US president said his horrific blow-up would make ‘great television’ – the White House has never seen anything like it
Trump just presided over one of the greatest diplomatic disasters in modern history, with flared tempers, raised voices, and shredded protocol.
Never before has a U.S. president bullied and berated an adversary, never mind an ally, in such a public way.
During a tense Oval Office meeting, Trump and JD Vance attacked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, demanding he accept a peace deal with Russia or lose U.S. support.
The conversation devolved into shouting, with Trump accusing Zelenskyy of being ungrateful and “gambling with World War III.”
The meeting ended in chaos, with no agreement reached.
I'm not American but wouldn't that mean Vance becomes president? It's tempting to think he couldn't be any worse, but trump likes the fucker so who knows?
Sure, Trumpy and JD the Couch Fucker are dead however the new President is Mike Johnson. Looking at the Presidential Line of Succession, it's shit all the way down.
I don't think so, the US isn't like a Parliamentary government where the Government is comprised of sitting Members of Parliament and therefore are subject to the will of the Parliament.
The main benefit of it is a lot of the MAGA movement will wither with him gone. Someone will be a successor to it, but I don't think anyone is as influential to that movement as he is.
I thought that, too. The movement will whither without a charismatic, shameless entertainer as its face and focus; who else is out there like that? Then, it hit me.
Joe Rogan.
But it's not like President Leon is cozying up to Rogan... right?
Honestly, Vance seems even worse to me. Trump has that embarrassing grandpa vibe and he seems too stupid to make any important decisions on his own or realize what he's doing. Vance gives me a determined murderous intent vibe.
Yeah Vance seems like a straight up dangerous psychopath. I’m very scared of him getting more power. (I’m worried already by the immense power he already has) I hope public support galvanizes against him quickly.
Vance is much less capable than Trump (and yes, I realize the complete deapth of incompetence that would imply). The harm that he could do would be negated by the complete inability of anyone around him to take him or any threat from him seriously. Especially those on his own side.
Trump, at the very least, still has the threat of his rabid fans to wield.
Less capable? I’m not so sure, the dude has backchannel smarmed his way into being VP at the age of like fucking 12, he’s smart and ambitious and evil. Bad combination.
After watching the trump, JD, zelensky situation, I lost a big of respect for JD. He acted like a twat. Trump is definitely a better president than him. President that is. They are both douchebags, but so far doing good for the country.
Don't indult your elders, grandpa's have been through some shit. Sadly I can't berate you with realities though as I'm not even close to being that old.
DANGER Will Robinson! we can't threaten people here, not even oompaloompas.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm not a great shot, but at 130m firing from a prone position I would have made that shot 9 times out of 10. Heck, I had my family on the range firing a diemaco c7 (the colt Canada ar15) as part of a family appreciation day in my home guard company. They hadn't shot more than an air rifle before, and after about three rounds each they shot killing shots at a silhuet at 200m.
How that guy could miss is beyond me. Almost like it was intentional.
Oh shit. I just got here. I see Lemmy is dangerously woke too. Wishing someone to die is rather nasty. I do agree putting that on tv was stupid, world leaders should do all their negotiating (bickering) behind closed doors.
Not addressing the rest of the comment, but ”world leaders should discuss everything behind closed doors” is a dangerously shortsighted take. You do realize their job is to represent you, right? How do you think you can verify they are doing that if you are not allowed to see and hear what’s being said?
I mean, given this is the first time in history two world leaders have negotiated a peace treaty on live tv, yeah. That is not a good idea. They need to feel Free to argue and debate for hours without worrying about pride and pr in front of millions of people. But if you are saying transparency and showing every action on tv by presidents etc is good, then are you pro Donald trump? Because no previous president has been this transparent.
Well, it definitely isn't a good idea if you're Trump. I would love to know how Zelenskyy managed to get that kind of a meeting.
What am I saying? He probably just asked. "Hey, I would love to discuss this deal over our very valuable minerals. Let's invite the newsmedia and record the whole thing, so everybody can see what an awesome negotiator you are!" Pretty easy to win a battle of wits when your opponent is unarmed.
I someone blows up a thousand people themselves they are a murderer and its socially acceptable to want them punished. If someone causes thousands of deaths in politics or business we should somehow respect it?
Hoping someone dies is the last thing left after morality is already dead.
I'm not sure what you are stating. I have watched 'all quiet on the western front' and remember being sickened by the bigwigs procrastinating over the peace treaty while every second people were dying. Great movie by the way. War fkn sucks.
It was put on TV on purpose to make Zelensky look weak and make the US look strong (it's called propaganda) and so daddy Vlad can see that Trump is a good boy.
I can happily confirm that the woke mind virus is alive and well on Lemmy.
It didn't work very well, if anything it made zelensky look human, JD look like a prick, and trump look like.. trump? I like what trump and co have done so far to fix the mess of woke and corruption, but even I didn't like trump or JD after watching this. If they really were trying to do as you say, they failed. Big time.
We are woke and bang hot liberal chicks. You are an incel and masturbate to anime and the fantasy of having a tradwife, a fantasy that will never materialize. We are not the same.