Chicago Public Schools officials claim U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents were denied entry to a South Side elementary school Friday morning.
Whenever its authorities doing wrongdoing its "alleged". When its anyone else they call them "perpetrators", or "Wanted for X". Our law enforcement badly needs adult supervision and they havent gotten it. Ever.
Oh holy shit man. That's a movie. Depressed suicidal teenager one day decides to go into his high school to shoot up the place and kill everyone... But things take a twist when an evil government agency assaults the school. Now this would-be school shooter realizes his purpose. He wasn't put here to murder his classmates. He was put here to protect them. Queue the John Wick music.
But seriously you could actually make this a really good movie about the struggles that modern teenagers face and how when it comes down to it we're all in it together more than where apart. Sometimes it just takes an unusual situation to find that out.
Wow, I kinda love that idea! That twist sounds amazing. I'm sure it would draw an insane amount of controversy, but fuck, we as a nation need to discuss this obvious mental health problem. If "no press is bad press" for the oligarchy scum that rule our lives, then the same should go for this.
I'm not sure how well it would be received if we're expected to cheer for the would-be mass murderer, but anything is better than the flaccid "thoughts and prayers" bullshit that our politicians flood the conversation with every time, while sweeping it under the rug.
If only a movie producer was brave enough to take this on...
I have very little faith in people; at some point some red-hat is going to tell their kid they should let ICE in at school. Kid will get praised by right-wing media but be confused when half their friends are gone.
Just fucking imagine how that would go! I work in education and simply having a unfamiliar police officer in the school causes stress in the kids. Now you want to come inside and remove students. Bro this will end violently if it happens. Caring staff and students are not going to hand over a crying and confused child.
Who the fuck are they going to deport from there? Teachers are all probably legal or have visas, and kids that young won't have government id's on them...
If they nab children of immigrants, their parents will have to show up to get them. Then they can boot the whole family out of the country. Disgusting? Yes.
That makes absolutely no sense. Even if a kid made a threat against someone protected by SS, they would use local Leo or the FBI to find and detain the kid, and the school wouldnt prevent it.
Chicago Public Schools officials claim U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents were denied entry to a South Side elementary school Friday morning.
[Ital. added]
Meanwhile, the most inane and unbelievable shit dribbles out of Trump administration officials mouths and journalists will be all "an official familiar with the matter confirmed to ABC" without the hint of a doubt
e; This article has been updated with the feds' new story, and the new headline is a great example of exactly what I was talking about
US Secret Service approached South Side school, not ICE agents: officials
You could say that's what these "officials" claimed, but ABC sure won't.
At any rate, a couple of questions,
Why were the local cops totally in the dark on this? If the secret service was investigating a death threat, what was the plan if their suspect wasn't at home or at school? Just hang around Chicago until you spot them? And if you're confronting a potentially dangerous person at a school, wouldn't you really want to have a whole coordinated police action instead of just having one agent waltz in on their own?
Did this agent identify themselves as secret service and tell the school why they were there? Because they should have but I don't understand how the school would have thought they were ICE if they did, and I don't believe this school would throw a press conference to lie about this when they had to know the federal government would respond to their press conference.
Lastly, if ICE and the secret service were just lying through their teeth to ABC, how would we know? Alternatively, if they were telling the truth, how could we know? Because absent some kind of external proof statements from the Trump administration have zero informational value.
No worries at all! Text communication is tricky at the best of times and I have absolutely no discipline when I write and have like fifteen thoughts per sentence, with at least four being hyperbole, two that are sarcastic, and one that's a reference to a random playstation game I rented from blockbuster but forgot the name of, so, yeah, misunderstandings happen.
This was not an incident involving ICE if anyone here would bother to read beyond the headline
CHICAGO (WLS) -- The U.S. Secret Service told the I-Team they approached a South Side school Friday. Chicago Public Schools officials had initially said the agent or agents were from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Secret Service said they were investigating a threat, and responded to a house. They said they were then told the person they wanted to talk to was at Hamline Elementary School, but they did not enter the school, the Secret Service told the I-Team.
The threat the Secret Service was investigating was not immediately clear.
CPS officials had claimed an ICE agent or agents were denied entry to the South Side elementary school Friday morning.
ICE said this was not a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement encounter.
We can either choose to make up crazy shit to get upset about and believe a headline that has already been corrected or be logical people looking for the real problems to direct our energy towards.