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noxy Noxy

Migrated to as of 2024-12-27

Posts 4
Comments 1K
And where did you get that info?
  • They said "not that there's anything wrong with that" about gay people in the 90s. WAY better than most of the shit at the time.

  • When you can't afford Arch Linux
  • fucking runit

  • O Tank of the Market, what is your wisdom?
  • Nice grange display

  • Bernie Sanders says defeating oligarchy now most urgent issue
  • He is independent. Literally not a democrat.

  • Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - PC Announcement Trailer (Coming Jan 23, 2025)
  • NICE. Glad I waited and didn't get it for PS5 first

  • A simple device could help curb accidental gun deaths, but most firearms don’t have it
  • Yeah definitely true and a good reason for the mechanism to exist.

    Just, wow, some of the anecdotes in the article.

  • FBI warns users to encrypt text messages for cybersecurity. Here's how to do it
  • Damnit I was thinking of the wrong Google product.

    You're right.

  • The deer aren't crossing the road
  • scratching my ass has emissioms

  • FBI warns users to encrypt text messages for cybersecurity. Here's how to do it
  • SSL or TLS. No way Google would send that in the clear.

  • A simple device could help curb accidental gun deaths, but most firearms don’t have it
  • Why does that put you on edge? I don't understand at all how it could possibly be risky inserting a mag into an uncocked gun jist because it won't fire without a magazine installed.

  • A simple device could help curb accidental gun deaths, but most firearms don’t have it
  • how the fuck does anyone have a magazine-fed gun and not know that removing the magazine doesn't unload the chamber

    that's fucking scary

    that said, seems like a no-brainer to mandate this magazine disconnect mechanism

  • Why hasn’t the US been trying to fix its health insurance problems?
  • Proof that there are, in fact, stupid questions

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Fuck yeah!

  • Sweaty Peter Thiel stumbles through incoherent answer about CEO slaying
  • He looks like the kind of guy who gets violent when drunk

    and also when sober

  • What would the implications of a US constitutional amendment excluding corporations as persons and the constitutional rights that affords them?
  • the radically different society that would be in place already for such an amendment to be ratified

  • Kennedy’s Lawyer Has Asked the F.D.A. to Revoke Approval of the Polio Vaccine
  • best I can guess is that the goal is to invent new cult doctrines to recruit new members and to further brainwash the existing members

    but at the same time it really does feel like the dipshit actually believes this shit, so.... yeah I'm with ya

  • Toyota Mirai Class Action Lawsuit Says Cars Aren't Worth It

    A Toyota Mirai class action lawsuit alleges California consumers wrongly believe buying or leasing the hydrogen fuel-cell electric vehicles will make their lives easier.

    Toyota Mirai Class Action Lawsuit Says Cars Aren't Worth It

    Such a shame. Fuel cell EVs seem like such a good idea according to Toyota, but the reality of living with one seems pretty terrible, not to mention the problems with producing hydrogen cleanly and making it available affordably and conveniently.

    PDF of the filing available here:


    Unpin please

    I don't like pinned posts always sitting at the top of my feeds.
