I would. I gave llamafile a try, and while it's good, they have an issue with parsing responses that have {{ and }} in them, so it's kind of useless for Laravel development unfortunately lol
Welcome, new industry heads. That's how it works. China takes a car, picks it apart and builds a cheaper car. That's what they've been doing for decades now.
We got angry when Japan did this in the 60s and 70s. I'm going to paste part of the opening from Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash."
Why is the Deliverator so equipped? Because people rely on him. He is a roll model. This is America. People do whatever the fuck they feel like doing, you got a problem with that? Because they have a right to. And because they have guns and no one can fucking stop them. As a result, this country has one of the worst economies in the world. When it gets down to it -- talking trade balances here -- once we've brain-drained all our technology into other countries, once things have evened out, they 're making cars in Bolivia and microwave ovens in Tadzhikistan and selling them here -- once our edge in natural resources has been made irrelevant by giant Hong Kong ships and dirigibles that can ship North Dakota all the way to New Zealand for a nickel -- once the Invisible Hand has taken all those historical inequities and smeared them out into a broad global layer of what a Pakistani brickmaker would consider to be prosperity -- y'know what? There's only four things we do better than anyone else
microcode (software)
high-speed pizza delivery
The Deliverator used to make software. Still does, sometimes. But if life were a mellow elementary school run by well-meaning education Ph.D.s, the Deliverator ' s report card would say: "Hiro is so bright and creative but needs to work harder on his cooperation skills."
I'm kinda reminded of the tale of how the Zilog Z80 processor chip had dozens of little "tricks" built into it. It was being produced in Japan which at the time was famous for their chip production and for copying chip designs. Apparently their little tricks were baffling enough that it delayed the appearance of knock-offs chips by half a year.
Forgot that they are only able to do so because the Western capitalists have been trying to snuff out domestic organized labor and thus dumping huge sums of money into Chinese production for half a century.
I guess, but very often private innovation builds upon a bunch of fundamental research funded by the tax payer. Then the private sector patents it, and brings it to market, overcharges and earns billions. Tough luck if China gets better at this game.
If it was just pure copying the best you could hope for is that you match the performance of your competitor. To exceed their performance genuine investment must be made.
And since China is not a party to any Western IP trade agreements and not bound under international trade law, the only solution is a) diplomacy or b) war
I don't particularly agree that LLMs are nothing more than spicy autocorrect nor is it the end all be all super tool that AI tech bros overhype to death. It's somewhere in the middle with good usefulness and utility like any other tool as long as it's used properly. Like any other tool.
That being said, even if it was just a spicy autocorrect, it's the best damn autocorrect I've seen in my life and won't screw around with my ducking cuss words like the dumb autocorrect systems
I'm pretty sure the autocorrect ducking with fowl language is because it has those words specifically marked not to come up in autocorrect, because kids do also use phones too and that would be enough to cause enough of a stink that no company wants to deal with it.
a) to expect China not to steal every piece of design they can lay their hands on is foolish and should be part of every tech companies contingency planning, and investor consideration
b) given that deepseek seems to have condensed the processing, i can only imagine openai can now use their processes to make the high end chips work just that much more efficiently
Wherever you fall on the anti-AI spectrum, I thought after the past 2 decades of piracy we had come to the conclusion that you can't "steal" data, copying != Stealing
If anything, this is kind of making people realize the opposite. It isn't stealing when it is corporate (or creator...) but it is TOTALLY stealing when it is individual people... who aren't authors or artists.
The fun part is that "creating" datasets for training steal from everyone equally.
And when it comes to authors and artists, it amounts to wage theft. When a company hires an artist to make an ad, the artist gets paid to make it. If you then take that ad, you're not taking money from the worker - they already got paid for the work that they did. Even if you take a piece from the social media of an independent artist and make a meme out of it or something, so long as people can find that artist, it can lead to people hiring them. But if you chop it up and mash it into a data set, you're taking their work for profit or to avoid paying them for their skills and expertise to create something new. AI can not exist without a constant stream of human art to devour, yet nobody thinks the work to produce that art is worth paying for. It's doing a corporation to avoid paying the working class what their skills are worth.
This would be more like buying a van halen album, learning eddies style, writing and recording my own van halen style songs and selling those. Still an infringement?
Maybe in the mainstream, but the open source, socialist and anarchist communities that populate lemmy tend to be very critical of ideas like intellectual property and copy right.