Is it really any worse than Gen X's symbol of youthful rebellion being a cable TV channel owned and operated by Viacom so they can advertise music that's been packaged up by the big three labels?
I mean it's run by the biggest kid, so I guess it's understandable that they at least want to check out what their like-minded fellow is doing over there.
I’m surprised that Facebook consistently ranks higher than Snapchat on these charts. I thought younger generations considered Facebook to be for “old people” for just about 7 years now.
It's just not true in reality though. I see people from young teenagers to people in their twenties and thirties using Facebook. It's dominant amongst all age groups and the "Facebook is for old people" trope is a myth that needs to die out.
Yeah but 4chan could actually be fucking solid at time, tg was always fun. Oh and the image board format made the schizo posts fucking hilarious sometime. Also my little pony cum jar, that level of degeneracy is far more isolated on twitter.
No I don't think we should give corpos access to even more identifying info about us. You have a kid YOU have the responytobtake care of them not me. If you believe a kid should be able to go on the internet without proper surveillance it's on you if something happens to that kid not me. I would not give my kids a blank plane ticket to go anywhere they want in the world without surveillance, it's the same for the internet. It's not my responsibility to secure your kid it's yours.
U don’t have to do anything unless u work for the agency that is verifying age. Would you say the same about school shooters? Not your problem. Up to parents to stop their kids. Unfortunately, we allow anybody to create life as there are a lot of bad parents.
Nah I don't want corpos to have even more information on me than they already have.
It's time for people to finally accept again that you can't shield kids from anything, especially if it seems forbidden and interesting.
Also if you really wanted to pick a verification age you would have to go with 25+. 18 years old are just legal 17 years old and 20 years are barely out of school and don't have any experience about anything. 30+ years are stuck in the system and 65+ simply don't care anymore.
Actually raise the verification age to 99+. No wait just ban social media for everyone, it sucks and is unhealthy, go tough grass or something.
But think of the children they must be protected we can't possibly expect parents to be responsible so the government must step in to ensure their safety.
What about we introduce more control from teachers and parents about what devices kids have access to, and give them some supervision too while we're at it?
I propose we take all parents, line them up, and start slapping them in the face until they stop being so fucking stupid.
Alternatively, and more realistically, we accept that gen z and gen alpha are just lost causes and massively invest in schools so maybe in a couple of generations we can break the cycle of stupidity.
You could very easily build the system to perform the age check without logging it to the user's ID since the check only needs to be performed once to create an account and just block anyone without one from seeing any of the content.
Estonia has digital ID based services and they aren't China. In fact China despises them because they've made the cutting edge in digital public services without having to compromise citizen privacy, which makes China look even worse for going out of their way to invade citizen privacy when it isn't even necessary to offer the same safety measures and services.
Would you give your kids blank plane tickets for them to go anywhere in the world alone ?
I guess not, then don't give them a internet connected device without surveillance. It's YOUR responsibility to keep YOUR kids safe not mine. I don't want to be forced to give MY ID online for YOUR kids to be loose on the internet as much as I don't want to see your kids roaming alone anywhere they feel like.