Holy smokes. That's nuts. I'm glad I font live there then.
If it works for you, all good. It's not for me though 👍
It served humanity just fine for decades. My car is 25 years old and never ran anything over. Look before you get in, check your mirrors, crane your neck, look over your shoulder, activate parts of your brain. I plan on never owning one of these over complicated modern cars. You do you though I guess.
I thought you LGBTQ were supposed to be accepting?
Explain. What is bad about less corruption, more freedom of speech, less waste of taxpayer dollars, less wars, fair sports, less catering to the mentally ill, instead of yes manning them, actually offering them therapy, less racism, sexism etc, less dei. More catering to the 99.999% of the population.
I have yet to see YouTube ads on brave, but are you saying that will soon cease to be the case? Bugger.
They are called rear vision mirrors/ side mirrors, and neck muscles.
I use brave and librewolf, anybody know if those are still safe from this dort of thing? (Probably not I guess, so what browsers are left?)
I could have done without the paragraph of insults, but overall, cheers for pointing me in (hopefully) the right direction to find some sanity on the internet.
Woman only in woman's sports, sounds fair to me. Ending corruption in politics, giving soldiers who lost their jobs for not taking the experimental jab back their jobs, revealing the jfk, mlk files, trying to reveal the Epstein files, improving efficiency in governments spending of hard earned taxpayer dollars, ending wars etc. sadly trumps personality has gotten in the way of some of those, but so far, so good. I'm sick of people ignoring all the clear good he has done and just screaming 'nazi' and 'hitler' which is an insult to anybody aware of history. Those words involve pure evil. Don't use them in vain. If trump starts sending people to gas Chambers and murdering races he didn't like, I'll be there with you screaming 'nazi Hitler' at the top of my lungs. That's not reality though.
How ix believing a man is a women because that's how they choose to identify 'reality leaning'. The far right are nutters, historically the left was somewhat sane, but these days the right ard the bee left, and the left are mentally ill communist loving extremists. How on earth fo you not see that?
So you're saying stupid people like to lean left as to appear intelligent?
I know, I got a 3 day ban for a silly reason from reddit. I figured it was a good time to make the move to Lemmy, it's even more leftist activist over here. Like tenfold. It's insane. I cang believe I'm saying this, but I'm looking forward to getting back to the standard low level leftist nutters.
Why can't we have nice things darnit.
Hi, sorry. I'm new here, what does your rainbow pentagon thing next to your name mean? Cheers.
Less screens? Why does a car even need one screen?
Don't indult your elders, grandpa's have been through some shit. Sadly I can't berate you with realities though as I'm not even close to being that old.
Ugh. Ok. If you lot are as nice and accepting as you like to claim, could you point me in the direction of a website with normal people to talk to then? Cheers.
It didn't work very well, if anything it made zelensky look human, JD look like a prick, and trump look like.. trump? I like what trump and co have done so far to fix the mess of woke and corruption, but even I didn't like trump or JD after watching this. If they really were trying to do as you say, they failed. Big time.