Re: good engineer: this is the thing that frustrates me amount marketing/labeling for travel mugs or cookware; the listed capacity is the absolute brim capacity not the practical capacity. Want to put 16 oz in a 16 oz mug you’re gonna have to sip 3 ounces out first in order to put the lid on. Want to serve 2 qt soup? Gotta use the 3 qt pot.
Backyard tinkerer and wannabe Engineer: I'll just use this glass jar I used to drain some gas as the thing to drink my water now ..... this is water right?
This particular version wouldn't work because the exit point is not lower than the entry point so after a possible initial splash from the first glass the outside air would rush in from the top of the straw and thus push down the water to its own level again...
It's technically like 15.7M , it's the highest concentration you can get before you hit fuming (~70wt% iirc). Although anything you do with it after makes it fume like crazy anyway.
I thought the half full, half empty thing. Was about the flow of water. If you're emptying the glass, at some point the glass will be half empty. If you fill the glass, at one point the glass will be half full.
It's a thought experiment with a static partly filled glass of water, it isn't in a process. It is intended to show the different ways of describing the amount of water.
100% Full with 50% volume occupied by Dihydrogen monoxide molecules and 50% volume occupied by a mixture of molecules in gas form, colloquially refer as "air", which contains, according to the statistical data recorded by analyzing the gas molecules in the air in the Earth's Atmosphere, 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other trace gases.
After a long romp, a fairly new g/f went into my kitchen, grabbed a 1 gal bottle of white vinegar from the fridge, poured herself a glass and tried to chugged it while I was still in bed recovering. -She had the nerve to think I tried to poison her (for half a minute)!
It's good for toilet bowl cleaner, weed killer (including poison ivy), wiping down a large cutting board (not used for meat), fruit and veg wash, descaling / removing water marks, rainbow stains or chrome / nickel residue in pans, it softens fabrics if added to laundry, is used for mayonnaise, salad dressings, sticky rice, deodorizing, and combined with baking soda has been the only thing that worked for a clogged drain. It's also cheap in the gallon size and practically free for people on SNAP. (a lot)
There's no approximation in literalism! If that glass isn't a beaker, you find the nearest means to measure and.go to town. I'll accept 1 thumb length of water to ait at 1 thumb length minus the thickness of a bank card and driver's licence..