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What is your BG3 unpopular opinion?
  • fully agree, I was gunning to for that ending for all of act3

    gale best boy, love him

  • What is your BG3 unpopular opinion?
  • I find Astarion severely overrated

  • Realizations about my transition and just feeling hopeless
  • only 4 comments from this account, all calling transfems male on trans posts

    dude created an account just to shit on ppl in trans communities

    go touch grass mate

  • If Start menu ads in Windows 11 aren't bad enough, something worse might be on the horizon
  • "we respect your privacy, so please accept the cookies from our 1542 partners"

  • US approves Rafah op. in exchange for no Israeli counter-strikes on Iran - report
  • "yeah yeah sure you can do a little more genocide as treat if you don't start another war"

  • Linux gaming rig
  • it's a trackball I recon

  • How come so many chapters have unknown primarchs ?
  • Yeah I never thought about loyalist successors of traitors legions, that makes sense

    Thank you

  • How come so many chapters have unknown primarchs ?

    Hi, as title says. Seeing how the the gene seed are supposed to be tested regularly by the admech for mutation / chaos corruption, shouldn't it be super easy to run a quick analysis from a gene seed dna sample to and get a match that way ?

    I get that 10000 years is a long time, but some dna material from the primarchs has to still be in there for the space marine making process to work right ? For the same reason the blood angels successor chapters still have the red thirst inherited from sanguinus.


    words search
  • leonin fighter, Imma just build battle beast from invincible lol

  • Can't Angon remove or have his butcher's nails renoved now that he has ascended to daemonhood ?

    As the title says, now that he's a daemon prince that keeps repawning, can't he just remove his butcher's nails since it's still causing him pain, even if it kills him from the operation, he'll respawn anyway.

    Or if he doesn't want to risk doing it himself, can't it just be done techno-warp fuckery from the dark mechanicum?

    Or with the help of Vashtor ( yes the great game I know, Korn probably won't allow Angon to be intebted to Vashtor in any way. But still it should doable technically, right?)

    Thanks !
