Very important distinction. I’ve deleted the apps long before, thinking i’d keep the account to occasionally look at someone’s feed. When they publicly reinstated neonazi accounts, it was the last drop in the ocean
If you merely abandon your account, the change can be seen in the MAU statistics. If you delete it instead, you’ll make sure you won’t slip in the future. Either way, investors care about the active users, because the total number of accounts isn’t a very useful number to them.
You didn't do that a couple of years ago when Musk decided to push his own posts and right wing content to the top of everyone's feed? I dropped twatter that same day.
Mastodon works well, tell your twatter refugee friends.
Lol, nothing like waiting until the last possible moment to do the tiniest thing that won't even accomplish anything at this point and then writing an article about it.
It's past time to delete X. The platform is just as bad as it was a year ago. People couldn't be bothered to do the simplest fucking thing until they realize, "Whoops! I was supporting fascism!"
To be fair, I've been on there calling the fascists and Trump apologists out. The pennies they get from ads pale in comparison to the fact I bought a Tesla years ago womp womp 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🫤
At this point in time, anyone left on the platform formerly known as Twitter, is either a fascist, or at least think that fascism isn't that big a deal.
Because, as an example, some very important services communicate solely through Xitter. Emergency alerts, fire depart, governmental bodies, etc. Do I despise that? Yes. Do I ask them to move? Yes. Are they? Hell no.
For a lot of marginalized people Twitter was a place to escape to and find like-minded people, I can see how it's hard to make a new place feel as homely. Most of us here left another site because we didn't agree with the leadership so it's a very biased group, "just do the same thing we did". Not everyone is in as privileged of a position though and it might be way harder for them to leave than you can imagine, especially if they're addicted to it.
That is just not true. I hate twitter but i still use it. I am autistic and follow very specific things on it and while i also use mastodon and bluesky, there is barely anyone that has the same current interests as i do.
I don't like it but i also don't completely want to alienate myself from people i enjoy talking to and seeing their stuff. I try to follow them all on mastodon and bluesky if they have an account there, but not everyone has that.
I have all ads blocked and purely use it for my hobbies.
So suggesting that makes me a fascist is absolutely ridiculous. We are trying to move to another platform but its not as easy as you make it out to be.
Same as Lemmy. I love Lemmy. BUT there are things that just so not exist here yet that do exist on reddit.
And i have no interest in making a community for it either as i don't want to moderate anything.
So because there aren't other options that are as good for your personal interests, you are OK with using a fascist supporting platform. But somehow you think it's unfair to say you are sort of OK with fascism, since you are using a clearly fascist supporting platform.
You know, that's called compromising your ideals for convenience. And if you are American you got what you deserve with Trump.
Seriously? It's a social media site that openly support and spread right-wing misinformation, how is that comparable?
People have no say in where they where born, and not all have the luxury of packing everything and move to another country, supporting a social media site is a choice.
That's just not true. My mate uses it to follow music bands they like. The problem we have with X is that everybody uses it so you have to use it you wanna stay in the loop. I don't use I myself but i can understand why people still do.
Ooohh if it's for MUSIC I guess it's OK to be a fascist.
But you know the bands go where teir followers are right? And he is supporting bands that ALSO don't have a problem with fascism.
It goes both ways.
If you are a major contributor in a niche community, you can publicize your move with info of how to keep following you and syndicate links to your content on your desired platform for a set time then leave. On your desired platform let followers from Xitter know how to follow you (email, rss, bridgy, etc) if they don't want to join your desired platform.
If you are mostly a content consumer or have FOMO, use a bridge not an account. DM all the friends you want to keep of where to find you then leave. is a great Xitter bridge for the fedi.
In either case, there isn't a reason to keep am account there.
Except everything is related to politics. The price of the bread is politics. The roads made, politics too. Having to pay the doctor or not, politics.
Politics is not "what the politicians do". It's "affairs of the cities", from Ancient Greek πολιτικά (politiká). And everything that affects more than one person is an "affair of the cities".
