How does this handle activities that require increased blood flow? Does it have a little rheostat you crank to 11 when it's time to go for a jog or something?
Because I read the article I actually know the answer! It's the first time this technology has been used in a human, and it's been a huge success so far. Quote from the article
The BiVACOR total artificial heart, invented by Queensland-born Dr Daniel Timms, is the world’s first implantable rotary blood pump that can act as a complete replacement for a human heart, using magnetic levitation technology to replicate the natural blood flow of a healthy heart.
It would be nice if the article said if the artificial heart includes functions such as pumping harder in response to exercise and such, because it isn't entirely clear if it does
Maybe it's implied, but I feel it should be explicitly mentioned
Did some fuckin’ Aussie heart surgeon just breeze into a Home Depot and saunter into the plumbing aisle in his board shorts and flips flops and just whip together a heart out of brass fittings and teflon tape???
Function over form, I suppose. I am pretty sure it's mostly made of titanium and silicone.
It does seems like that sometimes tho, that surgeons are the mechanics of the human body, fixing you up in the most crude ways, as long as it gets the job done.
The Australian researchers and doctors behind the operation announced on Wednesday that the implant had been an “unmitigated clinical success” after the man lived with the device for more than 100 days before receiving a donor heart transplant in early March.
Just in case anyone else also found the title ambiguous regarding whether "100 days" meant he died 😅
First of all: congratulations. Seriously. This is awesome!
Secondly: you designed the most Steampunk looking heart you could. Bravo, truly a capital marvel of fine craftsmanship.
This might be sort if news. I know a guy that had a pump for a heart it pumped the same non stop pressure and he wore a satchel type battery pack forever but functioned fairly normal. Always had to keep extra batteries around and the internal pump had a backup of 30 to 45 mins. This was 15 years ago.
Yeah, my dad was on a bivad 25 years ago for almost a year. Back then it was the size of a washing machine. By the end of his hospital stay they introduced the satchel kind with batteries.
Sounds like a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)! They’re still being used today, although usually as a bridge to transplant rather than definitive therapy.
This new development is definitely exciting though, hopefully it will offer a new longer term alternative for patients :)
I don't recall him ever having a transplant done but again as I said below in the long story you might find interesting. I haven't heard from him in years. It was certainly wild to think about and to realize he has no heartbeat anymore. I'll ask a family member what ever come of him. Hopefully all is well with him. Who knows.
If it was the same pressure all the time, does that mean he couldn’t do anything that would otherwise cause a normal heart to beat faster (run, exercise, feel nervous)? Would he faint or something since his “heart” won’t beat faster?
So his heart was pronounced dead, it didnt function but was left inside I think. I always wondered his abilities and I asked once that very question, particularly towards having sex lol. He used to be an alcoholic and could no longer drink as it would thin the blood and thus mess with the pumping ability.
I don't recall him ever doing anything strenuous and truthfully don't recall his answer to that question but seems like he joked that he could still do it with a woman. He walked slow, talked slowish labored sort of, laughed sheepishly like a labored laugh. Generally looked sick like you can imagine. He drove cars and that's about all I remember. Im unsure if he could turn it up maybe? I haven't spoken with him in a decade. I don't even know if he is still alive.
He got robbed/mugged in a big city about 10 years ago, the mugger took his satchel containing his medical battery bank despite him explaining the battery pack and pleading at gunpoint on a downtown street. He nearly died and an ambulance couldn't arrive in time. A stranger he flagged on the street transported him to a hospital where they somehow got him hooked up to a new battery system. They said he had mere minutes left on the internal battery inside his pump. That was the last info I heard of him. Wild to think about and he told the robber it was a medical pack but they thought it was a laptop bag and took it anyhow, it was more square like a car battery than a satchel but more vertical shaped like a rectangle.
Sounds like a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD). Interestingly enough, with the older implants there is no detectable heartbeat under a stethoscope due to the way the pump functions. Pretty surprising when you're expecting to find one, and has led to it being unoficially dubbed VLAD in reference to the creatures of the night.
This rejogs a partial memory. I do recall he said he no longer has a heart beat. He told me his heart was pronounced dead part or the whole thing I am unsure. I gave a decent story and better description below in another comment.
Lots and lots and lots. All the issues with scarcity of donor hearts and tissue compatibility would just go away, and the main constraint on heart transplants would become the availability of a cardiac surgeon. Far fewer people would die while they were on a waiting list, and there would be much less incentive to drop anyone healthy enough to survive the surgery off the list entirely.