Imma do this, but in Europe.
Kind of related: the largest supermarket in my hometown used to put "country of origin" flags next to wine bottles only. Now they're expanding them, aisle after aisle, to everything, it seems.
I like that there’sa Canadian maple leaf on all the Canadian products but I would prefer an American flag on American goods. I don’t mind buying European or products of other countries, just avoiding the u.s.
do people feel they need to screenshot as they don't want to appropriate it or is it just a convenience thing where cutting and pasting text does not work so screenshots instead? Im curious as I have a text bias.
One reason could be that it makes the post start with three implicit upvotes because you know there are at least three other people who like this idea.
Sounds good, but it depends on each individual market's management whether they'll have their lowly peons do the extra work of undoing that every time.
The workers would still be paid for the re-facing of the product. Maybe the store would realise that USA made products aren't worth stocking if there's more wages required to fix up the shelf aesthetics. Workers are employed to work, if there isn't work they'll get sent home or have their shifts shortened. I don't mind having to work at work, it's what they're paying me for.
You most likely didn't mean it that way, but I'm seeing an alternate, unpleasant interpretation that can be misconstrued from your words.
To use an example, it's like those people who leave products they reconsider buying in random places due to being lazy, then say something like "I'm helping the workers stay employed by giving them work to do." Which isn't a very nice thing to do.
I don't think that at a personal level there are many people who would say "yay, more work" in this kind of situation...
The only problem with that logic, at least from my experience working retail, is that no jobs would be added just to face the shelves faster. The existing workers would just be expected to spend less time on every other task during their shift to make up for it.
It's the same sort of logic as people who just like to leave carts anywhere they feel like in the parking lot. Someone gets paid to retrieve them after all, right?
Remove the price tag that's typically on the shelf below the product. It's usually just a little paper insert behind some plastic.
Little US flag or Trump stickers that you can discretly add to packaging.
Placing the products upside down is a good one.
For loose produce: place fruit or veg in the little carry bags that are usually nearby, as much as you can fit. Then, just put the filled and tied bag back.
Exactly, especially jobs where you don't have to directly interact with customers or management while doing it. I loved stock room work for the same reason
Labels would be better but US producers aren't going to label their products voluntarily are they.
It's a great way to communicate foreign products to other shoppers and remind people that buying local is still important after the news cycle moves on.
It may be somewhat inconvenient for employees but that will financially inconvenience employers and encourage them to discontinue more foreign product lines.
Labels are not always sufficient. Labels for Country of Origin or Made in Europe (or China) can still mean that the profits go to USA, would for me also be a reason to look for alternatives.
And now Jeremy has to stay an hour after close to face the shelves because his asshole manager won't let him leave until the shelves are in perfect order.
I appreciate the sentiment, but this is just possibly ruining somebody's night that just wanted to clock out and meet up with their friends.
Maybe someone passionate about this movement could distribute rolls of tiny US flag stickers to consumers so they could mark offending products, though poor Jeremy would still possibly be tasked with scraping them off.
I don't know. Jeremy needs a better job but there aren't any.
FWIW I worked in a supermarket. Go nuts, nobody cares. My asshole manager would make me keep moving everything anyways, and I later learned this was to prevent customers from easily finding the things they wanted.
Wasting company time hurt the company, not me. I didn't mind collecting shopping carts either. My friends weren't waiting for me to get off work because the shifts were irregular anyways.
I didn't even care about stuff that risked the store shutting down, because nobody intends to work at a grocery store for very long. Nothing hurt my pay because it was already minimum wage. Go ahead and steal, I sure wasn't paid to care.