As picturesque as this turned out, it was tough to spend an entire episode with Harmony. I wish Mrs Selvig had made an appearance.
This is actually my local post office, where I dropped off my ballot last week. They have taped signs above the mail slots in the extended-hours lobby that said “ballets” need to be handed to a specific window (meaning a worker during business hours). I can imagine there may have been some people who couldn’t visit during the 8:30-4:30 USPS hours who utilized the outside mailboxes. This really sucks for them.
Is this similar to the Lincoln Project? They were really active in 2020 to get Republicans to vote for Biden, and they had some anti-Trump ads playing around this year’s RNC.
Edit: typo
I still don’t understand why he was speaking there in the first place. I read the press release that he would be there, as well as the statement by a Black author/presenter that because of his presence she would not be - it doesn’t sound like it was planned out much in advance. So does anyone know what NABJ’s purpose was with this interview? (I assume Trump’s was chaos and/or intimidation.)
I had a friend in college who took a course where they were supposed to break nonverbal norms. They decided to break the norm that you’d don’t sit right next to people in a movie theater. They & their partner went to a nearly-empty theater for a film and sat on each side of the only people there. I now have headcanon that that was you.
Run Lola Run. It’s either time travel or an exploration in quantum immortality.
I’m curious but don’t know where to find this info: Is this truly affecting the IPO? I had heard it suggested the IPO was imminent, so has all this public pushback affected the timeline and/or probability of it happening at all? It would be such a delight to see Spez’s strategy end in real consequences.
But I’m a Cheerleader is an AMAZING film! Love that so many icons were in it.