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boydster boydster
Posts 8
Comments 46
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  • A møøse ønce bit my sister

  • What generation are you?
  • There are dozens of us!

  • Anybody else experience this?
  • He's not our president anymore! Yet!

  • What generation are you?
  • Geriatric millennial checking in from 1983.

    I like the "Oregon Trail generation" name someone mentioned earlier too, I might lean into that one more in the future. Remember playing Math Blaster on an Apple Mac Classic in elementary school computer lab? Then you were there too!

  • Since America is bringing back kings what other kind of stuff is on your medieval wishlist?
  • Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords as a basis for a system of government.

  • Melting? Fossil Fuels Have Made Extreme Heat 35 Times More Likely in North America
  • I think they meant the 1980s, as opposed to temperatures in the 80s in terms of degrees

  • Start ups when that VC funding kicks in
  • That's just, like, your opinion...

  • What was your first operating system or Linux Distribution?
  • First OS: MS-DOS 5

    First Linux (many years later): Yellow Dog on one of those dome-shaped iMacs with the PPC chips

  • Proton Pass for Linux
  • It's a described feature of a paid service though, so it goes a bit beyond just being nice. More importantly for me, the app also leaks memory insanely, at least in the latest Debian build. I spun up a Windows vm with ProtonVPN because the Linux experience (which, again, I pay for) was too frustrating

  • Justice Clarence Thomas Acknowledges He Should Have Disclosed Free Trips From Billionaire Donor
  • "I used to take a lot of bribes and I should have let everyone know. I mean, I still do, but I used to, too."

  • Report Exposes Christian Nationalist “Threats” to Democracy in the US
  • Well sure, but let's not throe the baby out with the baptism water, eh?

  • Rent monopoly crackdown continues as FBI raids corporate landlord for 18 Arizona properties


    It has recently been widely reported that the FBI raided a corporate landlord in Arizona due to their use of RealPage to engage in price-fixing. I have reason to believe that RealPage has been used by landlords in [state] as well, so I am curious to know if [state] renters that may have been victimized by landlords using RealPage will also be able to depend on our elected officials to step in and enforce the consumer protection laws that we need in order to fight back against the wildly predatory price increases we have been experiencing from so many different directions. Please tell me this is an issue where the real people of [state], and not the corporations that speak far too loudly with their dollars, have our representatives behind our backs.

    When and if wrongdoing is found, can we also expect to be fairly and fully compensated for the greedflation that landlords stole? And if those costs are too high for a particular landlord to bear, perhaps ownership of the effected properties should instead be transferred to the government to establish more low-income housing facilities and in doing so, help address crises in housing, homeless, and skyrocketing costs. What if we start treating corporations with the same uncaring hand they treat consumers, instead of handling them with kid-gloves? Can [state] citizens count on your support in keeping our people, not our corporations, as your top priority?

    Respectfully, [name]

  • Secretive court system has awarded over $100bn public money to corporations, finds new analysis
  • Instead of forking so much of our tax dollars directly over to corporations, how about we try dispensing those awards directly to the American people so we can spend it where we think will be best?

    Let's just end the thing where the government transfers money to corporations. They like healthy competition, right? So if your corpo doesn't get their fun-money because I spend my kickback funds elsewhere, that's just business, right?

    The money will all trickle up! It'll be great for the corpos and rich folks.

  • Trial results for new lung cancer drug are ‘off the charts’, say doctors
  • Fuck cancer all the way. Every step further in stopping it is a win. And this seems like it might be a particularly great step.

  • Side of bed debate - Which side is left?
  • The answer is easy, but to get to it, a little bit of a thought experiment is probably helpful. I say, look to how we define our own left and right sides for guidance. When facing forward, our left hand is on the left side of our body, and the right hand is on the right side of the body. Perspective doesn't matter, and there is no ambiguity.

    Now we need to extend this to the bed. A bed has a head, just like a person does. So where would its face be? It seems clear to me, unless you are sleeping on a dead mattress, that the face is clearly going to be looking upwards at the ceiling at the head of the bed. So the left side of the bed, if you are standing at the foot of the bed looking at it, would be on your right. Just like the left side of your friend, when you are standing in front of them and looking at them, is on your right.

    Now if you just imagine the mattress to be perfectly spherical and in a frictionless environment.......

