Iirc, if you're 60 today, around 75% of human CO2e emissions were created during your life time. The number may be a little off, but the point is: since emissions have steadily increased, it's very likely that the majority of emissions were emitted during your life time. Which also explains why shit is getting crazier very right now, as emissions are on a level never seen before and still rising.
That's when dad's started yelling a little bit less at kids leaving the doors open in the winter. It's really gotten out of control since then. Between this and light switches being left on with a thorough shouting, modern Dads are pretty much to blame and not spanking children probably has something to do with it too.
See, I used to remember being able to go outside and play during the summer when I was a kid. Now days it seems like of you dare go outside in the summer you'll be a puddle of sweat within 30mins.
Then comes in trump who just waltzes over everything and aims course straight for hell
Let the world burn, I don't want to one about it anymore, I'm done, I'm burned out, nobody who can make a difference gives a shit.
Unless tomorrow all the rich and powerful in the entire world disappear, nothing will change, so I'm just going to sit here, enjoy the sunset while we still have fresh water and food and I fully expect most or all of humanity to be gone within 50 years
It's easy to make statements like that before desperation sets in. Starving is an awful way to die, death after nuclear fallout is excruciating and slow, you won't enjoy any sunsets when the smoke from burning cities fills up the sky.
50 years from now when you're freezing in a cold muddy ditch, you'll be wishing you died a martyr taking the 1/1e10000 chance to fix it.
Edit: I'm legally required to clarify that martyrdom can result from non-violent acts 🙂