The person who set the fires said they wanted to be arrested, and it wasn't politically motivated. Unless they give evidence to the contrary, there's no reason to not believe them, especially since they had a prior arrest warrant outstanding for something unrelated.
Edit: Wow, lot of astroturfing going on here, or people who didn't read the article.
If you're seeking a felony or many, no better way than to do something to the USPS. Glad the damage was minimal to the ballots and that this person maybe can get the help they need and seemingly were screaming for internally.
I dropped mine in the county's drop box so I don't have to risk letting USPS destroy it or "lose" it. Make sure you follow up to verify that your ballot was received AND accepted.
If there's one branch of law enforcement you don't want to fuck with it's the US Postal Inspection Service. This person is about to do some time. They do not fuck around with the mail.
I think DeJoy has pulled back their enforcement somewhat - to the point that violence against mail-carriers has had a HUGE spike. Hopefully this is still covered though.
This is actually my local post office, where I dropped off my ballot last week. They have taped signs above the mail slots in the extended-hours lobby that said “ballets” need to be handed to a specific window (meaning a worker during business hours). I can imagine there may have been some people who couldn’t visit during the 8:30-4:30 USPS hours who utilized the outside mailboxes. This really sucks for them.