Ah - my depression era grandparents never threw things away. One reason: they could re-use the object if it were durable enough. And they did.
By the '80s (maybe earlier?) they were complaining about the culture of trash. Their survival instincts were telling them to save and re-use. Their shiny new culture was telling them to throw that shit away.
I won't link it, but an image can be found easily. Right now I'm looking at a New Era Potato Chip canister that lives in my office. (It's weird - seriously, google it. "Feast Without Fear.") It's still good for storing things.
I save things expecting to reuse them, but then I am disorganized and often can't find them. Often with little computer accessories. So, even if I do need to reuse a dongle or cable, I can't find it and order a new one anyway.
I am glad that I am not the type of person who collects items thinking they'll increase in value, or I'd probably become a full blown hoarder.
There's that and the "this could be useful later" mentality. Things like empty cans, bread ties, old computer bits, loose tools etc. And though I'm not even close to hoarder (more of a minimalist) saving some stuff has really come in handy, like old cables or aforementioned bread ties
It's funny, but more realistically, a hoarder at this mangetude usually has strong emotions tied to items. It can be that it reminds them of something or someone, or they feel a huge amount of guilt at even the thought of tossing it. Could be guilt of climate change or guilt of the item's purpose being wasted. It could be as simple of being afraid of being in a situation and needing one again.
Even the hoarders that explain their horde by way of earning money (this will be worth something) is just using it as an excuse to horde. They tend to like the idea of what it could be and enjoy imagining the project, but don't actually enjoy the action of doing the project. The connection to hoarding items is hoarding the imagination of it, and having the physical thing makes that imagining much more real to them.
we still have grandpa in a box in the garage because my mother refuses to get him an urn or go sprinkle him over the lake he liked. he's followed us through three houses and I'm concerned I'm going to inherit grandpa.
There's a really good YT channel called Midwest Magic Cleaning, who cleans hoarder houses for free. He talks a lot about the "potential" of an item vs it's current value.
Hoarders will keep an item because it has potential, but the item will never "actualize" that potential. Thus the current "value" of the item is just taking up space
He also talks a lot about the emotional attachment, as well as the actual panic disorders that can be triggered by someone attempting a cleanup.
The comic is funny, but it's not really a good representation
Not how mental illness works, but go off, I guess.. 🙄
(but don't really, this kind of bullshit only deepens stigma and misunderstanding of how it does work, and makes those who suffer feel even more alienated)
Pretty uncool to be making fun of people with a mental disorder.
The person depicted in this comic is clearly a hoarder and is clearly drawn to be visually reminiscent of a Neanderthal or another less evolved variant.
Hoarders need help and treatment, not made fun of.
...But I guess punching down is how people have fun.
That's not what I read here at all - it says "I should keep this." Many of us have an urge to keep things, and in many cases we're justified in doing so. Every person has had the experience of evaluating whether or not to keep an object, and I would guess most people have come up with specious reasons to tell themselves they should keep a thing. Hoarding is just taking that to the extreme. Because this comic is recognizing a tendency in one's self it seems completely misplaced to say it's punching down.
Everyone in this thread is absolutely roasting the artist right now by saying her self-insert looks like a Neaderthal and spreads a bad image of mental illness.
Every joke is scrupulously analyzed for the slightest tinge of character outside of the norm of a leftist echo chamber.
I'm a leftist as well, fellows, but do we really need to take offense to literally everything?
It's a comic, from the two measuring cups guy from when Biden won. He can't draw that well, but he's still cool. I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt your widdle feelings too bad.