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MissJinx MissJinx
Posts 9
Comments 1.1K
  • It's not even the price, I don't even have the option to buy some content. What the hell, so many years and these people didn't understood that we will watch the movie/show regardless of you wanring to sell it to me or not.

    i.e. Shudder is not in my country, there is no "legal" way to watch their shitty.movies. Do I just accept ir? No! I download the fuck out of that crappy cheap shit

  • What are they going to do?
  • yep...and some places even went backwards

  • Do you think another civil war can happen in the US?
  • Modern civil war happens when a domestic terrorist group starts to act agains the government.

    For a full on civil war the army would habe to break apart in factions too, and I don't thinl that's probable in the us

  • Does your cat let you sleep/nap not facing them?
  • i know... I don't push my cat either, just sleep in less space lol

  • Kitty car trip
  • If you say Vegan 3 times a angry vegan will apear

  • I ain't going...
  • A baboon?

  • What are they going to do?
  • Yes don't work only for US... North Korea, China, Afganistan, some places in africa that still have dictators...

    I for once have free health care, sick leave, maternity leave, many vacation days a year (by law) an mostly everyone works 40 hours a week, with the exception of special doctors, fireman etc. .... I'm ok without an overlord

  • What kind of special knowledge or equipment do piracy groups have?
  • it's not even hard. It's just to much work, if someone else is doing it for me I thank them with thoughts and prayers (and sometimes I donate money)

    Funny enough sometimes I'll download shows that I already paid for (like Max ot Netflix) just becaus VLC is great and my TV is not

  • Does your cat let you sleep/nap not facing them?
  • My girl sleeps in my face. Like she's a pillow that I have to touch. it doesn't bother me too much because I sleep belly up (yes like a dead person) but when I turn to be on my side, if I'm not facing her, she will stand and go over my head to the other side util she lays down on my face. Not.very gpod.for alergies but I think she is so sweet that I just let her

    I also have a queen size and another cat and a dog and all of them sleep with me (not forced but they want so I let)

  • Spooky
  • me too! 🙏I've got 99 problems but education and health care aren't one

  • "Yo, that for me, right"
  • I always share some of my meat with my kittens (2) and I've learned 2 things, the first one doesn't like anything but ham and tuna sushi. Neither of them will have a third piece. The second one will eat anything, like a hungry homeless cat, but never 3 times. 1 tiny piece for taste, another one IF they ask and they never ask for a third. Also I only give them good things, no spices or soucy stuff (they wouldn't eat it anyway)

  • "Yo, that for me, right"
  • At that point just give him the chicken

  • Honestly, I would probably die trying to pet it (Sound on)
  • In the ancient times, when we, old people, were young, there were no phones or even digital cameras! We would have to take pictures on mobile analog cameras, take the film to a chemist that would, through magic, print that on paper! It was crazy!

    anyways... the paper picture (and 5 thousand others) is somewhere under my mother's bed at her house lol not very easy to find

  • Ouch my texicles
  • Humm love me some texickles! I'll put both straight into my mouth! so wet and salty!

  • Op, Op op op
  • Learn from your masters

  • I don't know what to feel right now.
  • in 1994! fuck, i'm so oldI watched the original adams family with him i the theatre

  • Best fashion
  • Exactly my horny young furry adult

  • Best fashion
  • You do you my boy. What's very cringe for me may be amazing to some horny young adult

  • Got a package and left the tiny box on the bed. Now it's her box.


    Setting up a printer

    Edit: Thanks to everyone for the help! Just an update.

    Thanks to @nate3d and @IMALlama comments below I calibrated the e-steps that were very under and it improved a lot.

    I left the filament on the dryer for 8 hours and tested again with a 20mm /s speed and 220 C print temp and it was better (picture below)

    Just to answer you all saying it's a clog or a hot end problem, it's not, the whole hot end, includong nozzle, heat block and everything else, even the PTFE tube are all brand new and I checked before.

    This is still the best I could achieve and It took 3 hours to print this benchy lol !

    ‐-------- Hi everyone, I'm once again asking for your help lol Since I’ve tried to print with wood I totally wrecked my printer so I changed the hot end and am trying to set it all up again. Since my printer already came built and working I don’t have much experience with things like this so if you could help me I would be very thankful

    What do I need to twerk to make it print better again?

    I’m using Cura slicer and trying to print a benchy with the settings below:

    Nozzle: 0.4

    Layer: 0.2

    Printing temp: 220 (it wont print with lower temp)

    Speed: 60

    Retraction distance: 7

    Retraction speed: 70

    Edit: PLA


    Wood Temp Tower

    This is the temp tower of my wood print experiment Cand even se much difference. It goes from 260 to 190. Below 225 gets really flimsy and above 240 melts. But even 230, the "best" one is really bad, and I'm not talking about retraction. Even the layers that melt are inconsistent.

    Also it's not humidity since the filament was in a filament dryer for.16hours.

    edit: The nozzle is 0.8

    can someone think of anything else?


    TIL Shrek is based on a very weird book What happened to Shrek’s laser-eyes?

    The original Shrek is weird, random — and typical for its author

    What happened to Shrek’s laser-eyes?

    Didn't even knew there was a shrek book, much less that he had laser-eyes. wtf the book looks better than the movie

    "Original Shrek smells so bad that trees lean away from him as he goes by, and he’s so ugly that he can cook food just by glaring at it, with an eye-laser effect that looks exactly like a colored-pencil version of Superman’s heat vision. Shrek also breathes fire and blows smoke out of his ears for fun."


    Perks of home office


    A spoiled princess pretending she is homeless

    She has 3 different huge cat trees, a cat donut, 2 comfy beds and can sleep anywhere she wants, from couches to our own beds....and I found her sleeping in the dirtiest place in the whole property on top of a cardboard box.


    Lego is the dad of games


    One year in and I still can't print things that don't break, but sometimes it does saves me some momey! Making the kids happy!

    The legs broke as always but now I just glue the pieces in and it's fine!


    30 UV led circuit

    Hello! I bought 30 simple UV leds (those with a big and a small leg, not a single strip). I'm trying to build a UV station to dry my resin but idk how to proceed. I tryed watching some videos but there is a lot of math to build that and I can't do it. I have 30 led lights, 5 resistors of 100 and 5 of 300. I wanted to use AA batteries. Do I need 8 of them?? Its not going to be turned on for long, just some 30 seconds at a time.

    Can someone help me?
