Pretty uncool to be making fun of people with a mental disorder.
The person depicted in this comic is clearly a hoarder and is clearly drawn to be visually reminiscent of a Neanderthal or another less evolved variant.
Hoarders need help and treatment, not made fun of.
...But I guess punching down is how people have fun.
You have nothing to base that off of because you aren't the artist are you? All I see is an artist who has good varied character design, a character with admittedly a unibrow, and two people on the internet getting offended over something nonsensical.
^ This person does not understand how critique works. Sad shame.
You don't need to be the artist to form an understanding of the artwork, use context clues to ascertain meaning, or intuit subtle ideas. It's visual art after all, not prose.
Further, identifying an ugly quality which is presented plainly doesn't mean we're offended by it, it means we're observed something the creator showed to us. ....or do you automatically assume anything you don't like is bad? I probably should have asked but, are you very young?
You clearly don't have an understanding of the artwork, you've made an assumption of a depiction based off of a stylistic choice. E.g (monobrow equals neanderthal) and did you really just ask that while automatically assuming I'm very young?
That would be like me assuming since you immediately resorted to attempting to attack me as a person you have low intelligence and are a bad debater, but I would never assume something so crass.
I didn't make that assumption.. you're confusing me with Mac who made comment which started the discussion. Adults with fully developed brains tend to be a little better at storing and recalling information like this, just FYI. Stay in school.
That's not what I read here at all - it says "I should keep this." Many of us have an urge to keep things, and in many cases we're justified in doing so. Every person has had the experience of evaluating whether or not to keep an object, and I would guess most people have come up with specious reasons to tell themselves they should keep a thing. Hoarding is just taking that to the extreme. Because this comic is recognizing a tendency in one's self it seems completely misplaced to say it's punching down.