The person who set the fires said they wanted to be arrested, and it wasn't politically motivated. Unless they give evidence to the contrary, there's no reason to not believe them, especially since they had a prior arrest warrant outstanding for something unrelated.
Edit: Wow, lot of astroturfing going on here, or people who didn't read the article.
He was saying there's reason to believe they thought this would be a high profile, non-violent action that would get them attention as well as arrested. I.e., that the arrest and attention were the primary motivations moreso than a political one. It was just a standard, blue USPS post box, not a specific county ballot box (those actually have fire suppression for this reason), so it seems reasonable that this person is just an unstable idiot, not a politically motivated unstable idiot.
He was previously arrested for just showing up to a work site, assumed homeless, and sitting there, and then trying to take an officers gun "because he 'wanted it' and 'because it’s cool.'" He was then restrained with duct tape. Lol
Who knows, it's dumb and he was arrested though, which is good.
Most people have no idea they have a warrant out until they have an interaction with the police. Most warrants aren't for issues serious enough to send an officer to pick someone up. Not all warrants are for violent offenses.
If you're seeking a felony or many, no better way than to do something to the USPS. Glad the damage was minimal to the ballots and that this person maybe can get the help they need and seemingly were screaming for internally.