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meekah silly goose meekah
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How to make a month go by as fast as possible other than sleeping
  • +1 for jigsaw puzzles and music/audio books

  • I just realized all my teachers use ubuntu
  • Idk, I honestly like the windows 7 look. But using it after security updates have been stopped is just plain stupid.

  • How much success have you had with modded Skyrim specifically?
  • p̵̡̨͙̙̞͕̩͙̗̦̹̭̪͎̎͗̂̏͛͌͑r̴̗̻̚ȃ̵̯̀̃̈́̈́͛ì̸̙̖̤̘̯͓̞̼̞͝s̷̻͋͌̾͆̔́͋̄̃͌̀̕e̶̜̬̟̠̫͉̝̤͍̦̅̍̂̄̔́̈́̉̆ ̴͖̺̥̜̫̻̻̅͊̈̅̎̈́z̶̢͕̞͔͍͐͌̇̈́́̌̓̓͜ȧ̸̹̠̗̤̞͂l̴̡̯̝̹͇͙̜̤̝̳̝̟͚̓͂̂͐̆́̀̇́̈̈́́̃͝g̸̢̡͈͙̺͕͚̙̏͊̾̒̆́̇̃̒̀́̅̐͜͝ǫ̷̛͙͇̰̤̖̱̬̣̈́͐̍͌͜ͅ

  • What's your biggest gamer achievement?
  • I rarely finish games but rdr2 is one of the few I did finish.

  • Why do some Americans get angry at other people for not speaking English?
  • Sure it's incorrect, but saying someone is racist because of that is asinine. It's not like they said that they are worse people just because they're immigrants, it was just a shortcut for saying "people who speak languages other than English in day to day conversation". Don't get hung up on such details.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • I'd say it's more like "Poppo". The English popo for police would be "poh poh", I think.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • Popo is a word used in German to describe a butt

  • Question: How to Calculate Just Pay for Work
  • This is such a non-argument. Of course a business needs to take care of its expenses to survive, and then some. The question is how to appropriately distribute the budget for worker's pay.

    No CEO can work 300x as hard as the other workers.

  • What good things are going on with your weekend?
  • That sounds really nice! May I ask what you did?

  • What good things are going on with your weekend?
  • I finally saw beardyman live yesterday! It was an absolute blast.

  • New to Linux - Some beginner questions about Bazzite
  • Regarding your issue with RES, I had the same problem. I think what fixed it for me was copying the link of the popup that requests the permission and opening it in the main Firefox window.

    I definitely found my solution through google, so if what I said didn't work, try googling for "Linux Firefox res permissions" or something.

  • What specific variety of some fruit do you prefer? (A particular apple, a certain mango, etc.)
  • I love Jazz apples but pink lady never grew on me. They are like polar opposites, I think.

  • Laptop randomly playing media

    Edit: sadly, Auto Tab Discard did not fix my issue. Firefox is also set to block audio (including video with audio to my understanding) by default, which I never changed so I don't think that helps with this issue either.

    So I installed pop on my laptop a few months ago, and recently got another one where I installed arch. On both laptops I mostly just watched series, and often times I'd just leave the laptop with the media player still open.

    Now to the issue: Randomly throughout the day, it would just start playing whatever I left open, usually after a few hours of being left alone. Now that I think about it, I think it was only crunchyroll. Does anyone experience anything similar, or might even have an idea as to how to fix this or what causes this? Is it just crunchyroll being buggy?


    My cats 1st birthday is coming up, what kind of treat should I get him?

    I was thinking about some raw fish or something like that, he seems to really like salmon. Any suggestions or things to watch out for?


    How do I say "stay hydrated" in japanese?

    I am designing a tshirt with a friend and we wanted to put some japanese on it. Since my japanese is extremely basic (こんにちは、ミカです) I wanted to ask whether the symbols DeepL gave us mean what we think it means. We want to have a skeleton inside a water bottle and the text should read "stay hydrated" and we got these symbols: 水分補給. Do they work in that context? Or are there any better suggestions we could use? Thanks in advance!


    [SOLVED] Bring existing KDE Konsole into focus instead of launching if one exists

    I use KDE on arch and would like to achieve the following behavior:

    Whatever way I launch Konsole, I want it to check whether there already is a Konsole instance. If one exists, it should be brought into focus, and if no instance exists, one should be launched.

    I am unable to find such an option in the Konsole settings, even though I found a roughly 1 year old forum entry mentioning such a setting. Was it removed or am I just blind? Or do I need some optional dependency?

    Alternatively, it would be fine if this could simply kick in when I use my Super+K shortcut, which I've set up. Maybe there's a way to call Konsole from the terminal like that? I tried using konsole --force-reuse but it didn't seem to do the trick, and konsole --new-tab does not bring Konsole into the foreground.