Bullshit. I have an account on X since it was Twitter. No post, no followed people, no follower. I don't use my timeline. I just use it because many dealers use it as a channel to communicate with customers through DM. I'm a a fascist?
Stats don’t care if you are or aren’t, you are +1 to the equity that Twitter uses to get money through advertisers, which gets funnelled to Elon and his interests, and now Trump. This leads to reducing your overall opportunities through fascism that contribute to you finding comfort in what your dealer is supplying you. Quit hitting yourself.
Way too late to "fight" them this way, it's already served it's purpose for them. Everyone needed to have done this like a year ago, dummies. But yeah, still delete it anyway.
Yeah. It served it's purpose, he bought a mass social media outlet, let it run wild, influenced elections, spread hate and normalized even more extreme views to fuck with all the world. The damage is done. Claiming doing something good at this point when it should have been done at the early signs but everyone would call you paranoid is just non sense. Crying wolf and all that bullshit.
It was a cesspool of (Russian? Troll Farm?) propaganda attacking Harris for not having any accomplishments for the last four years, complaining about housing, grocery, egg, and gas prices, “fixing” America, a crapton of pro-jesus stuff, pro-Elon comments and reposts, government money going to “illegals” instead of hurricane victims, and a ton of made up lies. …
All of which were as transparent as fuck why they were wrong. VP’s don’t make policy, so what accomplishments should she have? Housing has been going up for a decade+, it’s not new, egg prices were normal while the pics were of organic egg prices and expensive grocery carts had hidden high cost items or just straight up lied about the cost, gas prices are the lowest they’ve been for years. Jesus stuff praised trump, America, tons of AI generated “holy” trump pics, bashed atheists, posted Elon’s BS pseudo-wisdom, Ignored the $20Bn spent on hurricane relief in favor of a few hundred million housing the undocumented workers living in the affected area…
It was infuriating. Because they were so obviously wrong…blatantly, in-your-face, completely fucking wrong. It was a constant flood of lies. Eight out of nine posts were BS.
But as soon as the election swung in Trump’s favor…poof…it went quiet. Hardly a peep. Gone.
And I realize that Threads was captured completely by troll farm bots spewing right-wing propaganda. And it was a waste of time. So my account will be deleted.
Not give up. Just move away from corporate owned social media which generally has biases baked in and allows for easy manipulation by the company. The one we're on right now is not one of those and there are lots of other alternatives. Not that they're perfect, just that money and especially wealthy individuals aren't able to easily and singlehandedly manipulate millions of people by purging factual but dissenting information.
as someone who made their own instance, talk about it to family and friends and try to convince them to jump on mine, I definitely have not given up. your completely valid talking points are null and void unfortuntately, my social circles are unable to get people they interact with to jump ship as well. they just want their family and friends to see their posts and don't really care what's going on behind the scenes..
Its me trying to convert people to use signal all over again, but i won over many of my colleagues and family by telling them to jump on signal as my birthday gift years ago..... maybe I'll have people sign up as a Christmas gift for me this year lol
I just tried that...went searching for a room and amongst some software package rooms the two I stumbled upon that made me nope the fuck out are "COVID-19 truth" or similar, and some pro-trump mafia thing that had the n-word in its description. I tried to search for something even in the state of california and the closest I got was a gay hookup channel.
Sure, do it for your mental health, but it won’t do anything else now. That ship has sailed, been torpedoed, and is now chilling at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
I have never used the app anyway. I used Flamingo and when they killed 3rd party apps I've just been using browser instead. Lets me block ads that way too.
edit: im on bluesky and mastodon and I don't like twitter. I have to specify it because this website is reddit.
the idea that deleting one of your social media accounts will have any effect on donald trump or elon musk is some starship troopers "I did my part!" meme gif garbage. you did nothing for your country by doing this. it's not a civil deed. you didn't fucking vote. it isn't a protest.
you imagine you have politics while you jerk yourself off into a toilet.