This is, I think, an important mechanism for someone to loot the US treasury.
Plenty of other people will be able to loot it also. It might not even be intentional on Trump's part. But it's a standard pattern: A massive transfer of capital into some dubious venture, followed by a mysterious implosion of the value of the dubious venture, leaving the people who were paid mountains of capital in exchange for the dubious venture-stuff smiling broadly at the mysterious outcome, saying "Them's the breaks. Risky investment and all."
Crypto has the added benefit of being a lot less traceable and somewhat less undo-able after the fact.
First he creates his own crypto out of thin air worth billions. Then he's going to make US gov't and tax payers buy his fantasy value currency with real money? You can't a clearer day light robbery than this!
You're forgetting the final part of the plan. Take those dollars and exchange them for gold or a different currency so that when the dollar implodes you still have all your loot.
This one is meant to pay back all the cryptobros who supported his campaign. Still gotta get Congress to authorize funds for it, but the cryptobros have been pumping money into those campaigns, too.
Or materials that take a while to manufacture, but which may be needed in large quantities relatively quickly. Even if it’s not a case of foreign actors, some things just take a while to start coming off of production lines in large quantities.
Shelf-stable food is a good example. You can’t just grow more wheat overnight. Sure, you may be able to reallocate where resources are going to use them more efficiently or start converting more into shelf-stable versions, but your overall food production levels are going to take a long time to actually ramp up, as new crops and livestock take time to grow.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Russia probably has a shitload of BTC to get around sanctions, and are going to rug this stupid Bitcoin reserve.
Why? Because a whole bunch of it is locked up somewhere? That's already the case for bitcoin. Only a tiny fraction of the total supply actually moves. The vast majority is either in abandoned or lost wallets, or being held.
Its counter cyclical like gold is. In a market crash where aggregate demand drops and interest rates fall it can be used as collateral to fund bailouts as it rises in value. At least I assume that's why central banks historically buy gold for undergoing Keynesian economics.
Bitcoin actually goes up far more than gold during QE as well in its short history, and the supply will soon rise dramatically slower than gold, as each 4 years the new supply halves.
Oh yeah... that's a great idea especially since Bitcoin has cratered in the last few weeks and people have lost over $2 billion on trumps scam meme coins.
"Strategic crypto reserve" of several billion in taxpayer funds, and then in several months "oops where did it go? It's all been moved to several different wallets now, gosh how did this happen" and the news cycle will just glaze over it as another Trump blunder while he and his cronies pocket it.
Welp. I look forward s to hearing about how our strategic reserve was hacked away from us by a dozen coders in China who found an open wallet on an unsecured PC.
Trump Crypto Rally Fizzles After Skepticism on Reserves Plan
Coins picked by Trump gave back some initial gains Monday Crypto experts are questioning the benefits of Trump stockpile
If you start trying to buy your meme coin with funds no longer going to federal worker wages, I'm pretty sure that you're going to have a pretty irate Congress.
Last I heard was that instead of selling the crypto they seize from illegal activities/arrests, they're going to hold it in this reserve. So it's not new spending, but it will be a reduction in income for the government.
The article mentions and notes "reserve" vs "stockpile", but my gut take is that he has no idea of the difference and just thought "reserve" sounded better in the moment.
Stocks can be replaced by other stocks and eroded by taxes and regulation, new gold can be mined as new reserves are found and technology develops, but what can create new Bitcoin except one specific asic?
As far as why people would want a currency like Bitcoin with a fixed supply, Project 2025 which Trump is clearly following, talks about mandating the Fed to grow the money supply at a fixed 3% a year; which is a Milton Friedman conservative idea.
This supposedly stops the wild speculation into assets like housing and the cantillon effect, which then requires large bailouts, which causes moral hazard. As it also hurts the poor and the young, who are gatekept when trying to actually utilize the housing for procreation instead of capital preservation, causing fertility rates to fall as price to incomes continue to rise.
Solana and the other shitcoins should probably not be part of this though. That's where it is clearly a gift to his donors, who made his Trump grift coin.