The father of the Apalachee High School shooting suspect has been arrested in connection with the shooting that left four people dead, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
Reading about the family Holy shit what a bunch of fuckups.
Mom was crazy as fuck and dad was just as fucked up. This kid never had a chance. Hopefully, the sibling is removed from them because Gawd damn those some fucked up people.
I feel kind of bad for the mom. The woman was an industrial engineer and ended up losing her kids due to drug use? I feel like there's a couple steps we're missing there and I can't imagine any of them are pretty.
“Finally separated from my abusive husband of almost 14yrs,” she wrote in one LinkedIn comment on a post from December 2022. “Hardest shit I’ve ever done but we’re in good hands.”
I appreciate your intent with this, but one of our fundamental rights is due process. Penalizing an individual for simply being investigated would violate that right.
I’m not sure I’m willing to participate in experimenting with a US government where due process is wishy washy. I remember how horny we got for suspending habeas corpus via the patriot act.
Mmm that's a real neat idea but you see if we could somehow get more guns into society, we might finally hit the critical mass where the t's and p's become irrelevant because of all the freedom, you see
We haven’t passed the number of deaths that make Americans start to feel like the deaths aren’t acceptable and that we should make any minor sacrifice to prevent them. I don’t know what the number is, but it’s at least higher than 1 million over 2 years.
This is silly. Do you really think censoring shooter's names is going to do jack shit? Name the parkland shooter, or the Walmart shooter in Texas. I bet you can't. I know the average American can't.
This is an attractive idea because it gives us agency to punish these people somehow. We see them get wall-to-wall media coverage and incorrectly assume that's the motivation because it's hard to imagine shooting kids for any reason and the media coverage is the most available effect to us.
If that's not convincing, then just know that Tucker Carlson agrees with you.
Name the parkland shooter, or the Walmart shooter in Texas. I bet you can’t. I know the average American can’t.
The reason we can't name them is that THERE'S TOO FUCKING MANY OF THEM TO REMEMBER. I can't even remember the incidents you're talking about, let alone who did them.
I couldn’t tell you the Trump shooters name without googling and that was only a few months ago. But I could Google it. These people are famous yes but I don’t think that’s the motivation. Why the fuck would I care if I’m famous, I’m still dead.
The only solution is make it harder to get the guns in the first place and easier and less stigmatized to get the mental health care they need.
There's a famous case in Australia, the Port Arthur massacre, where the perp Bryant was heavily motivated by fame.
The police & prison wardens & media took special measures to ensure he didn't have his photo taken, because he would drive sadistic pleasure from knowing people would see him.
The timeline the teen’s father provided to authorities would put the gun purchase months after authorities first contacted Gray and his family to investigate school shooting threats made online.
So the system successfully identified the kid as a threat, but was not able to prevent the shooting because the father bought the guy on behalf of the shooter.
How would you even prevent that? No way the 2a nuts would go for a temporary ban on firearm ownership (or at least new purchases) by family members. Besides something like that could be used maliciously very easily. You can't take all the kids who post edgy shit online into custody, we just don't have the budget and it's probably not the right move anyway.
You could mandate therapy or some other mental health intervention, like a biweekly visit with the school's counselor. But those nerds don't need any qualifications so they might not be able to identify a credible threat or help talk a shooter out of their (likely unknown to the counsellor) plans.
There are a gajillion things we could try, if not for the blind ignorance of the 2a nuts.