating oceans of slightly stale baguettes in the deserts; leave people in the dark. Then go to countries in secret & be like I am the bread god, you've seen my work, pay me now, and get all the bread.
Even if they were to eventually find & kill you, strictly speaking about utility, creating millions of tons of fertile, rich compost & filling the bellies of millions of people is more good than you or I could ever hope to accomplish in a lifetime. Even a million people. It would be an act of goodness that would change the world forever.
There are a surprising number of people who have indicated that they would use their baguette summoning powers to carry out assassinations. Here's me thinking "damn I could honestly help out in countries that are struggling, with this power" like the simpleton I am.
With the right (or maybe that should be "wrong") people out of the way*, many more people will be fed than would otherwise not be. Short term goals versus long term goals.
Also, stale baguettes, while technically food, are not the most nutritious of foods. Employing the baguettes in other ways may result in better nutrition.
* I should make plain** that "out of the way" does not necessarily mean the most extreme measure. It can, but it doesn't have to.
Slightly stale? It does sounds like i can steam it back up and then use it to do other recipe. Make Garlic bread with it is great, or cube it then bake it until crunchy, then toss it into mushroom soup as topping.
Unless you read the prompt as the baguette will always remain slightly stale, so no matter how you attempt to freshen it up, it will still be slightly stale.
.... I'd summon a few billion directly overlapping the physical space of a corrupt politician. If outdoors, in a tall column directly above, preferably several tons worth per capita.
Some choice people from this list I have would also receive a suborbital baguette infusion.
The downside is trying to deal with the stale fallout and subsequent mess the pummeled flesh and dough would leave after... Birds everywhere would go nuts.
Can I summon the baguette out of the thin air inside someone's lungs? Cos that's basicly a free kill anyone wherever, whenever. U can rule the wold with that power.
Reminds me of some American charlatan in the 1800s (I think it was the 1800s) who passed herself off as Chinese. To be fair they were able to get away with it because the Chinese were banned from the country.
I contact every James Randi-type paranormal debunker that I can find and explain my power to them. I agree to all of their terms and agree to demonstrate it to them under whatever tightly controlled absolutely perfectly sterile conditions they want.
And I do it for them, claim my prize money, and continue on with my life.
My power is to summon a baguette, not unlimited baguettes, so I gotta make that one count and I think that's my best to get the most bang for my buck.
Or if I get to decide where exactly that baguette is summoned to, perhaps I will have it spring into existence occupying the same space as [REDACTED]'s brain stem. Having them out of the picture would greatly enrich my life.
I'll put some spicy chicken, turkey or other meat with some onions and garlic, hot out of the frying pan, maybe some hot sauce or gravy and some salad on the bread. Wrap with aluminium foil and leave it for a few minutes. Nice soft bread again...
Figure out a way to burn it completely and cleanly. Infinite power.
But I guess it depends on how long it takes to magic out of thin air.
If I could do millions per second, I might be able to get some time off. If it was 1 per second, then not really viable.
Although would add carbon to the environment (as opposed to unlocking millennia old carbon).
If you summon enough baguettes in the right spot in space, you generate enough mass to gravity-slingshot Earth into a new trajectory. Depending on what mood you're in, you could use this to solve global warming, or send us into a collision course with the sun.