    (Obviously just having fun with this answer, but it's also the right answer)

  • Data storage vs backup storage
  • The Venn Diagram of people who drive obnoxious gas-wasting vehicles like that and people who are assholes is a circle

  • Louisiana becomes 1st state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms
  • Fuck Marduk. All my homes hate Marduk. Apsu was right about those rowdy kids all along!

  • Data storage vs backup storage
  • The driver is a POS and people are allowed to have toys. There is no conflict between those positions.

  • Who are your favourite villains from mythology?
  • The Mordred answer is a great one. To add a new name to the list though, I'll pick the Korrigan. Old stories of them would eventually inspire Tolkien to write The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun, which is a delightful read about a couple that wants to have a child but struggles to conceive. The noble husband encounters a strange woman in the woods that offers to help, fuckery ensues.

    Edit to add, just in case that doesn't scratch your mythology itch the right way, another great one: Set or Seth from the Egyptian pantheon

    Another edit because I can't help myself: Enlil! He's from the Sumerian mythos, and in the Atrahasis story he is the god that decides to send a flood to wipe out humanity. Luckily, another god named Enki has a human he really likes that he gives a head's up to. Another fun story that shares some similarities with the Noah's Ark story.

  • X now treats the term cisgender as a slur
  • Leave it, it is very well-written and it also made my day to read

  • Setting up a new Debian Docker Swarm

    After seeing someone else posting their struggles with getting Docker running on their system, I thought I might share my process for setting up new Docker nodes. I don't make any representations about my way being the right way, or the best way, but this way has been working for me. I have been playing around with a swarm, but if you aren't setting up a swarm you can just omit the swarm commands and some of the firewall allows (keep what you need open, obviously, like 22 for SSH if you're using it). Similarly, if you aren't connecting to a NAS, you can leave out the part about mounting external storage.


    new Docker Swarm node setup from fresh Debian Netinst

    as root, all nodes

    apt install sudo usermod -aG sudo [user] logout

    as [user], all nodes

    sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt install fail2ban rkhunter ufw unattended-upgrades ca-certificates curl -y sudo ufw allow 22 sudo ufw allow 2377 sudo ufw allow 7946 sudo ufw allow 4789 sudo ufw enable sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings sudo curl -fsSL -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc echo \ "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] \ $(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \ sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null sudo apt update sudo apt install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin -y sudo usermod -aG docker [user]

    Shared Storage Stuff, all nodes

    nano ~/.smbcredentials

    paste the following:



    add mount point for shared storage

    sudo nano /etc/fstab

    add the following to the bottom:

    /[NAS.IP.Address]/[ClusterStorageFolder]/ /home/[user]/share cifs credentials=/home/[user]/.smbcredentials 0 0

    on main node only

    docker swarm init --advertise-address

    copy the join command, we'll need it next

    on any additional nodes, paste the command copied above

    docker swarm join [...all the rest of the command...]

    for each docker container, on any manager node

    mkdir ~/share/[serviceName] cd ~/share/[serviceName]

    copy relevant compose.yml into the folder

    if necessary, also create any needed directories

    docker compose up -d docker compose down docker stack deploy -c compose.yml ```

    9 History of Middle-earth boxed sets

    Ill need shelf space soon... a lot of shelf space XD

    History of Middle-earth boxed sets

    Just saw these new HoMe boxed sets are coming out, with the first set releasing in November


    An interesting look at the early spread of farming

    Credit: TimeMaps

    As part of a personal educational journey, I've been exploring early human cultures. There are a lot of great websites I've encountered along the way, but this one had escaped my radar until yesterday.

    I grabbed the map portion from a series of posts they had about early farming and strung them all together into a gif so I could visualize it better for myself, and it ended up looking pretty neat so it seemed crazy not to share it.

    The green parts of each slide show you where the farming was happening at the time. The first slide represents 10000 BCE, and each slide after is dated 1000 years further ahead in time, all the way up to the last slide at 3000 BCE, as outlined by the TimeMaps folks.


    On the matter of World Trees

    Here's a fun, ten-minute video from PBS Digital Studios and hosted by Dr. Moiya McTier & Dr. Emily Zarka that discusses trees, especially World Trees (or Great Trees) as seen in so many mythologies, and their prevalence in ancient stories. From Baobab trees to Yggdrasil.


