I will say though, I've been suspicious he's had long standing plans to just dump Tesla at some point in the near future anyway. I'm hopeful the point he was planning to jump ship and sell off his stock has gotten beyond his control and he can't do it without majorly fucking himself over.
Aside from everything else he's done to get deeply involved in the oil and gas industry, what made me really suspicious was when DOGE removed all EV charging stations from federal buildings for not being "mission critical."
If he thinks civil war is necessary but doesn’t think corporations will be casualties… then what does he define as civil war? Where less important things die? you know, those umm.. soft gelatinous things. People, yes people are expendable.
This soft and gelatinous thing looks forward to a place to expend his umm, anger and frustration.
I'm still not convinced that isn't just insurance fraud to try to recoup some money for junky cars no one wants while pretending he's a political victim.
The best thing about this is that Tesla is massively overvalued. Like, the stock price is more than 20x what it should be based on Tesla's earnings.
If Tesla had a reasonable value, then hedge fund managers and other rich people would probably be buying it while it was temporarily down and getting rich as it went back up. But, with it so insanely overvalued, it's much more likely they'll short it or buy put options and hope to get rich when it finally crashes.
Yes, it was at something like 30x overvalued, now it's only 20x overvalued.
Glad you mentioned Toyota. Their P/E ratio is approximately 7. Tesla is approximately 100. If Tesla were a well run car company with a lot of good vehicles and an anonymous CEO who nobody hates, the fair value of their stock would be about $14 per share. It's currently $236 per share.
Someone is going to make mountains of money shorting Tesla stock, but unfortunately it's going to be someone rich. The market can remain irrational much longer than normal people can remain solvent. Some rich dude is going to take the risk though and make out like a bandit.
I think it's what we want too at this point though.
Serious question, what are we meant to do with all the die-hard Trumpers? Like there are people who are willing to kill for him, people who have gladly sacrificed their relationships with their friends and family for him. Even in the absolute fantasy world where the U.S. gov could be fixed via electoralism, we'd still have about a third of the country that is hungry to kill the other 2/3rds.
At this point it looks like our options are either re-education camps, or bloodshed.
genocide? cool and good. black bagging people for protected speech? yeah, pretty fucking cool. letting people die of preventable disease and disaster? yeah, what are you, gay?
but damaging a car? you're basically the worst thing a person can be.
not damaging a car, what he considers attacking his ego by damaging his worthless scrap heaps. Weight on the word his, as they remain his cars even if you pay for them. he can take control of them or do whatever so you literally can't even own a tesla, only suck up to musk.
How the hell do Elon and other oligarchs feel so safe to call for a literal civil war? He thinks the other side cares more about fighting Joe Bob more than the billionaires? Such strange delusional behavior
Historically, that is how elites have always maintained their power, so yes. It’s just a lot more difficult to 1) mobilize an overworked and comfort-seeking populace, and 2) we are more interconnected than ever before.
The power of propaganda is being seized by the people. We create the content. We cover current and localized events (in actual real time) because it’s our actual communities. We know who is who and what is what.
Yeah, it'd be better just to cease their purchase and let them sit, completely useless. A burnt car gets an insurance payout. What about throwing those giant stickers on the windshield that don't peel off without ripping and leave a ridiculous mess? There was a Russian YouTube channel where people would do that to people driving on sidewalks.
He does think everyone is stupid. You should read the article his first wife wrote about him years ago. He called himself an Alpha among other cringey things during their wedding reception. EM has a superiority complex and bitches about weaponized empathy while weaponizing empathy by claiming to be a victim and, and his father allegedly put it, "retarded".
You know what's horrific and evil? Cutting Medicaid and social security for millions of people because your billions of dollars isn't enough money to make up for the fact that you're a giant man baby.
I was looking for someone saying this. He was envisioning a bunch of us poors fighting each other when he called for civil war. He never thought it would be all of us against him.
It really does show that violence might be the only way to get through to these people. Not that I would ever advocate for such a thing directly myself of course of course. But if this is the only thing that gets their attention, it seems like he's inviting more of it.
Your self-driving Teslas literally drove a woman to the sea where it acted as her watery coffin, this was also the sister-in-law of a major Senator of the party YOU support
Can't imagine what they'd do to people you actually don't like.
I thought it was a pond on a ranch and she was drunk driving and the primary issue was the doors wouldn't open so she drowned in the car? There was also recently a Cybertruck that crashed and burst into flames and the doors wouldn't open so the teenagers inside were burned to death in what could have otherwise been a survivable crash.
The problem is the physical latch is hidden for esthetic purposes. So when something happens that cuts power to the main door release, it's not easy to find the physical latch.
So for liability purposes they get to argue that those people weren't locked in, they just didn't know the safely mechanisms well enough.
In other words, they're built to kill you and get away with it.
The funny thing is, he doesn't even feel it that much. His ownership of Tesla is peanuts compared to SpaceX, where the contracts with the government are. Just some food for taught 🤔
Elon has done some impressive things but his voice carry’s as much weight as the president. Even more. To call for civil war seems reckless and will stir up the MAGA side. So with all his money and power he isn’t able to form some kind of mediation between all parties. He could be a beacon of reason and peace with his immense wealth. Why choose this path so quickly.
The more I look into that, the more I question this.
He has has bought companies that have done impressive things and tarnished nearly to the point of ruin all but one of them.
He wasn't the brainchild behind any of these products; he was, at most, the person who convinced venture capitalists to invest and the one who bargained with lawmakers to allow them.
I'm increasingly seeing brilliant people who have dealt with him in person mentioning that he has quite sub-par reasoning skills, and we're seeing more and more of that in the news.
Well documented Elon literally hasn't done anything impressive. His whole thing is buying into other companies and claiming to be the inventor/founder.
America on all sides is woefully bad at bullshit detection. Anyone that constantly talks themselves up should be scrutinized relentlessly