On the left is Babyman, also known as Chickenman. He has two names because he's either a babyman where he's all cuddly and wants to be cozy or he's a Chickenman because he looks like an uncooked chicken as he runs like a madman all over the house when he's hyper.
On the right is Freyja. Typically goes by 'Frey', but when she's in a hyper mood (which is extremely rare) we call her 'Turbo Cylinder' because she's very tubular in shape at high speed.
Nickname: Emmerly. Sometimes I sing "Emmerly and Ivory" to her 😁
Name: Charlotte
Nickname: Char-Char
I also refer to them as "The Sisters" or "The Fabulous Staredycat Sisters" since they are in fact sisters from the same litter and love staring at me, visitors, and each other 😄
A rare moment of them getting along outside of having fun playfighting:
I did still have to create a profile for my keyboard called CAT which disables all buttons for when he decides to forgo the 10000 beds and little spots he has, to instead gaze at my keyboard and think "This right here? This is mine. It is bed"
Anya (she and all of her litter mates were named for Buffy TVS characters): frequently referred to as Fluffy Girl, Hissy Face, or Lady Shedsalot
Ozymandias (named for one of my favorite poems, but also to kind of keep with the Buffy theme): Oz, Ozzy, Bubby, Fuzzy Boy, Big Boy, Squeaky, Fluff For Brains
This is Zoe, aka Princess Zoe Peanut Butter Garbanzo
She got the name peanut butter from a delivery guy one day who was helping move in a new couch. She just went up to him friendly as can be and the delivery guy just went “hey peanut butter” and the nickname stuck.
"No really my name is Alcatraz! Like the prison island. Dennis is just a nickname. I swear! Also you haven't met my girlfriend because she goes to a different school, I talk to her on AIM."
I had a cat named Buddy, and he would get up to a lot of mischief so we'd often refer to him as "the monster". Once you start calling your cat "Buddy monster" you'll find you're a very short distance from "monster of buddies I'm pulling your strings".
Here's Buddy after wrecking his Christmas-themed RV:
AKA Isabella, Queen Isabella Greypelt, Izzy Busy, Isabella Busy Boo, The Puke Monster and The Monochromatic Quadropus. At least one of those has one of those inane songs to go with it.
She's occasionally called: Scootybutt, Scooterella, Scoots, Scootyscoots*, Scuttles, Scuttlebutt, Scoutster (only ever used by my mom lol), Scootypuff Senior (a la Futurama, but she's too old to be Junior. Scooty is 12.)
(*Edit: I should add that when using this one, it's always pronounced as "ScootySCOOOOOOOOOOOTS" in imitation of our friend who coined this while drunk.)
We pretty much only call her Scout at the vet
I'll add a picture when I get another break from work
Edit: pic tax
Looking guilty after I caught her licking a plastic bag
Asking for attention/if she can steal my chocolate croissant
We also have a Scout. We also call him Scoochy, Scoutabout, Scootums, and You-Motherfucker. He's orange and only uses his brief braincell time for evil. He once turned the gas stove on by himself.
Not a cat, but I adopted a dog whose name was Doc. I started calling him Docky and that became Ducky and then he started responding to that so now that’s his name.
He has a brother named Dexter that I obviously call Goose lol
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Scruffy aka Big Boy. Since i can't seem to upload, he has no teeth and a floppy ear. When he arrived on my doorstep 6 years ago, his fur was matted, his mouth bloody and inflamed (stomatitis, which got his teeth pulled) and he has a BB permanently lodged in his side from some asswipe that shot him. About 16 pounds.
The standard issue one is Morpheus, and the orange is his younger sister (from a different litter) Avocado Toast. Together they are the international pop duo Morphy and Toasty (don't have anything sillier than that, though I will try to use any that get suggested).
They're cuties! I love the trend of having a 'sillier' official name and getting formal for the nickname! Is Taco Bob a big fan of tacos, or is it more of a vibe thing?
I think Pliny not being Elder or Younger is a missed opportunity though :P