    World Mythology: An Anthology of the Great Myths and Epics, Second Edition by Donna Rosenberg

    I'm currently reading the Third Edition of Rosenberg's World Mythology, which is what I referenced when writing the Enuma Elish summary before. For anyone wanting to read more of her work, the Second Edition of her book is available online free and has a ton of great content:


    A Brief Retelling of the Enuma Elish

    Here's a quick synopsis based on some notes that I jotted down as I was looking over a version of the Enuma Elish that was written in Donna Rosenberg's World Mythology textbook.

    What is the Enuma Elish? Great question! It's an ancient creation story, dating back to the Babylonians in Mesopotamia, perhaps reaching as far back as 2000 BCE.

    Everything interesting about this is a credit to Rosenberg's work and to the Babylonian people that documented the stories on clay tablets so long ago, and everything wrong with it is undoubtedly down to my own poor comprehension. Enjoy!

    The Enuma elish

    Apsu and Tiamat, the fresh- and saltwater primordial gods that existed before all else, have a mist-baby named Mummu. Two more gods form in the mix of salt and fresh water, notably not referred to as children of Apsu and Tiamat, nor as siblings to each other, but it seems implied. These two are Anshar (male) and Kishar (female). Anshar and Kishar have a child named Anu (god of the Heavens). Anu fathers Ea, who is super-wise and becomes god of the Earth. Eventually he will settle down and marry Damkina, but first he and the rest of his still-living ancestry make a lot of noise and royally piss off Tiamat.

    Now-enraged Tiamat tells Apsu to get the offspring in line. Apsu says he prefers the nuclear option, kill ‘em all. Mummu is on board. Tiamat suggests they chill a bit. They do not chill. They choose violence, and they begin preparations to wage a battle.

    The offspring gods caught wind of their impending demise and got ready. Clever Ea made a trap, put Apsu to sleep, chained him up, killed him until he was quite dead, imprisoned Mummu (because you don’t just go leaving witnesses, ok?), and Bob’s your uncle. Now for some victory nookie.

    Ea and Damkina shack up and have a son named Marduk. Marduk is the wisest and strongest of the gods. Truly, a sight to behold. Ea made Marduk all-seeing and all-hearing, and then also made him bright as the sun.

    Time goes on, the kids get rowdy again, Anu is kicking up a tempest and it angers the Old Timers. Kingu is especially perturbed. He calls out Tiamat for letting all of this happen. Tiamat finally sees it Kingu’s way and they get ready to rumble. Kingu is Tiamat’s head commander.

    It’s important to point out here, I think, the fact that there still does not yet exist an Earth. Or anything. Except the gods and their drama, I mean. An endless void… and god-drama.

    Ea finds out there is another fight coming. He freaks out a bit and asks Anshar for advice. Anshar tells him to be brave and strong and to kill Kingu just like he did Apsu. Ea is apparently super inspired because he sets out to give it the old college-try, realizes on the way that he’s gonna die if he tries to fight this, and promptly chickens out and runs home.

    Anshar tells Anu to go next. Same deal, he’s super into the idea, gets scared, funs home. Good thing there’s another boy, right?

    They tell Marduk he’s got to help them. He basically says “But… it’s only a girl lol” and then goes on to tell them he’ll do it, but they should recognize his most supreme excellence by making his very words govern the fates. The gods call a meeting and decide they will agree, but only if Marduk can do a magic trick first. Marduk makes a towel disappear - and then, reappear ! if you can believe it!

    The gods must have known they were in serious trouble because at this point they agreed to Marduk’s terms. He is now the Supreme God of the Void. Huzzah!

    Storm God Marduk outfits himself with awesome armor and weaponry. He raises seven winds and four beasts, and meets Tiamat in battle. (Kingu fled, scared) He defeats Tiamat. Half of Tiamat’s body becomes the Earth, the other half the heavens. They catch Kingu, murderize him, and use his blood to give life to all mankind.


    Welcome to the Mythology Community

    Greetings all, and welcome to the Mythology board! I have recently embarked on an adventure through early Mesopotamian mythology, and intend to keep exploring more cultures moving forward through history. With that in mind, this space is meant to be a fun and open community for people to chat about their favorite mythologies, share what they have learned, ask questions, and hopefully we can all learn and experience the magic, myths, and legends from the many cultures that came before us.
