Don't get me wrong, I'm all for composting elon, but that alone won't change much.
Never forget - we are many, they are few, there is enough composting to go around, but more importantly, we need to already be creating the foundations for an alternative, better, society, so that when we abolish the systems that currently govern ours, we have a solid and equitable framework to fall back on and build from.
Sure, but that wouldn't take a whole line of individuals, that wold take a well organised group of a dozen or two, while more groups of a dozen or two go give the other billionaires a visit with their own trash bag, and others go and give some politicians a visit, and some bigger groups take control of the means of production, all while the largest chunk of working class people build the medical and educational and communal support that they need to pull all of that off and come back to once they're done.
I know beating elon up sounds like masses of fun to masses of people, but it isn't your revolution ("your" the individual, not you personally), it's ours. If you're genuinely that enthusiastic about being the one to pull the trigger, there will be plenty of opportunity, but you'll have a much better shot at it if you organise with others (E: even if we go on this being the imaginary world in the comic where the purge is real, if you think in that scenario he wouldn't have pentagon level security and mow all the people with their bags of batteries down with machine guns, you've not been paying attention).
It won't stop there, because it won't start there.
I get that it's fun to imagine, but even in an imagined purge reality doing what is in the comic will only end with a queue of dead people, not a dead musk.
Without uniting and organising you're not going to put any fear in to anyone (at most, you'll get some other rich people to get even better security like after what Luigi did before they move on with their lives, but you wouldn't, because you'd never get through the already existing security the world's richest man can afford).
The first step to actually changing things is to unlearn the toxic individualism indoctrinated in us by capitalism (among many other things of course) and realising that our power lays in unity.
I like the comic. But also, in what world is waking up with the sun visibly up in the sky "the early bird"? My wife and I are up at 4:00 a.m. everyday, not because I want to be. That's just the early bird life. And you know, the job of people who serve breakfast (she does).
That's fair. For me it was just the combination of that visual of the sun relatively high with that phrase. Even during the longest days of the year in summer I'm up before the sun 90% of the time.