If the tables were turned the GOP would've fast tracked the trial and sentencing to put Biden or whoever in jail immediately and then let the courts decide if he gets out by default on inauguration day. Think like an asshole! Fight dirty!
Somehow I think thousands of employees could literally strongarm the individuals pushing corruption and holding them back.
Like, when did we forget that there's power in numbers?
So because your boss says some dumb fucking thing, but a thousand people on your team disagree with it and think it's idiotic... but y'all are gonna buckle down and do whatever dumb shit your boss said anyway?
Because he can fire every single one of you and replace you overnight? In a specialized government job? As if.
This could be solved overnight if ANYONE in the DOJ had some fucking balls.
"But this one guy at the top whose only power is the name of the position and in reality he's just some schlub in a suit like the rest of us but he's promoting some really damaging ideas for our institution as a whole... Maybe if we care about our institution we should kick his ass to the curb."
No, Americans are fucking cowed and more than willing to just roll over and do whatever some schlub with no real power other than being their boss tells them.
That's why we're sleepwalking into fascism. Because everyone in a position to stop it is a giant fucking pussy who accepts zero risk to their own personal lives to keep fascism at bay. They're far more worried about themselves than they are about the future of the country as a whole.
I really hate how the people in charge of the systems by which a corrupt leader is kept in check are biting their nails over what precedent they might set by actually punishing a president who in all likelihood has sold out American agents to foreign actors, and definitely has staged a coup and been found guilty of at least 34 other fucking things.
What precedent are you worried about setting? The right God damn example?
It will, they'll get to work harassing activists and whistle blowers. Laying the ground work to dismantle beneficial systems in place and most of all begin indicting those that oppose the regime.
Vote local for people to protect your rights locally. The federal government will no longer feign to benefit the working class.
What is Trump's brand again? Remember his game show's theme song? Something about being a proudly greedy fuck? The same thing Americans have been indoctrinated worship and aspire to since the Reagan Revolution?
Thank the bipartisan worship of market capitalism and greed for Trump, for the rejection of academia, for the ruins of public education, the end of regulation(like antitrust) and law enforcement as it stifles profitability, for the end of the habitability of the planet... on and on.
And we're still unwilling to reject economic growth/metastasis and working against one another to get moar as our only pursued national goals, even here, at the fucking end. Pathetic.
I wouldn't vote for him with a gun to my head, but let's not kid ourselves, Donald Trump is about as representative of this shithole as it gets. He's like the United States as a country took human form, a fat, proudly ignorant, proudly greedy, ego score obsessed bully in an ill fitting suit who would sell his own children for the right price. He's more American as it is than apple pie ever was, and at least as American as our national pastime of school shootings. 🇺🇸
Does it matter? They're all going to be replaced with personal attack dogs anyway.
Lindsay Graham can fuck right off with his projection lying-ass bullshit "the people are sick of lawfare, we're done with that now that Democrats are out."
It makes sense for those relatively powerless employees who devoted themselves to the non-doublespeak mandates of these organizations to be "demoralized."
Come January 20th it's going to be the Department of Justice which concerns itself with injustice against political enemies, the Department of Health which concerns itself with unhealthy pseudoscience, we'll have a director of national intelligence which concerns themself with undermining US intelligence, and so on... Orwell couldn't have been more prescient.
Seems that any day that ended in a y, demoralized the DOJ with as much gusto as they seemed to lack actually charging and prosecuting, always errering on the side of caution, allowing the fascist criminal to take control of the United States government, well, as lock as they didn't stick their necks out, they'll still lose their jobs, to people who will destroy the entire rule of law. Good work, folks, excellent public service.
It could be because their bosses wouldn't let them do their jobs. Now things will be even worse. They will be set like dogs onto people for political reasons, while still unable to prosecute those who deserve it.