The media is trying to paint a picture of him as a right winger so they can better control the narrative. Read his actual social media posts and you can see that it's much more nuanced than that.
The media is also trying to paint a picture of him as a left winger. But his overall "wing" does not matter when we support him for his message
He didn't kill the CEO of Planned Parenthood or the dean of a liberal college. He killed the CEO of one of the most evil companies in an evil industry - something we can all get behind
Right. It's just yet another example of progressive ideas being popular with everybody, so long as it's pitched in a vacuum without any labels attached. Everybody wants better healthcare. Everybody wants cheaper groceries. Everybody wants privacy in their bedrooms. Everybody wants money out of politics. But most people aren't paying enough attention to realize that they're actually voting against these things when they vote for conservatives, no matter what those conservatives pretend to stand for.
I agree, but so many leftists on lemmy have told me they don’t want democrats working with Liz Cheney regardless of her message that we must stop Trump from getting re-elected.
I wish people would focus less on ideologies and more on solidarity for a cause.
They interviewed one of his friends from college who said that “Luigi tends to be on the left economically but not agree with the leftist identity politics”
Seriously, though. I mean, if you see someone helping an elderly person cross the street, do you go up and ask them what their political alignments are before you decide it was a good deed?
We talk a lot about left and right wing and what it means here. If you're destroying elite power structures you are to the left of the king. There is zero ambiguity there.
That's pretty simplistic and puts the cart before the horse. Political coalitions are not a new phenomenon, nor are picking up your politics from your social connections. That was exactly how politics worked in Rome. Hell in Constantinople their coalitions straight up sponsored chariot racing teams and ended up burning the city down . Your membership in a coalition was dependent on who you received patronage from.
My point is, from the essence, from it's meaning to the days of the third estate, breaking down power structures is left wing.
I saw that video the other day. While I think that it’s true that there are social reasons why people adopt their politics. You’re extending that fact a bit far to say that fact nullifies left/right understandings of politics.
That isn’t to say you shouldn’t have class solidarity with right-wingers. But it is a delicate situation because you also must maintain class solidarity with the groups right-wingers have been taught to hate.
Left leaning people do too good a job of shooting ourselves in the foot by alienating people who don't 100% prescribe to the same beliefs we have. The reality is people are all over the political spectrum and that's not always a bad thing. Finding common ground and working together is what governance is all about.
Nah right wingers don't give a shit about purity testing. Evangelicals don't give a shit that Trump isn't a Christian nor do Nazis care that Cruz is a mexican-Canadian. If you're pushing in their direction thats all they care about.
Purity testing is a uniquely leftist problem and it's part of why it's so damn hard for the left to organise and accomplish anything ourselves much less appeal to the broader public.
The FBI has literally exploited this to destabilize activist orgs since the 50s with COINTELPRO and likely long before that.
He’s also 26, and was raised in the bubble of wealth and opportunity. For him to even have half of the radical ideas or to have read the Unabomber’s book is growth in of itself.
“What radicalized you?” dear reader, and more pertinently, at what age? Let’s not pretend we all were born as fully actualized and capable philosophical beings that were always right and never had to develop and grow.
unironically it was just having one conversation after class with one of my professors when i was a freshman in college. i don't remember exactly what we talked about, but i vividly remember the feeling of it afterwards, and walking away much more aware of all the things i didn't know. radicalization was a slow and steady process after that, but that conversation was definitely an inflection point
Similar vibe-check that metastasized over time for me. Having an outright socialist friend who could argue plainly and calmly with conviction, set that mental brushfire that others can and do think radically differently, and they have a different lived experience that defined them and their path.
In seeking to understand a lot of theory of thought and politics, I found the political language and framework for the discontent and disillusionment I knew but couldn’t comprehend.
It also helped that I lived in an unabashed surveillance state, that the public at large actually wanted and defended from criticism or legal change…
Which Luigi did. He liked the main thrust of the argument, but found the methods of the unibomber to be distasteful and lazy.
And I tend to agree.
Attacking the people at the bottom does nothing. Attacking the assholes at the top however... They are the real enemy making the world a worse place, so it just makes sense to target them specifically.
When I realized how politicians fake incompetence to avoid liability. It's not corruption if you fuck Up and break contracts with penalities in the Billions.
US 3 letter agencies will start telling people left of center that he's a "right wing Qanon nutjob", and simultaneously tell people right of center that he's a "radical marxist".
Like IDGAF, even if he was right wing or even far right (which we don't even know if he is or not), that's still the fault of mainstream media propaganda that caused him to have those views, so he's still the victim of propaganda.
He has some right wing views on his Twitter, but I don't think there's any like explicitly pro Trump/ anti LGBT stuff that I've heard of. But yeah I completely agree.
No, we're supposed to be focusing on a made up migrant crime epidemic and pets being eaten. We can't look at wealth inequality until those issues are solved. /s
If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.
That's a solid article. Sounds to me like Luigi is generally on point, or at least intellectually curious and flexible. He sees beyond the tribal buffoonery that encapsulates many of our lives. He has my attention and support.