    Edit: Here's a script that does this, by @[email protected]

    #!/bin/bash WIN="$(kdotool search --class org.kde.konsole | head -1)" if [[ "$WIN" != "" ]]; then kdotool windowactivate "$WIN" else konsole fi

    kdotool is available in AUR as kdotool-git


    [SOLVED] Drop ENTR media keys on linux

    I recently bought a Drop ENTR, and I would like to use the media keys. On the website it says that using FN + the F-keys should work, but “Fn hotkeys may work with Windows operating system only.”. Well, for me it doesn’t work. Any ideas as to why that could be, or how I could go about creating a workaround?

    obligatory I use arch btw


    Heroic Games Launcher not finding other drives (solved)

    I have 2 relevant drives. The system drive, and a drive with my game files. The drive with the game files is mounted. However, it is not displayed under "Other devices" and I am unable to select it from /dev/

    Installed it using yay from AUR (aur/heroic-games-launcher-bin 2.14.1-1).

    Any ideas as to what may be causing this, or how to go about troubleshooting?


    The perfect soundtrack for american maps

    It's the soundtrack from another trucking game but it's just so hilarious. We almost always put it on our discord music bot when we play.


    Had to help my buddy out a little there

    As a side note, the high gear in the twinsteer is insane, especially with the high range gearbox.


    Looking for someone to play nintendo smash bros with

    I think the community here is much better than reddit, so I'm trying here first.

    I've been living here for a few years now but haven't yet found anyone who enjoys playing smash bros with me. I'm by no means an expert in the game but I am good enough that noone I met here so far was a real challenge. I would describe my skill level as advanced casual.

    I'm also happy to meet in some kind of public space first to get rid of the serial killer vibes, but my goal definitely is a friend to play smash bros with. Shoot me a DM if you're interested :)


    Checking dependencies for manual build and install of software

    I am pretty new to linux so please excuse any foolish mistakes.

    I am trying to manually install gpu-screen-recorder(GSR) to get rid of an annoying password prompt that I can't seem to disable in the flatpak version. I know there must be some way to do it because this prompt didn't show up on Pop!_OS, but maybe it's just not possible on Nobara KDE/Fedora. I noticed in the of GSR, that setcap cap_sys_admin+ep is called on the executable. So if you know any way of replicating something like that for flatpaks that is simpler than installing GSR manually, feel free to let me know.

    I tried checking the dependencies listed, but was unable to figure out how to really make sure they are installed and accessible for GSR.

    For example: I tried checking for libglvnd by running dnf list libglvnd. Sure enough, it returns

    Installed Packages libglvnd.i686 1:1.6.0-2.fc38 @anaconda libglvnd.x86_64 1:1.6.0-2.fc38 @anaconda

    But then I tried checking for mesa, so I ran dnf list mesa. But it returned

    Available Packages mesa.src 23.2.1-1.fc38 nobara-baseos mesa.src 23.2.1-1.fc38 nobara-baseos-multilib

    It says 'available packages', so not installed, right?

    Well, glxinfo -B says I am using mesa 23.2.1, so it seems to be installed, I guess?

    So, just assuming I had everything necessary, I cloned the repo and tried to just run However, of course I get an error message: wayland-scanner: command not found.

    I am a bit confused because I am running on wayland, and checked using loginctl show-session 1 -p Type.

    How do I properly make sure the dependencies are available?


    How do I get rid of excessive password prompts, with the least amount of lost security?

    I understand they are important and are what makes linux relatively secure compared to windows.

    However, when I boot my PC, I don't want to spend a whole minute to type my password into different promts that keep getting hidden behind other windows that are starting up. I am using Nobara KDE now, but previously when I was using Pop!_OS, none of these prompts showed up.

    Currently I have 2 prompts after logging on. One for my keychain when discord autostarts, and one for flatpak when gpu-screen-recorder launches. Interestingly, discord works just fine, with auto logon, regardless of whether the keychain prompt gets canceled or filled with the password.

    Any idea on how to get rid of them? I'd prefer if really only that startup prompt was gone, and it would still ask me for the password whenever it launches any other way.


    YouTube not going fullscreen properly

    I recently switched to Linux. First I tried Pop_OS, and am now on Nobara. On both systems I have this issue, that when I open a YouTube video in a new tab, and immediately start fullscreen, it doesn't properly do it.

    As you probably know, YouTube videos start playing before the whole page has finished loading. There are some placeholders for the title and description etc, but the actual text is still loading despite the video already playing. If I enter fullscreen during this moment, the browser enters full screen mode, but not the video/website.

    What I remember happening on windows is that when the page finished loading, the video would enter proper fullscreen mode. Now, on Linux, that doesn't seem to work and the website just gets displayed regularly with the browser now in fullscreen mode.

    Any ideas on what could cause this or how to troubleshoot this?

    Get Laid silly goose meekah

    I already know this is gonna be an incel community

    bad code silly goose meekah

    If only there was a common feature of programming languages to create a loop that executes until a certain condition is met...


    I moved places yesterday! But...

    ... it looks like ended up breaking my PC on the move somehow... I even went ahead and removed the GPU to prevent it from breaking but it looks like that's actually what ended up being broken 🙃 (I have 4 debug LEDs. When I turn it on it goes from CPU to DRAM to VGA and gets stuck there). I'll have to see if I can get it to work somehow after I get home later, but I'm afraid I was unlucky enough to actually have killed my GPU with static electricity. And of course it had to be the most expensive part....
