Somebody should United Healthcare him, I hear that makes the stocks go up.
Asking for "facts" while referring to a work of fiction.
Well, shit. I guess my point is that the only things worth removing are legitimate trolls and people completely off topic as opposed to "things the mods disagree with or don't like".
Boy, I sure wish they would though.
Rules for thee and not for me.
I shouldn't have to do that. Or if they're going to be available somewhere anyway they should simply provide the link to the log in the newly deleted comment.
Moderation shouldn't be anonymous either, we make cops wear badges with identification.
All on the taxpayer dime. Judges should be made to retain malpractice insurance just like cops should.
Just curious, for the sake of clarity. Do you mean they were looted from Mexico, and therefor are no longer available to Mexico as a source of trade/pride whatever. Or do you mean that Mexico looted them from other places and so has no right to brag about them in the same way that the British have never done anything of note aside from stealing from other cultures and then NOT USING ANY OF THOSE SPICES IN THEIR FOOD!? Okay sorry I got sidetracked.
From about 20 years+ ago actually. Curious how many kids you've got over there fellah, assuming you even know, "Assman".
Here's hoping they get the United Healthcare treatment.
I'd love to know what he said, if not for the fucking mods removing every other god damned comment on this shithole website. Already looking for a new alternative.
Why do a simple thing like use a scientifically tested device when you can humiliate and waste the time of the individual, in the hopes they will do something even more incriminating and possibly result in you having to (murder) subdue them with force, with the added benefit of paid leave while they investigate that you did nothing wrong?
Only sending their best! (Literally)
Is that your guilt speaking? Already pop a few out without thinking at all about what their future lives must look like? Nice one.
They've been talking about climate change for 25+ years. Not being aware is not an excuse.
All these fools out here having children, dooming them to suffer in this shithole of a reality. Good job parents. Selfish pricks.
No. Shit.
Yeah they weren't like "This might be a thing" they were like, this is definitely a thing.
This is the stuff that makes me want to abandon Lemmy and return to Reddit. Why does it do this? Is there a fix?
Why can't I expand images and videos beyond this arbitrary border?