I have only ever used simply "git push". I feel like this is a "how to say that you barely know how to use git without saying that you barely know how to use git" moment:-D.
If you don't have autocomplete set up for your shell, get it working. If someone has a different branch named ma..., ask if you can delete it, and get your team to adopt a decent branch naming convention.
I think the reasons was ridiculous. The fact that people didn't like the word master anymore. But I'm used to it now, so fine, let's use main. It makes sensitive people feel better.
The thing is that for a majority of cases, this is all one needs to know about git for their job. Knowing git add, git -m commit "Change text", git push, git branch, git checkout , is most of what a lone programmer does on their code.
Where it gets complicated real fast is collaboration on the same branch. Merge conflicts, outdated pulls, "clever shortcuts," hacks done by programmers who "kindof" know git at an advanced level, those who don't understand "least surprise," and those who cut and paste fixes from Stackexchange or ChatGPT. Plus who has admin access to "undo your changes" so all that work you did and pushed is erased and there's no record of it anymore. And egos of programmers who refuse any changes you make for weird esoteric reasons. I had a programmer lead who rejected any and all code with comments "because I like clean code. If it's not in the git log, it's not a comment." And his git comments were frustratingly vague and brief. "Fixed issue with ssl python libs," or "Minor bugfixes."
I had a programmer lead who rejected any and all code with comments "because I like clean code. If it's not in the git log, it's not a comment."
Pretty sure I would quit on the spot. Clearly doesn't understand "clean" code, nor how people are going to interface with code, or git for that matter. Even if you write a book for each commit, that would be so hard to track down relevant info.
Yeah, I think that guy only got a superficial understanding of what Uncle Bob was saying.
My policy as a tech lead is this: In an ideal world, you don't need the comment because the names and the flow are good. But when you do need the comments, you usually really need those comments. Anything that's surprising, unusual, or possibly difficult to understand gets comments. Because sometimes the world is not ideal, and we don't have the time or energy to fully express our ideas clearly in code.
My policy on SCM logs is that they should be geared more towards why this commit is going in, not what is being done. And what other tickets, stories, bugs it relates to.
“Fixed issue with ssl python libs,” or “Minor bugfixes.”
In other news, never work more than one person on a branch (that's why we have them). Make a new related issue with its own branch and rebase whenever necessary, and don't even think about touching main or dev with anything but a properly reviewed and approved PR (in case they aren't already protected), or I'll find and report you to the same authority that handles all the failed sudo requests!
Also, companies that disable rebasing are my bane. While you can absolutely do without, i much prefer to have less conflicts, cleaner branches and commits, easier method to pull in new changes from dev, overall better times for the reviewer, and the list goes on. Though, the intern rewriting multiple branches' history which they have no business pushing to is also rather annoying.
It's not git that's complicated. The work is complicated. git is just one of the tools that programmers use to manage the complexity.
I also think that some people get too hung up on having a "clean" history, and trying to "fix" the history after it has already occurred. I usually have enough problems to worry about in the present, without also trying to worry about the past.
This is so incredibly dumb, though I’m sure I don’t have to tell you this. That comment will be buried in the git log if anyone ever fixes a typo on that line.
Once you understand that everything is similar to a tag, like branch names are basically tags that move forward with each commit, that HEAD is a tag that points to your current commit location in history, and what command moves what kind of tag, it becomes easier to understand.
Suddenly having a detached HEAD isn't as scary as you might think. You get a better understanding of fast forward merges vs regular 3-way merge.
Also understanding that each commit is unique and will always remain in the history and can be recovered using special commands. Nothing is lost in git, unless you delete the .git sub-directory.
For folks unaware, the technical git term, here, is a 'ref'. Everything that points to a commit is a ref, whether it's HEAD, the tip of a branch, or a tag. If the git manpage mentions a 'ref' that's what it's talking about.
Oh fuck. I didn't think of that. Than you for reminding me.
Edit: Ah but you can only run this in your local repo. If you happen to push anything, you might not be able to run it on the remote. Many DevOps platforms won't allow it.
Aye, most of my 10 year career in web dev is pretty much those commands. However, some advanced git concepts are worth diving into. Stuff like git bisect that can narrow down the exact commit that broke your app is an absolute life saver. Knowing how to git cherry-pick is also a git skill professionals should be comfortable doing. Migrating work from one branch to another without merging the entire branch is pretty common.
Everywhere I've worked, you have a Windows/Mac for emails, and then either use WSL, develop on console in Mac since it's Linux, or most commonly have a dedicated Linux box or workstation.
I'm starting to see people using VSCode more these days though.
The entire IT ecosystem is built around Linux, because it's so prevalent in servers, containers, budget hardware and the open-source community.
Yes, many companies don't understand that and expect their devs to be productive on Windows. But in my experience, that's an uphill battle.
In my company, we get very little IT support, if we decide to order a Linux laptop and we still have significantly less trouble with getting things set up to start coding.
Not to mention the productivity boost from having all the relevant technologies natively available + being able to script whatever you want.
Isn't this only the case in github? All my repos are based from master, and I would assume that's because I init on the command line and push up to the remote?
I made do with my IDE, even after getting a developer job. Outside shenanigans involving a committed password, and the occasional empty commit to trigger a build job on GitHub without requiring a new review to be approved, I still don't use the commandline a lot.
But it's true, if you managed to commit and push, you are OK. Even the IDE will make fixing most merges simple.
These threads drive home the point that a GUI of some sort is far superior for most users. I use git kraken, but in the past I've used git extensions as well, and I take advantage of so much more git has to offer than pretty much everyone here.
I swear people just want the cli to be better so they claim it is, but I really don't get how. Especially for quickly scanning the repo, doing diffs, commiting partial files, history, blame, etc.
I think HR is just ill equipped for technical interviews, but they try to conduct them regardless.
Was denied a position because HR felt my experience "lacked depth" which I still can't understand 3 years later.
Did the same role at a larger company. Had more responsibility than they were giving me. Developed my own tools for job automation. Grew their business from nothing to half a mil a month. Experienced all stages of growth and realized massive success.
After that interview I kept getting technical interviews and getting passed on because I was too senior for the position
With automated CI, I've had very few times where bisect is useful. Either the bug was introduced 1-2 commits ago, or it's always been there and the exact commit is irrelevant to the solution, since you just fix it forward.
All these comments and no one is going to point out that this is invalid?
The git stage and git commit don't have any terminator, so it's all one "command" and will fail. Then there's a single & between git commit and git push, so it would run in parallel, so it would also fail.
Also, don't git stage . people. Or at least do a git status before to make sure you didn't stage file-with-all-the-production-secrets