The French model is how all governments should be.
Humans are dynamic evolving creatures. We keep changing how we operate, believe, function, accept or don't accept. Government should be written and then placed on a 100 year limit. After that, everything should be rewritten and reorganized to adjust to a newer or different age. Rather than waiting for the aging system to fail because it is outdated, change it peacefully by placing a time limit on everything.
It's a pipe dream because everyone knows that wealth loves keeping the status quo for as long as possible. The wealthy also know that peaceful transitions would slowly erode generational wealth and power. While at the same time, violent changes usually pass wealth onto the same group of people who go on to cement the status quo for as long as possible all over again.
A new way of counting votes, removing the ability to accumulate mandates would be good starters, and a constitution agreed upon by people from all walks of life instead of the elite. Maybe also some restrictions on the president's powers.
Sometimes I wonder if all the anti French memes on the Internet are planted to keep citizens of other countries from realizing all of the things France is just objectively better at.
I just read a blog where so done was expressing satisfaction that government was being scaled back to what was listed in the constitution, and encouraged people to take the 80k (which I assume is referring to the downsizing Trump is trying to do). Putting those two statements together, this person just effectively said that the FAA needs to be removed since it isn't enshrined in the constitution.
This is just to point out that some people vehemently disagree with you and France, no matter how absurd that may sound to us.
For those not familiar with the system, a new republic just means a rewriting of the constitution. Which isn't considered to be a sacred text, just a set of laws that have to be updated every now and then.
Right now, there is some ongoing debate regarding the fifth constitution (and therefore republic), with a number of people thinking that it might be a good idea to start a new one from scratch as the current one puts too much focus on the role of the president.