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HunterLF HunterLF

I am a student at Computer Science and I have too many photos of my cat. (I'm a guy, god... I need a girlfriend... -_-)

Posts 2
Comments 11
An immense weight on a great man
  • He wasn't always like this, he was a normal person, a good comediant, but when great and heavy responsibilities come, you change with the times, and for this man, times have been hell. I don't want to be him, knowingly sending my troops and young people to die because of a (insert a bad word for Putin).

  • What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • To be loved and hated at the same time, you just have to choose a side in politics, so, fuck Trump. I don't have a problem with the Republicans/conservatives. I think conserving one's nation and culture is important, but not attacking anyone and everything with discrimination. And I won't even get started on tariffs. The ones that will pay for it will be the everyday person, not the multi-billionares and milionars.

    "We're gonna nuke each other up boys 'Til old Satan stands impressed" - As the world caves in, Matt Maltese

  • European All Purpose Online Shop?
  • Oh, that's too bad. It would be such a big win if they start making deliveries outside Romania, being that they are so big there and a potential competitor for companies in the EU.

  • European All Purpose Online Shop?
  • In Romania they have, I heard that they are looking to move to other countries too. They are pretty big there.

  • Is there a way to run online-fix games with lutris?
  • Thanks, I'll try when I get back home

  • Is there a way to run online-fix games with lutris?
  • Thanks, I've already done all the above, I even tried directly with Steam trough lutris, set up the path to the exe, and registered the ID of spacewar(480) for the multi-player hack, it starts but it gets stuck at something, and never starts the game.

  • A day in her peaceful life
  • Besides helping me find the cursor, it's a nice distraction for my cat :))

  • A day in her peaceful life
  • Damn, she does. Only the colors are different, I love how your cat looks at you.

  • A day in her peaceful life
  • Nah, she never jumped, only stais on the back legs and hunts what moves on the screen.

  • A day in her peaceful life
  • She is almost the same size as a havanese bichon. Big enough for me. She is a loveable size :)


    Yes, I love it.

  • Photo for a frame
  • She is, I like to annoy her sometimes. She always gives me only worning bites :)

  • A day in her peaceful life

    She is always with me. If she is not hunting for my cursor, she is sleeping or watching videos with me on my lap, and she always sleeps in every place I use the most, like my side of bed.


    Photo for a frame
