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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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What is your preferred way of downloading youtube videos?
  • Maybe the command line version is consistent, but day to day I prefer not to do command line. I've tried like 5 different GUIs and they all have failed downloads, incorrect formats, and other issues just doing test downloads. I don't know why, but it's been a problem every time for me.

  • What is your preferred way of downloading youtube videos?
  • You should listen to all the yt-dlp comments, but I've always had trouble getting all the yt-dl variants to just download the best version and subtitles consistently.

    I use 4K Video Downloader, and it's easier to use. It has a 30 video per day limit is all, which is more than I need.

  • From raising alarm to backing Biden, Democrats in Congress grapple with debate aftermath
  • I thought you were going to say California or New York. If you think Minnesota won't be in play in November, you haven't been paying attention to 2016 and 2020. Minnesota is not immune to rural grievance demographic shifts and it's been too close for comfort lately. Please vote like your vote will actually affect the election.

  • From raising alarm to backing Biden, Democrats in Congress grapple with debate aftermath
  • I think the most interesting thing about the debate fallout is that republicans, who usually will pile on and gaslight and push the Overton window to the right no matter what the reality is, are basically impossible to even hear over the distress and doomsaying on the left wing.

    That's because we're doing their job better than even they could.

    Look, it was a bad debate performance, but this is 2016 replaying all over again, and these repeated commentary cycles are overkill. We're focusing all our attention on a non-representative bad detail for a democratic nominee. Republicans love that for us, and it's fantastic for them. We are letting a less-than-two-hour block consume us, our momentum, and drain our morale. And every second we're not focusing on Trump and him being a (thanks to the Supreme Court) literal king, and what that could mean for us, is another shovelful of dirt out of democracy's growing grave.

    I get it - everyone is screaming "Biden should drop out" with the best intentions (mostly). Trump is the anti-Democracy. He needs to be stopped. But I actually don't think the debate was bad enough to warrant all this desperate doomsaying. I know what Biden is. He's a well-meaning but old guy who probably needs time and the support of his staff to understand every issue. But - sorry if this pegs me as crazy - that doesn't really bother me.

    And Republicans have been spending the last 8 years learning to distort Trump-related reality - not only ignoring inconvenient truths about Trump, but actively Orwellian double-speaking ahead of time. They are much much better at this, even without this unforced error. So unless we're ready to get out in the streets to demand Biden step down (which republicans certainly have wet dreams about), or can personally call up Biden to convince him to drop out, I'd suggest we stop feeding these self-destructive news cycles.

  • Trump Lawyer Argues Fake Electors Were “Official” Presidential Act
  • If you're afraid republicans are going to shoot democracy in the face, the answer is not to shoot democracy in the face before they can do it.

    Everyone seems to think that it's naïve to not do first what we expect the republicans to do once they get the power. But just because the Supreme Court made fascism legal, that doesn't make it any less fascism to do it.

  • Yep
  • First past the post elections. If we had ranked choice or runoff elections, more parties would appear.

    Instead, in FPTP, every vote that is not for one of the two highest-polling candidates is objectively a wasted vote. Game theory dictates that the only rational choice is a vote for one of those two candidates, since the possibility of a third party gaining enough votes to win in any single election is nearly infinitesimal. So instead of many parties, all candidates self-sort into one of the two viable parties. Any candidate that does not is a protest candidate or deluded, but in either case, there is no hope of actually winning.

    So what about primaries? The primary system decides the candidates, but even that is tainted by FPTP, because primary voters have to guess which will perform better in a FPTP general election and often vote against their ideal candidate in the hopes of winning (or, not losing) the general.

    In short, until we structurally reform elections to be ranked/STAR/runoff/etc to remove the punitive effect of voting for your actual ideal candidate, we're stuck with a prisoner's dilemma election every time.

  • Apple Vision Pro's Cheaper Version to Bring Bigger Displays with Lower Resolutions with New OLEDoS
  • The "aspirational brand" value is a bit of Apple-ception, though. The really, really, luxury-level wealthy people buying Vision Pro, to inspire the just really wealthy people to buy the Vision Basic or whatever it's called. It still is the price of the highest-end iPhone, and it's far less functional.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they treated the Vision Pro as Apple's version of the beta product - top-down rather than bottom-up testing.

  • My reading progress so far this year
  • Napkin math: So slightly less than two books a week? Like 280 pages or so per book, two per week, so 80 pages a day? Roughly?

    That's great, I'm happy for you. But hey, if you have a machine that puts more hours into a day, please share with the rest of us, we're dying out here.

  • Supreme Court overturns ex-mayor’s bribery conviction, narrowing the scope of public corruption law
  • The dumbest part about this ruling is it treats every bribe as unrelated to every other bribe. The majority ignored the basic trait of every human with a prefrontal cortex, that we judge future planning by past experience.

    So even ignoring the "first bribe is free" effect of the decision, what will happen in effect is that legislators and politicians will pass laws they think will gain bribes, be paid by interests that benefit after the fact, and after that without a single word, have an understanding that such back-dated bribes can continue indefinitely. Regular, consistent bribery is legal and easy, under this ruling.

  • What is the best way to reinstall Windows after a MoBo/CPU upgrade while maximizing app/file/configuration retention?
  • If you're upgrading your boot drive too (didn't say if you're using nvme or just SSD), cloning it is fine. If you're not upgrading the boot drive, I'd just put it in the new system, let Windows figure it out, and have your safe mode process ready in case you need to uninstall video drivers or other things causing problems.

    There's a good chance something will go wrong, but troubleshooting that is almost certainly less work than reconfiguring tens or hundreds of program settings.

    Of course, I'd create a clone / image and save it on your new HDD just in case.